Our universities' research‐associate positions in physics
Research‐associate positions in physics, according to the author, play such a significant role in our country's basic research activity and in the maturation of young PhD's that expansion of the program seems in order. However, caution may be required by universities with regard to the rate at which these positions are established in order to prevent a runaway situation from developing, both with respect to their number and remuneration. The author, who is program director for physics in the Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences Division of the National Science Foundation, states that the views expressed in this article are his own and do not necessarily represent those of the Foundation.
Exploratory research
The following account of the new “Institute for Exploratory Research” which has been established within the organizational framework of the US Army Signal Corps' Research and Development Laboratory at Ft. Monmouth, N.J., is coauthored by the Laboratory's director of research (Dr. Zahl) and the director of the newly created Institute (Dr. Reilley).
Corrections to the American Institute of Physics Handbook
The corrections given below comprise the second such list of errata for the American Institute of Physics Handbook (McGraw‐Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1957). The first compilation of changes appeared in the August 1957 issue of Physics Today (pp. 19–20) and the corrections were made in the second printing of the Handbook. The changes in this new list appear in the third printing. Notification of any further errors that come to the attention of readers of the Handbook will be gratefully received. Such information can be sent to Dr. Dwight E. Gray, Coordinating Editor, AIP Handbook, 306 Northwest Drive, Silver Spring, Md.