Distill or drown: The need for reviews
The information explosion sparks a need for creative synthesis of facts and ideas. For efficient access to good science literature we must devise new schemes for compression.
Energy production in stars
“…stars have a life cycle much like animals. They get born, they grow, they go through a definite internal development, and finally they die…”
Nuclear research as a source of technology
What is the value to the economy of research in pure physics? The study of the nucleus is one example of pure research that has paid dividends in the production of electrical power, new materials and techniques.
How to live with the Philistines
The physicist is surrounded by outsiders, be they relatives, other scientists, humanities professors or officials. He must increase his interaction with them to survive.
The new organization of physics students
The former student organizations merged to form the Society of Physics Students this year. Its leaders hope to expand the most successful programs and start new ones.