Helsing replies: I did not intend a “takedown,” as Richard Conn Henry claims, of James Jeans’s idealistic interpretation of modern physics. Nor did I express the view that “a real physical universe is ‘out there.’” Apart from exploring Jeans’s inherently fascinating views and the reactions they provoked, I pointed to the historical dimensions of philosophical interpretations of physics, contemporary views included. I am agnostic on the question of the nature of ultimate reality—I do not know what is out there, and while I am certainly curious, I do not see how I will ever be in a position to know.
I respect and admire any scientist who works hard to advance our understanding of the universe and any popularizer who makes a genuine effort to interpret science philosophically—including James Jeans and the other popularizers I mention. Part of the process is cultivating an awareness of the historical embeddedness of our theories, interpretations, and worldviews, regardless of whether they tend toward idealism or naturalism.