Cryogenic impedance bridge
The model 54 four-channel cryogenic impedance bridge from Cryogenic Control Systems measures resistance, inductance, and mutual inductance. It operates from less than 100 mK to more than 1200 K with an appropriate supported sensor, which includes diode, resistance, and mutual inductance. Four control-loop outputs allow the model 54 to be used as a temperature controller. A proprietary signal processing chip in each of the four input channels measures impedance by means of an auto-balancing, ratiometric AC bridge. The higher-precision, more sophisticated digital algorithms built into the advanced signal processor replace large amounts of analog circuitry. The model 54 can be expanded to 28 inputs with an Ethernet-based distributed instrument connection. Cryogenic Control Systems Inc, PO Box 7012, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067,
Magneto-optical cryostat
Quantum Design developed its OptiCool 7-tesla magneto-optical platform to meet the requirements of materials characterization experiments that use light and other forms of radiant energy to probe matter. The cryostat and magnet design are highly integrated and the cooler is located to the side, so the sample is easily accessible rather than buried inside a bulky dewar. Seven side ports and one top port allow for optical access to the sample from many directions. A custom 3.8-inch bore, split-coil, conical magnet offers fields perpendicular to the optical table up to ±7 tesla. The cryogen-free system features temperature and magnetic field control with automated software. The temperature ranges from 1.7 K to 350 K, with or without an applied magnetic field. An 89-mm-diameter by 84-mm-tall sample volume allows for inventiveness in experimental design. Quantum Design Inc, 10307 Pacific Center Ct, San Diego, CA 92121,
Gas analyzer for hard radiation environments
High-energy particle-physics applications typically involve particle enclosure in sophisticated, evacuated beam-guidance systems. The vacuum is usually monitored by quadrupole residual gas analyzers (RGAs). Because the active electronic components can degrade in hard radiation environments, bulky radiation shielding must be used. Hiden Analytical’s HAL 101X RGA avoids the need for protection with a novel technique that allows active electronic components to be located up to 80 m from the RGA gauge with no reduction in quadrupole mass filter frequency. The analyzer has a full 100 amu mass range and performance similar to the standard close-coupled system. It features multiple mass scanning modes, leak detection, automated mass scale alignment, and online adjustment of ion source and detector parameters. Hiden Analytical Inc, 37699 Schoolcraft Rd, Livonia, MI 48150,
Four-channel vacuum controller
The VD14 vacuum display and control unit from Thyracont Vacuum Instruments offers four measuring channels and a large graphic LCD display in a compact, 19-inch metal housing. Four relay switches can be assigned to any of four channels and linked to different switching modes. For example, relay one switches to channel three when measuring underflow occurs. The parameters of the controller and the individual transducers—units, output characteristics, gas-type correction factors, and switch points, among others—can be handled by using the company’s VacuGraph software for Windows or by software command. The controller automatically recognizes and supports all the vacuum transducers of Thyracont’s Smartline product family. It can perform measurements from rough to ultrahigh vacuum. Thyracont Vacuum Instruments GmbH, Max-Emanuel-Str 10, 94036 Passau, Germany,
Graphene oxide
Goodfellow has made graphene oxide available in three forms for various applications. Easily dispersed in water and other organic solvents, it can be embedded in both ceramic and polymeric matrices to improve electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties. When dispersed in water, graphene oxide can be used in graphene and polymer composite materials, biomedical research, solar cells, and low‑permeability materials. When reduced to powder form, it offers excellent electrical conductivity and is suitable for such applications as biomedical research, batteries, printable electronics, and supercapacitors. Graphene oxide film is prepared by filtering a monolayer graphene oxide dispersion. It is nonconductive and can be used in biomedical research and membranes. Goodfellow Corporation, 125 Hookstown Grade Rd, Coraopolis, PA 15108-9302,
Helium leak detector
Applications for Leybold’s Phoenix 4 family of helium leak detectors range from research, such as meeting the ultrahigh-vacuum demands in CERN’s particle accelerator, to industry, such as detecting leaks in the Hyperloop vacuum transport system and producing semiconductors. The fourth-generation Phoenix features an ergonomic design and improved measuring characteristics. Compared with its predecessor, the Phoenix 4 has better response times, has improved helium sensitivity, is more reliable, and is easier to use. For example, users can now change the filter without removing the housing. The compact, versatile instrument is available in three classes: Vario, Quadro, and Magno. They have different sizes, backing pumps, and pumping speed configurations. Leybold USA Inc, 5700 Mellon Rd, Export, PA 15632,
Thin-film processing system
Intlvac Thin Film has introduced the Pleiades cluster system, a modular, multichamber array that offers customizable configurations for complex processes under vacuum. A versatile design incorporates modules for automatic thin-film evaporation, sputter deposition, and sample preparation that are suitable for dealing with low melting points, high vapor pressures, and the corrosive properties of source materials. Each technique is performed in a separate process chamber with its own power supply, control system, and computer. The Pleiades system can cool full wafers to −90 °C; others can be held at temperatures up to 1000 °C using the company’s new Helios substrate heater. Its high-temperature radiative silicon carbide heating stage is designed for operation in corrosive gas environments. Intlvac Thin Film Corporation, 1401 Duff Dr, Unit 600, Fort Collins, CO 80524,