Device physics
Theory and Applications of Spherical Microphone Array Processing. D. P. Jarrett, E. A. P. Habets, P. A. Naylor. Springer, 2017. $129.00 (187 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-42209-1 Buy at Amazon
Energy and environment
Biodiesel Production with Green Technologies. A. Islam, P. Ravindra. Springer, 2017. $99.00 (133 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-45272-2 Buy at Amazon
Counteracting Urban Heat Island Effects in a Global Climate Change Scenario. F. Musco, ed. Springer, 2016. $59.00 (400 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-10424-9 Buy at Amazon
Integrated Absorption Refrigeration Systems: Comparative Energy and Exergy Analyses. I. Dincer, T. A. H. Ratlamwala. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (270 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-33656-5 Buy at Amazon
Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskite Photovoltaics: From Fundamentals to Device Architectures. N.-G. Park, M. Grätzel, T. Miyasaka, eds. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (366 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-35112-4 Buy at Amazon
Physics and Mechanics of Primary Well Cementing. A. Lavrov, M. Torsaeter. Springer, 2016. $54.00 paper (108 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-43164-2 Buy at Amazon
Radiation Safety: Management and Programs. H. Domenech. Springer, 2017. $179.00 (332 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-42669-3 Buy at Amazon
The U.S. Government and Renewable Energy: A Winding Road. A. R. Hoffman. Pan Stanford, 2016. $49.95 paper (142 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4745-84-0 Buy at Amazon
Advances in Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: New Methods and Challenging Computations. Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, eds. Birkhäuser, 2016. $129.00 (500 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-40825-5 Buy at Amazon
Boundary-Layer Theory. 9th ed. H. Schlichting, K. Gersten. Springer, 2017. $249.00 (805 pp.). ISBN 978-3-662-52917-1 Buy at Amazon
Combustion Waves and Fronts in Flows: Flames, Shocks, Detonations, Ablation Fronts and Explosion of Stars. P. Clavin, G. Searby. Cambridge U. Press, 2016. $190.00 (712 pp.). ISBN 978-1-107-09868-8 Buy at Amazon
Fluid Dynamics: Theory, Computation, and Numerical Simulation. 3rd ed. C. Pozrikidis. Springer, 2017. $129.00 (901 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4899-7990-2 Buy at Amazon
Fluid Flow in the Subsurface: History, Generalization and Applications of Physical Laws. H.-H. Liu. Springer, 2017. $129.00 (230 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-43448-3 Buy at Amazon
Hydrodynamics of Planing Monohull Watercraft. W. S. Vorus. Springer, 2017. $54.99 paper (105 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-39218-9 Buy at Amazon
Mechanics and Mathematics of Fluids of the Differential Type. D. Cioranescu, V. Girault, K. R. Rajagopal. Springer, 2016. $169.00 (394 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-39329-2 Buy at Amazon
Particles in Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows: Deposition, Re-Suspension and Agglomeration. J.-P. Minier, J. Pozorski, eds. Springer, 2017. $209.00 (261 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-41566-6 Buy at Amazon
Whither Turbulence and Big Data in the 21st Century? A. Pollard, L. Castillo, L. Danaila, M. Glauser, eds. Springer, 2017. $229.00 (574 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-41215-3 Buy at Amazon
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Vol. 44. R. Jeanloz, K. H. Freeman, eds. Annual Reviews, 2016. $109.00 (813 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8243-2044-7 Buy at Amazon
Digital Photogrammetry: A Practical Course. 4th ed. W. Linder. Springer, 2016. $79.99 (209 pp.). ISBN 978-3-662-50462-8 Buy at Amazon
Flood Risk in the Upper Vistula Basin. Z. W. Kundzewicz, M. Stoffel, T. Niedźwiedź, B. Wyżga, eds. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (418 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-41922-0 Buy at Amazon
IAG 150 Years: Proceedings of the 2013 IAG Scientific Assembly, Potsdam, Germany, 1–6 September, 2013. C. Rizos, P. Willis, eds. Springer, 2016. $199.00 (798 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-24603-1 Buy at Amazon
