At the turn of the 20th century, the scientific consensus was that physics was solved and only a few questions, such as the origin and nature of the photoelectric effect, remained unanswered. Enter the early 20th-century invention of quantum mechanics, which introduced strangeness and spookiness to the seemingly complete classical world. Some of the greatest minds of the time, including Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, Albert Einstein, Paul Dirac, and Niels Bohr, collaborated to produce counterintuitive theories offering explanations of empirical phenomena.

That first quantum revolution effectively gave us the language for understanding the building blocks of the universe. It also enabled such amazing technological developments as the transistor and most of the materials in our smartphones—just two examples of devices that have had immense societal impact.

Today we are witnessing the early days of the second quantum revolution, in which elements of quantum mechanics, such as superposition or entanglement, appear at the convergence of multiple disciplines, including physics, materials research, engineering, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science. This universal convergence will lead to development of novel quantum materials, devices, and systems and to widespread practical applications in quantum computing, networking, and sensing.1 

The race in certain areas, like quantum computing, is astounding. Technologies are in the very early stages of development. Currently the field is a mixture of exciting theoretical predictions with some proof-of-principle experiments, driven by fundamental research efforts. The work is accompanied by numerous unanswered questions that are likely to yield answers even more transformative than those from a century ago. Worldwide, research in quantum fields is intensifying (see figure), and the quantum leap is truly upon us.

Quantum research papers. Annual number of published papers that include quantum-related words in title or abstract. The first quantum revolution included development of quantum mechanics and invention of the transistor. The second revolution started recently and is marked by convergence of various disciplines with quantum mechanics. (Data source: Scopus.)

Quantum research papers. Annual number of published papers that include quantum-related words in title or abstract. The first quantum revolution included development of quantum mechanics and invention of the transistor. The second revolution started recently and is marked by convergence of various disciplines with quantum mechanics. (Data source: Scopus.)

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The questions the US research community faces are these: Are we ready? Do we have the momentum, focus, collaborative critical mass, and sufficient support to make the leap? Do we have the necessary strategic vision? The answer is a superposition of yes and no. The European Quantum Manifesto2 underscores the need to create for development of future quantum technologies a new “ecosystem,” which will lead to a “more sustainable, more productive, more entrepreneurial and more secure European Union.”

The US aspirations are traditionally captured at the level of individual government agencies. For example, NSF’s recently developed Quantum Leap Big Idea3 focuses on exploring quantum mechanics for the next generation of computers, sensors, and communications. Several programs across NSF already fund research related to quantum physics, quantum materials, quantum chemistry, and quantum communications. The Department of Energy’s recent entry into quantum information science (QIS) includes funding for development of algorithms for quantum computing in chemistry, materials science, nuclear physics, and particle physics. NIST has historically supported quantum information in its own laboratories and has led the way in cold atoms; it has also partnered with top universities that explore other modes of quantum computing and QIS more broadly.

The Department of Defense has long advanced basic research in QIS, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and later the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity have created specific science efforts. Private sponsors like the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Simons Foundation run programs in quantum materials and quantum information. Funding opportunities for rapid development are beginning to appear across many agencies, and gaps in workforce development and education are being addressed. Strong support for quantum sciences comes from professional societies such as the Optical Society and the American Physical Society (APS). One of us (Greene), as the immediate past president of the APS, notes the dedication of the APS Office of Government Affairs when advocating on the Hill for quantum information science.

Industry’s approach, growing rapidly over the past five years, centers on development of practical approaches to quantum information processing, with marketable solutions as the ultimate goal. Available industrial resources and expertise, especially in development and deployment of complex projects, allow rapid progress.

The “spin-up” component of this state is easy to find: The research community is not short on ideas, industrial interest and investment are healthy, and technological leadership in the US is convincingly linked to safety, security, and economic stability, including safe communications and the ability to factor in polynomial time. On the downside, a strategic, nationwide approach in the US is still in its infancy. Such an approach could couple to our fundamental research strengths, would enhance US competitiveness, and would be rooted in our safety and security.4 

For the US to join in the coming quantum leap, we propose the following two components as a necessary minimum: first, increased attention to educating a diverse quantum workforce, and second, establishment of a nationwide strategy for quantum science. By “quantum workforce” or “leapers” we mean graduates with working understanding of the relevant aspects of quantum mechanics, electronics, computer science, and materials science.

Specialists are highly sought after by industry, but the pipeline is nearly dry because of insufficient numbers of quantum engineering departments and diminishing attention to quantum mechanics in graduate and undergraduate curricula. Yet with a larger population of leapers coming up with marketable ideas and startups based on quantum science, we would benefit from a mechanism not unlike what happened during the eruption of technology surrounding classical personal computers.

Meanwhile, a nationwide strategy will provide needed focus, dialog, and coordination of government agencies, private sponsors, and industry. It can include mechanisms to leverage investments across sectors, but it can also offer the ability to aggressively address fundamental problems. Not least important, a national quantum strategy would send a very clear message to the world that we will not lose our lead and we mean business. A recent announcement is most encouraging: The Office of Science and Technology Policy is chartering a government-wide group, cochaired by members of NSF, DOE, and NIST, to create and maintain a national QIS strategy.

Time is of the essence. US intellectual capacity notwithstanding, the country risks falling behind the rest of the world in many aspects of the quantum race. In our opinion, the energy needed for change resides with the research community, industries, agencies, and policymakers. By working together, we must break the time–energy uncertainty. If we don’t, we stand to lose this scientific and technological race, waive our abilities to advance society, and render ourselves vulnerable in future global conflicts. It is therefore imperative that we enable the US quantum leap.

Opinions expressed in this material are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, American Physical Society, Los Alamos National Laboratory, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, or Florida State University.

J. P.
G. J.
Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London A
de Touzalin
, Quantum Manifesto: A New Era of Technology,
special report, NSF’s 10 Big Ideas (2016; updated 28 November
Hudson Institute
, “
The Coming Quantum Revolution: Security and Policy Implications
,” symposium, 17 October