Johanna Miller nicely summarizes the current experimental situation with the puzzling asymmetry of the proton's antiquark "sea" in the May 2021 issue of Physics Today (page 14). She describes the SeaQuest experiment, which found that there are about 50% more antiquarks than antiquarks. The result is surprising, since the traditional mechanism generating the sea was commonly expected to be mediated by gluons, which are “flavor blind” and cannot tell from .
Miller’s report mentions two theoretical ideas proposed to explain the asymmetry. One is that the presence of two u valence quarks leads to “Pauli blocking” of sea u quarks, the twin brothers of antiquarks. But quarks have six states available: three colors × two spin orientations. In addition, valence and sea quarks overlap little in momentum space. Pauli blocking is therefore way too small to explain the data. (I’ll turn to the second idea—the contribution of the pion cloud—at the end.)
Unfortunately, Miller does not mention a third idea that has been put forth, which is more nontrivial and seems likelier to explain the puzzling asymmetry. It started with an observation by Alexander Dorokhov and Nikolai Kochelev1 that the so-called ’t Hooft effective four-quark Lagrangian2 is “flavor nondiagonal,” leading to processes and but not to and .
In a way, the effect is also due to the Pauli exclusion principle, but at a different level. Topological tunneling events, known as instantons, create fields so strong that they fix the color and spin states of participating quarks uniquely. Instead of six possibilities, there remains only one, thus a complete blocking. Since the proton has two valence u quarks and only one valence d quark, that mechanism would suggest = 2 rather than 1.
Recently I made the first attempt to evaluate that effect quantitatively, by calculating the wavefunction of the five-quark and sectors of the proton induced by the ’t Hooft Lagrangian.3 The results approximately match the data, in magnitude and momentum dependence.
How can one test that idea further? If that explanation is true, the sea of Δ++ baryons, which have three up quarks, would have only antiquarks (at corresponding momentum fraction x). It is hardly possible to check that experimentally, but it can be tested numerically, via lattice gauge theory.
A second test is related to the other explanation Miller mentions, the pion cloud. While pions can indeed generate asymmetry in the isospin of the sea, they will not do so for the spin, since pions have spin zero. The ’t Hooft Lagrangian, on the other hand, leads to strict predictions for the quark polarizations. For example, a left-handed up quark can produce only a 100% polarized pair. Therefore, a key to the sea’s antiquark asymmetry should come from future theoretical and experimental investigations that relate isospin and the spin asymmetry.