Mantle Plumes and Their Effects. M. Choudhuri, M. Nemčok. Springer, 2017. $54.99 paper (137 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-44238-9 Buy at Amazon
Microphysics of Atmospheric Phenomena. B. M. Smirnov. Springer, 2017. $129.00 (270 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-30812-8 Buy at Amazon
Waves and Rays in Seismology: Answers to Unasked Questions. M. A. Slawinski. World Scientific, 2016. $115.00 (379 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4644-80-8 Buy at Amazon
History and philosophy
Blackbody Radiation: A History of Thermal Radiation Computational Aids and Numerical Methods. S. M. Stewart, R. B. Johnson. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2017. $189.95 (384 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4822-6312-1 Buy at Amazon
Bridging Complexity and Post-Structuralism: Insights and Implications. M. Woermann. Springer, 2016. $99.99 (207 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-39045-1 Buy at Amazon
Early Investigations of Ceres and the Discovery of Pallas: Historical Studies in Asteroid Research. 2nd ed. C. Cunningham. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (412 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-28813-0 Buy at Amazon
Einstein’s Greatest Mistake: A Biography. D. Bodanis. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016. $27.00 (280 pp.). ISBN 978-0-544-80856-0 Buy at Amazon
Faith 7: L. Gordon Cooper, Jr., and the Final Mercury Mission. C. Burgess. Praxis/Springer, 2016. $34.00 paper (291 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-30562-2 Buy at Amazon
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff’s Treatise “On the Theory of Light Rays” (1882). K. Hentschel, N. Y. Zhu, eds. World Scientific, 2017. $88.00 (155 pp.). ISBN 978-981-3147-13-3 Buy at Amazon
The Invention of Time and Space: Origins, Definitions, Nature, Properties. P. F. Dassonville. Springer, 2017. $89.99 (176 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-46039-0 Buy at Amazon
My Dear Li: Correspondence, 1937–1946. W. Heisenberg, E. Heisenberg; A. M. Hirsch-Heisenberg, ed. Yale U. Press, 2016. $40.00 (312 pp.). ISBN 978-0-300-19693-1 Buy at Amazon
Pathways of a Cell Biologist: Through Yet Another Eye. S. Inoué. Springer, 2016. $89.00 (258 pp.). ISBN 978-981-10-0946-4 Buy at Amazon
The Pope of Physics: Enrico Fermi and the Birth of the Atomic Age. G. Segrè, B. Hoerlin. Henry Holt, 2016. $30.00 (351 pp.). ISBN 978-1-62779-005-5 Buy at Amazon
The Quantum Gamble. J. C. A. Boeyens. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (169 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-41620-5 Buy at Amazon
Quantum Nonlocality and Reality: 50 Years of Bell’s Theorem. M. Bell, S. Gao, eds. Cambridge U. Press, 2016. $155.00 (441 pp.). ISBN 978-1-107-10434-1 Buy at Amazon
Robert Grosseteste and the Pursuit of Religious and Scientific Learning in the Middle Ages. J. P. Cunningham, M. Hocknull, eds. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (306 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-33466-0 Buy at Amazon
Space, Number, and Geometry from Helmholtz to Cassirer. F. Biagioli. Springer, 2016. $99.99 (239 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-31777-9 Buy at Amazon
Studies on Binocular Vision: Optics, Vision and Perspective from the Thirteenth to the Seventeenth Centuries. D. Raynaud. Springer, 2016. $99.99 (297 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-42720-1 Buy at Amazon
Wolf Prize in Physics. T. Piran, ed. World Scientific, 2016. $78.00 paper (1158 pp.). ISBN 978-981-3141-02-5 Buy at Amazon
Instrumentation and techniques
Advances in Cooperative Robotics. M. O. Tokhi, G. S. Virk, eds. World Scientific, 2017. $198.00 (873 pp.). ISBN 978-981-3149-12-0 Buy at Amazon
Cryostat Design: Case Studies, Principles and Engineering. J. G. Weisend II, ed. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (280 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-31148-7 Buy at Amazon
Helium Ion Microscopy. G. Hlawacek, A. Gölzhäuser, eds. Springer, 2016. $229.00 (526 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-41988-6 Buy at Amazon
