Search and Discovery
Infrared‐laser‐induced unimolecular reactions
The absorption of 30 or more infrared photons can raise a molecule into a highly excited vibrational state, leading to some intriguing problems in physical chemistry, quantum electronics and statistical mechanics.
Rare‐gas halide lasers
This new class of ultraviolet lasers, very efficient and apparently scalable to high power, promises to be of value in such applications as photochemical separation.
Sub‐picosecond spectroscopy
Examples of ultrafast photoprocesses now being studied include vibrational dynamics of molecules, primary photobiological mechanisms and electronic processes in semiconductors.
Laser fusion
Will a series of nuclear explosions in miniature pellets of hydrogen, ignited to fusion by laser‐light beams, become a long‐term method for supplying the world's energy needs?
Quantum Electronics Conference meets in Atlanta
This year's conference will be sparked by a series of guest speakers, a special session on chemical and molecular lasers, the presentation of the Quantum Electronics Award and an extensive exhibit of scientific instruments.