Watching an aurora flicker and glow is one of the few ways that people can directly appreciate the complex interactions between Earth’s atmosphere and the space environment that surrounds it. A particularly spectacular display occurred on 10–13 May, after an extreme solar outburst triggered the largest geomagnetic storm in decades. People at unusually low latitudes in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres were treated to colorful auroras dancing in the night sky.

Earth was not the only planet whose skies glowed from the solar surge. Days later, the same region of the Sun erupted in the direction of Mars, which on 20 May proceeded to have its own exhibition of intense auroras. It was among the most intense auroral displays that astronomers have been able to observe on the red planet—but it was far from the first.

Space missions over the past two decades have revealed Mars to have its own unique collection of auroral phenomena. Mars has long been an intriguing foil for compare-and-contrast studies with Earth, and its auroras are an excellent case study.

Fundamentally, an aurora is the emission of light caused by energetic particles—electrons, ions, or neutral atoms, for instance—that deposit their energy in a planetary atmosphere. Beyond the basic definition, there are a huge variety of observational auroral signatures and classifications. They depend on the type of particles that triggered the light and how those particles gain their energy.

The particles often emerge from the Sun, as part of either low-energy plasma in the solar wind or of emissions called solar energetic particle (SEP) events that are associated with violent solar eruptions. Charged particles can also be energized near a planet by plasma waves or when magnetic field lines break and reconnect (see the article by Forrest Mozer and Philip Pritchett, Physics Today, June 2010, page 34). Energetic neutral atoms are typically speedy ions that have recently been neutralized, and so they are ultimately powered by the same processes.

The study of Earth’s auroras has taken giant leaps during the space age. Observations from sounding rockets and satellites have revealed that the characteristics of auroras are controlled by the strong global dipole magnetic field generated by the planet’s core. The magnetosphere shields most of the atmosphere from direct plasma interactions by deflecting or trapping charged particles. At a bow shock located roughly 1020 Earth radii on the sunward side of the planet, the solar wind flows around the magnetic obstacle like water around a stone.

Earth’s magnetic field controls where and how plasma interacts with the atmosphere. Auroral activity is most common near the North and South Poles because field lines often converge there. Although the magnetic field cannot exert a force on energetic neutral atoms, it controls processes that generate them. For example, ions and electrons trapped in the Earth’s magnetosphere can recombine to produce energetic atoms that rain down on the atmosphere near the equator.

Although a strong global dipole magnetic field drives Earth’s auroras, it turns out that many ways exist for energetic particles to get to the upper atmosphere of a planet. Unlike Earth, Mars possesses a hybrid magnetosphere that’s composed of two sources: an induced component generated by electric currents in the ionosphere and a crustal component from patches of magnetized iron-bearing minerals near the surface. The hybrid magnetosphere protects Mars’s atmosphere from space plasma, but the solar wind is deflected less than one Mars radius above the planet’s surface—much closer than at Earth—and the system can become highly disrupted by space-weather disturbances.

Just as the satellite era jump-started research on Earth’s auroral activity, the fleet of spacecraft that have been sent to study Mars and its atmosphere has made possible astronomers’ understanding of the planet’s auroras. To date, all the observations of Martian auroras have come from spectrometers aboard Mars orbiters and landers, with supporting information provided by in situ particle detectors. With the Sun near the maximum-activity point of its 11-year cycle, many of those instruments are currently observing the most intense events they have ever recorded.

Three examples of Martian auroras, which are driven by mechanisms not found at Earth. (a) Confined auroral arcs after dusk are produced by electrons precipitating along magnetic field lines that emanate from concentrated mineral deposits in the planet’s crust. (b) Global diffuse auroras are produced by a solar energetic particle event. Their signature is a bright, thin ring around the nightside (left) edge of the disk. (c) A patchy proton aurora, caused by direct solar-wind precipitation when the magnetosphere is disrupted, is visible on the dayside (right). All images are false-color presentations of UV emission. (Panel a and c images from UAE Space Agency/EMM/EMUS. Panel b image from NASA/MAVEN/IUVS.)

