Guest Comment
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Neutron Scattering in Condensed‐Matter Physics
Because neutrons interact with atomic nuclei and magnetic fields in a sample, rather than electron clouds, they provide information that is complementary to that probed by electrons and photons.
Neutron Scattering with Spallation Sources
Pulsed neutron sources in conjunction with time‐of‐flight spectrometry offer both a broader bandwidth of neutron energy and more neutrons with epithermal energy than are possible with reactor neutron sources.
Neutron Scattering in Europe
Major investments in user facilities by Western European countries have led to new scientific applications in areas ranging from spin glasses to the flow of lubricants.
Applications of Neutron Scattering to Biology
Investigation of the structure of biological macromolecules, until recently possible only with electrons and x rays, has been significantly enhanced by the use of high‐flux neutron beams.
Neutron Scattering from Polymers
The great difference in scattering power between a deuterated polymer and its hydrogenous counterpart allows one to determine the shapes and movements of polymers in solutions, melts, gels and crystals.