The composition of our universe
A survey of the evidence that suggests the universe is remarkably uniform in its chemical composition.
Industrial research foundations
Scientific investigation is now so costly, the little fellow with a big problem often cannot solve it by himself. But he can get packaged research from the increasingly active industrial research foundations whose mobile structure is geared to handle all kinds of applied research.
From Archimedes to supersonics
…being some remarks on fluids.
Journal Notes
Institute Doings
News and Views
Footnotes to Security
National Science Foundation; AEC Fellowships.
Stress Phenomena
High‐Polymer Division holds unifying symposium
Princeton cyclotron destroyed
Society Activities
U.S. Committee joins international union; Television joins the family.
New technical photography journal
NBS Expands
New radio lab at Boulder
Conferences Coming
On telemetering; On wave propagation; Colloquium of college physicists.
Honors and Awards
Metals Medal; John H. Potts Award and Medal; MIT fellowships granted; Mascart Medal; Alaskan Geophysical Institute honors Tuve.