Three examples of Martian auroras, which are driven by mechanisms not found at Earth. (a) Confined auroral arcs after dusk are produced by electrons precipitating along magnetic field lines that emanate from concentrated mineral deposits in the planet’s crust. (b) Global diffuse auroras are produced by a solar energetic particle event. Their signature is a bright, thin ring around the nightside (left) edge of the disk. (c) A patchy proton aurora, caused by direct solar-wind precipitation when the magnetosphere is disrupted, is visible on the dayside (right). All images are false-color presentations of UV emission. (Panel a and c images from UAE Space Agency/EMM/EMUS. Panel b image from NASA/MAVEN/IUVS.)

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Discrete auroras, which are characterized by intense, well-defined arcs or bands, were the first type of aurora to be discovered on Mars, in 2005. They are caused by electrons that follow vertical magnetic field lines and plunge into the atmosphere, much as they do over Earth’s polar regions. In the case of Mars, the planet’s patchy crustal fields cause auroras to form in cusp regions scattered around the planet (see panel a of the figure).

Depending on the time of day—and thus how Mars’s magnetic field is superposed on the Sun’s—the ends of a magnetic field line may attach nearby on the planet (closed), or one end may lead out into space (open). Closed field lines near twilight can shuttle electrons from the dayside ionosphere onto the nightside, whereas open field lines allow higher-energy plasma from distant regions of the magnetosphere to access the atmosphere. Particles may also be accelerated close to the planet, and the breaking and reconnecting of magnetic field lines could be a significant energizing source for the highly dynamic system.

Diffuse auroras, which are typically fainter and extend over a broader area than do discrete auroras, have also been identified on Mars. Triggered by SEP events, diffuse auroras are somewhat rare and quite dramatic. The small Martian magnetosphere does little to deflect the energetic particles, which can penetrate deep into the atmosphere anywhere on the planet and at any time of day. Depending on the severity of the space-weather event, the phenomenon can light up the Martian atmosphere across the entire planet with diffuse auroras for days at a time (see figure panel b).

Although SEP auroras can occur at any time, there has been a distinct uptick in frequency with the recent high solar activity. Studying diffuse auroras is important for future crewed missions to Mars because the extreme solar outbursts that excite the atmosphere also present a radiation hazard to astronauts on the surface (see the article by Erdal Yiğit, Physics Today, July 2024, page 42).

Proton auroras, in which precipitating neutral hydrogen atoms themselves emit light, have also been identified on Mars. The most common type is driven by a process that does not operate on Earth. At Mars, the solar wind approaches the planet closely enough to interact with its expansive envelope of atomic hydrogen, which is produced by the photolysis of water in the atmosphere. Stealing electrons from that native Martian hydrogen, the solar-wind protons transform into energetic hydrogen atoms that cannot be deflected by magnetic fields. They penetrate through the bow shock and into the upper atmosphere, where they produce an aurora across the dayside of the planet.

Another type of solar-wind aurora occurs when space-weather conditions disrupt Mars’s induced magnetosphere. With the magnetic shield disabled, solar-wind protons can flow directly into the atmosphere in patchy patterns (see figure panel c). Exploring other mechanisms for exciting proton auroras at Mars is an area of active research.

Whether it be a discrete crustal-field aurora, an SEP-driven diffuse aurora best viewed from a radiation shelter, or a proton aurora spurred by a puff of solar wind, the menagerie of Martian auroras reminds us that there are still twists to well-studied physical phenomena lurking beyond our planet. We just need to look for them.

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Discovery of an aurora on Mars
N. M.
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Discovery of diffuse aurora on Mars
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Discovery of a proton aurora at Mars
Nat. Astron.
R. J.
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First synoptic images of FUV discrete aurora and discovery of sinuous aurora at Mars by EMM EMUS
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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Patchy proton aurora at Mars: A global view of solar wind precipitation across the Martian dayside from EMM/EMUS
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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Phys. Today

Justin Deighan is a planetary scientist at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder.