Physics in the CSIRO
(otherwise, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Australia)
Apparatus for educational institutions
The Report of a Committee of the American Association of Physics Teachers
Physical Science Study Committee
A Planning Conference Report
Sun Commission Report: Document SUN 56‐7
The following report of the Commission for Symbols, Units, and Nomenclature of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics represents an extension of the Commission's report “Symbols and Units” (Doc. UIP 6) which was reproduced in the November 1956 issue of Physics Today. The present document is carried at the request of the SUN Commission in order that American physicists might be informed of its contents prior to the meeting of the US National Committee of IUPAP in May and the IUPAP General Assembly in September. It should be noted that publications of the American Institute of Physics continue to follow the usages indicated in the AIP Style Manual. Comments concerning this report should be sent to the chairman of the SUN Commission, Prof. H. H. Nielsen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
George B. Pegram: Retiring Treasurer of the American Physical Society
The following is the text of a testimonial address given by K. K. Darrow, Secretary of the American Physical Society, at the Banquet of the Physical Society and the Association of Physics Teachers in New York City, Feb. 1, 1957.