Karl Kelchner Darrow—Writer, councilor and secretary
Twenty‐six years as secretary of the American Physical Society is the latest portion of a career that has included much graceful writing and a reputation for style that is admired everywhere.
SLAC: The accelerator
The Stanford two‐mile linac produces up to six beams. The unusually high current and high energy can be doubled by future expansion.
SLAC: The program
At the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center attention is shifting from construction and testing of the two‐mile machine to the actual experimental program. Large spectrometers, bubble chambers, spark chambers and special beams are being prepared for a variety of experiments that will utilize the unusually high resolution, intensity and energy of the accelerator.
Nagaoka to Rutherford, 22 February 1911
During 1910, the physicist Hantaro Nagaoka represented Japan at two international scientific congresses in Brussels and one in Vienna. This visit to Europe gave him an opportunity to observe the latest researches in the various centers of physics and to renew many acquaintances from his student days in Germany. He called at Manchester before continuing to the continent, and the letter he later wrote to Rutherford is both a description of the state of physics through the eyes of an acute observer and a “thank you” to Rutherford.