30 years of small‐angle x‐ray scattering
In the early days of x‐ray diffraction, scattering close to the primary beam was a nuisance, to be disposed of with a large beam trap. Careful study of this scattering has yielded information on features intermediate in scale between that of the atomic arrangement in a crystal and that of the images in the electron microscope.
Nuclear safeguards: 1. The IAEA program
Nations without nuclear weapons agree, if they sign the nonproliferation treaty, not to acquire them. The International Atomic Energy Agency is preparing to extend its existing procedures to verify compliance with the treaty.
Nuclear safeguards: 2. The US program
Protection of fissionable materials becomes increasingly a problem as private nuclear industry grows. Physicists can help the safeguards program by developing improved materials‐analysis methods.
The study of sound, which traditionally crosses departmental boundaries, finds applications in widely separated fields. Apart from the many established areas of music, noise, speech, vibration, and so on, newer applications to physics research are becoming apparent.