Color science and color photography
For high‐fidelity reproduction of color, films and television would use principles defined by Maxwell and elaborated by Ives. Color scientists are coming back to old ideas that have been neglected for many years.
Physics in Central America
The physics community of Central America is largely concentrated in the universities of the five countries where main efforts are on development of training programs for secondary teachers and the teaching of physics to the citizens. Heavy research efforts await the growth of more numerous faculties and a larger physics public in the region.
Gravitational theory and observation
Fifty years after Einstein formulated general relativity, an expermentalist looks at the observational support for this theory. He finds that the evidence is at least as good for a scalar‐tensor theory of gravitation.
Bad luck in attempts to make scientific discoveries
People who get prizes are usually expected to tell the assembled dinner guests about the research that won them recognition. The recipient of the Fifth Fritz London Award chose instead to describe how he had just missed making a number of very important discoveries.
January in New York: APS and AAPT meet
10,000 people are expected to attend this annual event. Next year the “New York” meeting will be held in Chicago.