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Copyrighting physics journals
Unauthorized photocopying and republishing by other institutions threatens the wide dissemination of research results and the financial stability of our publishing program.
Why the sky is dark at night
In a universe uniformly filled with stars we would expect the sky to be ablaze with light from all directions, according to a 250‐year‐old paradox we are just beginning to understand.
Fifty years of matter waves
Louis de Broglie's conception of the wave‐particle duality in 1923 opened up new experimental possibilities, initiating the era of modern quantum mechanics.
Many‐Body Problems and The Many‐Body Problems in Quantum Mechanics
Treatise on Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 3: Ultrasonic Investigation of Mechanical Properties
Two recent solar eclipses observable over wide areas of the North American continent, plus last year's well observed event in North Africa, have prompted Michael Mendillo and Richard Hart, of the astronomy department at Boston University, to examine the total‐eclipse situation in some detail. Here is a (somewhat abbreviated) account of their paper on “Total Solar Eclipses, Extraterrestrial Life, and the Existence of God”: