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Is Dirac's monopole a dipole?
Search and Discovery
Magnetic information technology
Devices that can store tens of billions of characters of information in a few cubic feet, access blocks of that information in milliseconds and transfer it at the rate of tens of millions of characters per second are within our reach.
How the Jefferson Physical Laboratory came to be
The first building in America dedicated to physics opened its doors 100 years ago: “furnished in the plainest possible manner, but provided with everything which intelligent forethought could plan.”
Muon spin relaxation
In an ingenious application of parity violation, physicists are measuring interstitial magnetic fields and diffusion in solids by analyzing the anisotropy in the decay of injected spin‐polarized positive muons.
Science at General Electric
Research underwent profound changes in scale and style during the Second World War; that this transformation also stirred industry is illustrated by the changes at one large laboratory in the postwar era.