Nanofabrication: Principles and Applications. C. Papadopoulos. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (81 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-31740-3 Buy at Amazon
Nanofabrication: Principles, Capabilities and Limits. 2nd ed. Z. Cui. Springer, 2017. $139.00 (432 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-39359-9 Buy at Amazon
Optical Wireless Communications: An Emerging Technology. M. Uysal et al., eds. Springer, 2016. $229.00 (634 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-30200-3 Buy at Amazon
Raman Spectroscopy: An Intensity Approach. W. Guozhen. World Scientific, 2017. $95.00 (212 pp.). ISBN 978-981-3143-49-4 Buy at Amazon
Spectroscopic Analysis of Optoelectronic Semiconductors. J. Jimenez, J. W. Tomm. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (307 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-42347-0 Buy at Amazon
A Study into the Design of Steerable Microphone Arrays. C. C. Lai, S. E. Nordholm, Y. H. Leung. Springer, 2017. $54.00 paper (116 pp.). ISBN 978-981-10-1689-9 Buy at Amazon
Transmission Electron Microscopy: Diffraction, Imaging, and Spectrometry. C. B. Carter, D. B. Williams, eds. Springer, 2016. $119.00 (518 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-26649-7 Buy at Amazon
Materials science
Collisions Engineering: Theory and Applications. M. Frémond. Springer, 2017. $179.00 (268 pp.). ISBN 978-3-662-52694-1 Buy at Amazon
A Concise Introduction to Elastic Solids: An Overview of the Mechanics of Elastic Materials and Structures. C. T. Herakovich. Springer, 2017. $94.99 (131 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-45601-0 Buy at Amazon
Dielectric Breakdown in Gigascale Electronics: Time Dependent Failure Mechanisms. J. P. Borja, T.-M. Lu, J. Plawsky. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (105 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-43218-2 Buy at Amazon
Fracture at All Scales. G. Pluvinage, L. Milovic, eds. Springer, 2017. $199.00 (268 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-32633-7 Buy at Amazon
Fundamentals and Applications of Magnetic Materials. K. M. Krishnan. Oxford U. Press, 2016. $98.50 (794 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-957044-7 Buy at Amazon
High Speed Railway Track Dynamics: Models, Algorithms and Applications. X. Lei. Springer, 2017. $179.00 (414 pp.). ISBN 978-981-10-2037-7 Buy at Amazon
Material Science and Environmental Engineering. X. Duan, ed. World Scientific, 2016. $198.00 (781 pp.). ISBN 978-981-3143-39-5 Buy at Amazon
Multicomponent Polymeric Materials. J. K. Kim, S. Thomas, P. Saha, eds. Springer, 2016. $229.00 (410 pp.). ISBN 978-94-017-7323-2 Buy at Amazon
Multiscale Materials Modeling for Nanomechanics. C. R. Weinberger, G. J. Tucker, eds. Springer, 2016. $149.00 (547 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-33478-3 Buy at Amazon
Novel Functional Magnetic Materials: Fundamentals and Applications. A. Zhukov, ed. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (446 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-26104-1 Buy at Amazon
Plasma Nitriding of Steels. H. Aghajani, S. Behrangi. Springer, 2017. $129.00 (187 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-43067-6 Buy at Amazon
Plasticity of Boronized Layers. M. G. Krukovich, B. A. Prusakov, I. G. Sizov. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (364 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-40011-2 Buy at Amazon
Refractive Indices of Solids. S. S. Batsanov, E. D. Ruchkin, I. A. Poroshina. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (108 pp.). ISBN 978-981-10-0796-5 Buy at Amazon
Resistivity Recovery in Fe and FeCr Alloys. B. Gómez-Ferrer. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (166 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-38856-4 Buy at Amazon
Stress Concentration at Notches. M. P. Savruk, A. Kazberuk. Springer, 2017. $179.00 (498 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-44554-0 Buy at Amazon
Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Structures Using Fiber Optic Methods. G. Rajan, B. G. Prusty, eds. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2017. $219.95 (491 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4987-3317-5 Buy at Amazon
