The on‐line computer counter and digitalized spark‐chamber technique
Dr. Lindenbaum describes a particle‐physics experiment performed last year at Brookhaven National Laboratory in which one and a half million events per hour were analyzed with an on‐line computer while the experiment was in progress. The author, a senior physicist at Brookhaven, believes that similar on‐line computer‐counter techniques might usefully be applied to other types of physics experiments.
Musings in the museyroom
“…Three quarks for Muster Mark! Sure he hasn't got much of a bark And sure any he has it's all beside the mark.” James Joyce, Finnegan's Wake, p. 383 “Hark…(it can't be) sax Hork…(it must be) twelve”. ibid., p. 403
Theoretical physics
A Report on the Third Eastern United States Conference
Ethical problems of scientists—a summary
The following is a synopsis of a lecture presented in April 1964 at a seminar on physics, history, and society (Physics 520‐D) of the Physics Department of the University of Washington, Seattle. The author is professor of physics at the University of Virginia.