Foundíng a famíly of fíddles
New measurement techniques combined with recent acoustics research enable us to make violin‐type instruments in all frequency ranges with the properties built into the violin itself by the masters of three centuries ago. Thus for the first time we have a whole family of instruments made according to a consistent acoustical theory. Beyond a doubt they are musically successful.
Dust‐cloud moons of the earth
Two naturally occurring dust clouds orbit the earth. Their approximate positions have been predicted for almost 200 years, but they were observed for the first time only in 1956. Now observations from the western hemisphere confirm the existence of these “moons.”
Van de Graaff, the man and his accelerators
The scientist whose name has become associated with a class of electrostatic generators used throughout the world has continued to develop improved accelerator designs and to pursue his early ambition of fusing heavy elements.
New foundations for quantum physics
Attempts to understand better the basic principles of quantum physics continue. Because of the epistemological problems involved, the process is often controversial. The present article attempts to derive quantum mechanics from simple nonquantal postulates.