The aromatic infrared bands (AIBs) discussed by Alessandra Candian, Junfeng Zhen, and Xander Tielens were discovered in interstellar and circumstellar environments in the 1970s. Since then, their origin has been a topic of interest. The hypothesis advanced by Candian and her coauthors that the AIBs arise from individual, free-floating polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules is widely accepted but has not been proven. (For a detailed critique of the PAH hypothesis, see reference 1.)
Candian and her coauthors state that no specific PAH has been definitively identified with any of the AIBs, which are sometimes referred to in the literature as the unidentified IR emission features. Also, the AIBs are conjectured to arise from the absorption of UV radiation by PAH molecules that then undergo IR fluorescence. Although evidence of PAH absorption in the UV is expected, none has been found so far.2 It is difficult to understand how only a specific set of PAHs can arise from a wide range of astrophysical conditions.
The broad, smoothly varying shapes and widths of the AIBs are characteristic of solid-state emission bands. “Plateau” emission features underlying the main AIB peaks also suggest a solid-state or small-grains origin.3
Continuum emission in reflection nebulae and in the interstellar medium is consistent with nonequilibrium thermal emission from very small grains (nanoparticles) with tens to hundreds of carbon atoms.4 PAHs do not explain the continuum emission because molecules have no absorption between absorption bands, nor to our knowledge do any laboratory or theoretical spectra convincingly replicate the continuum emission under the AIBs. A small-grain component may produce the continuum emission, which is consistent with the production of the plateau emission.
Amorphous carbonaceous nanoparticles might account for both the continuum emission and the AIBs. Many laboratory and amorphous carbonaceous materials—including hydrogenated amorphous carbon, soot, quenched carbonaceous composite, kerogen- and coal-like substances, and mixed aromatic and aliphatic organic nanoparticles—have been proposed as candidates for the AIB carriers.5 In the interstellar medium, one would expect abundant elements such as nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur rather than just the carbon and hydrogen of PAHs, since the dust grains are formed in many complex interstellar and circumstellar environments.1
All the above proposed AIB sources would contain aromatic PAHs and aliphatic hydrocarbons in varying amounts. Such materials typically can explain some but not all of the emission bands, and the laboratory materials often show spectral bands that are not observed in the AIBs. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to theoretically derive emission spectra of amorphous carbonaceous particles nor to closely simulate conditions in the interstellar medium in laboratory studies.
Efforts to pin down the carrier of the AIBs continue in astronomical and laboratory studies. The wonder is how nature can produce such a relatively simple spectrum from intrinsically complex organic material that has defied definite identification for nearly four decades.