Hope for Army tandem
Science and the war on…
Scientists can and must take the initiative in helping society solve such problems as air and water pollution and crime. We need new instruments to measure pollution and new ways to reduce it. Because the crime rate is rising so rapidly, we require new methods of detection and deterrence.
Comments on Indian institutes
Writing of “An Institute in North Bengal,” in our June issue, Everett M. Hafner described the effort as a “failure”. He gave several reasons: inadequate planning, language barrier, visiting‐staff ignorance of earlier reports and recommendations, flaws in Indian higher education, frustration and insecurity among the Indian participants. He also made several recommendations for more useful future activities: sympathy, patience, careful selection of sites, staff and participants, recognition of India's cultural heritage. Writers of the several letters that follow are sometimes in agreement, sometimes in violent disagreement with Hafner's view. Hafner replies to his critics in a letter which confirms his opinion.