Virtual Work and Shape Change in Solid Mechanics. M. Frémond. Springer, 2017. $179.00 (371 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-40681-7 Buy at Amazon
ZnO–Nanocarbon Core–Shell Type Hybrid Quantum Dots. W. K. Choi. Springer, 2017. $54.00 paper (75 pp.). ISBN 978-981-10-0979-2 Buy at Amazon
Sports Innovation, Technology and Research. D. F. L. Southgate, P. R. N. Childs, A. M. J. Bull, eds. World Scientific, 2016. $114.00 (183 pp.). ISBN 978-1-78634-041-2 Buy at Amazon
Nonlinear science and chaos
Complex Networks and Dynamics: Social and Economic Interactions. P. Commendatore, M. Matilla-García, L. M. Varela, J. S. Cánovas, eds. Springer, 2016. $99.00 paper (359 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-40801-9 Buy at Amazon
Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness. V. Loreto et al., eds. Springer, 2017. $129.00 (405 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-25656-6 Buy at Amazon
Rogue and Shock Waves in Nonlinear Dispersive Media. M. Onorato, S. Residori, F. Baronio, eds. Springer, 2016. $89.99 paper (370 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-39212-7 Buy at Amazon
Nuclear physics
Nuclear Batteries and Radioisotopes. M. Prelas et al. Springer, 2016. $229.00 (355 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-41723-3 Buy at Amazon
Optics and photonics
Directed Energy Weapons: Physics of High Energy Lasers (HEL). B. Zohuri. Springer, 2016. $279.00 (816 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-31288-0 Buy at Amazon
Fiber Optics: Physics and Technology. 2nd ed. F. Mitschke. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (349 pp.). ISBN 978-3-662-52762-7 Buy at Amazon
Geometric Optics: Theory and Design of Astronomical Optical Systems Using Mathematica. 2nd ed. A. Romano, R. Cavaliere. Birkhäuser, 2016. $129.00 (289 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-43731-6 Buy at Amazon
High-Energy Molecular Lasers: Self-Controlled Volume-Discharge Lasers and Applications. V. V. Apollonov. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (440 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-33357-1 Buy at Amazon
Lectures on Light: Nonlinear and Quantum Optics Using the Density Matrix. 2nd ed. S. C. Rand. Oxford U. Press, 2016. $84.95 (380 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-875745-0 Buy at Amazon
Nonlinear Optics: Principles and Applications. C. Li. Springer, 2017. $179.00 (386 pp.). ISBN 978-981-10-1487-1 Buy at Amazon
Silicon Light-Emitting Diodes and Lasers: Photon Breeding Devices Using Dressed Photons. M. Ohtsu. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (192 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-42012-7 Buy at Amazon
Particle physics
The Standard Theory of Particle Physics: Essays to Celebrate CERN’s 60th Anniversary. L. Maiani, L. Rolandi, eds. World Scientific, 2016. $162.00 (470 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4733-50-2 Buy at Amazon
Plasmas and fusion
Edward Teller Lectures: Lasers and Inertial Fusion Energy. 2nd ed. H. Hora, G. H. Miley, eds. Imperial College Press, 2016. $145.00 (498 pp.). ISBN 978-1-911299-65-3 Buy at Amazon
EM Wave Propagation Analysis in Plasma Covered Radar Absorbing Material. H. Singh, S. Antony, H. S. Rawat. Springer, 2017. $54.00 paper (43 pp.). ISBN 978-981-10-2268-5 Buy at Amazon
Turbulence in the Solar Wind. R. Bruno, V. Carbone. Springer, 2016. $59.99 paper (267 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-43439-1 Buy at Amazon
The Aliens Are Coming! The Extraordinary Science Behind Our Search for Life in the Universe. B. Miller. The Experiment, 2016. $15.95 paper (293 pp.). ISBN 978-1-61519-365-3 Buy at Amazon
Calculating the Cosmos: How Mathematics Unveils the Universe. I. Stewart. Basic Books, 2016. $27.99 (346 pp.). ISBN 978-0-465-09610-7 Buy at Amazon
Facts from Space! From Super-Secret Spacecraft to Volcanoes in Outer Space, Extraterrestrial Facts to Blow Your Mind! D. Regas. Adams Media, 2016. $15.99 paper (238 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4405-9701-5 Buy at Amazon
A Farewell to Ice: A Report from the Arctic. P. Wadhams. Allen Lane/Penguin Books, 2016. $25.00 (239 pp.). ISBN 978-0-241-00941-3 Buy at Amazon