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November 1984
ISSN 0031-9228
EISSN 1945-0699
Guest Comment
Quality of science teaching
Physics Today 37 (11), 150–152 (1984);
Search and Discovery
Nuclear dynamical supersymmetry
Physics Today 37 (11), 26–35 (1984);
Until recently, supersymmetry existed only as a theoretical concept; recent studies of atomic nuclei hint that it may be a physical reality.
Ion implantation metallurgy
Physics Today 37 (11), 38–44 (1984);
Beams of ions penetrate the surfaces of metals, forming new metastable alloys with made‐to‐order properties such as increased resistance to chemical and mechanical attack.
High‐polymer physics
Physics Today 37 (11), 48–55 (1984);
An account of this increasingly important science on the 40th anniversary of its APS division finds new discoveries stimulating activity in a vast array of topics.
Thermodynamics and economics
Physics Today 37 (11), 62–71 (1984);
The laws of the conservation of energy and of the increase of entropy constrain the processes by which raw materials are transformed into consumable goods, and therefore have implications for the way economists model these processes.