Biological and medical physics
Molecular and Cellular Mechanobiology. S. Chien, A. J. Engler, P. Y. Wang, eds. American Physiological Society and Springer, 2016. $189.00 (302 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4939-5615-9 Buy at Amazon
The Origin and Nature of Life on Earth: The Emergence of the Fourth Geosphere. E. Smith, H. J. Morowitz. Cambridge U. Press, 2016. $49.99 (677 pp.). ISBN 978-1-107-12188-1 Buy at Amazon
Physics at the Biomolecular Interface: Fundamentals for Molecular Targeted Therapy. A. Fernández. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (483 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-30851-7 Buy at Amazon
Ultrafast Biophotonics. P. Vasa, D. Mathur. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (227 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-39612-5 Buy at Amazon
Chemical physics
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. Vol. 67. M. A. Johnson, T. J. Martínez, eds. Annual Reviews, 2016. $102.00 (765 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8243-1067-7 Buy at Amazon
The Chemical Bond I: 100 Years Old and Getting Stronger. D. M. P. Mingos, ed. Springer, 2016. $259.00 (252 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-33541-4 Buy at Amazon
The Chemical Bond II: 100 Years Old and Getting Stronger. D. M. P. Mingos, ed. Springer, 2016. $259.00 (267 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-33520-9 Buy at Amazon
Steric and Stereoelectronic Effects in Organic Chemistry. V. K. Yadav. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (211 pp.). ISBN 978-981-10-1138-2 Buy at Amazon
Computers and computational physics
Automation of Finite Element Methods. J. Korelc, P. Wriggers. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (346 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-39003-1 Buy at Amazon
Computational Modeling of Inorganic Nanomaterials. S. T. Bromley, M. A. Zwijnenburg, eds. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2016. $199.95 (423 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4665-7641-4 Buy at Amazon
Computational Studies in Organometallic Chemistry. S. A. Macgregor, O. Eisenstein, eds. Springer, 2016. $259.00 (181 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-31636-9 Buy at Amazon
Cryptology Transmitted Message Protection: From Deterministic Chaos Up to Optical Vortices. I. Izmailov, B. Poizner, I. Romanov, S. Smolskiy. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (364 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-30123-5 Buy at Amazon
Deep Learning Neural Networks: Design and Case Studies. D. Graupe. World Scientific, 2016. $48.00 paper (263 pp.). ISBN 978-981-3146-45-7 Buy at Amazon
GMDH-Methodology and Implementation in MATLAB. G. Onwubolu, ed. Imperial College Press, 2016. $108.00 (262 pp.). ISBN 978-1-78326-612-8 Buy at Amazon
Intelligent Systems and Applications: Extended and Selected Results from the SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2015. Y. Bi, S. Kapoor, R. Bhatia, eds. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (450 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-33384-7 Buy at Amazon
Machine Learning for Evolution Strategies. O. Kramer. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (124 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-33381-6 Buy at Amazon
Numerical Modeling of Sea Waves. D. V. Chalikov. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (330 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-32914-7 Buy at Amazon
Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry IV. J. Leszczynski, M. K. Shukla, eds. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (398 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4899-7697-0 Buy at Amazon
Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making. X. Zeng et al., eds. World Scientific, 2016. $340.00 (1184 pp.). ISBN 978-981-3146-96-9 Buy at Amazon
Watermarking Security: Fundamentals, Secure Designs and Attacks. P. Bas et al. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (125 pp.). ISBN 978-981-10-0505-3 Buy at Amazon
Condensed-matter physics
Advanced Physics of Electron Transport in Semiconductors and Nanostructures. M. V. Fischetti, W. G. Vandenberghe. Springer, 2016. $119.00 (474 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-01100-4 Buy at Amazon
Defect Evolution in Cosmology and Condensed Matter: Quantitative Analysis with the Velocity-Dependent One-Scale Model. C. J. A. P. Martins. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (118 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-44551-9 Buy at Amazon
Interacting Electrons: Theory and Computational Approaches. R. M. Martin, L. Reining, D. M. Ceperley. Cambridge U. Press, 2016. $89.99 (818 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-87150-1 Buy at Amazon
Magnetic Excitations and Geometric Confinement: Theory and Simulations. G. M. Wysin. IOP, 2015. $150.00 (760 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7503-1075-8 Buy at Amazon
Cosmology and relativity
The Amazing Unity of the Universe: And Its Origin in the Big Bang. 2nd ed. E. van den Heuvel. Springer, 2016. $34.99 paper (315 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-23542-4 Buy at Amazon
Cosmology with MATLAB: With Companion Media Pack. D. Green. World Scientific, 2016. $38.00 paper (250 pp.). ISBN 978-981-3108-40-0 Buy at Amazon
General Relativity: A First Examination. M. Blecher. World Scientific, 2016. $34.00 paper (176 pp.). ISBN 978-981-3108-47-9 Buy at Amazon
Theoretical Frontiers in Black Holes and Cosmology: Theoretical Perspective in High Energy Physics. R. Kallosh, E. Orazi, eds. Springer, 2016. $169.00 (252 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-31351-1 Buy at Amazon
Device physics
Carbon Nanotubes for Interconnects: Process, Design and Applications. A. Todri-Sanial, J. Dijon, A. Maffucci, eds. Springer, 2017. $129.00 (333 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-29744-6 Buy at Amazon
Emerging Resistive Switching Memories. J. Ouyang. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (93 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-31570-6 Buy at Amazon
Fundamentals of Aircraft and Rocket Propulsion. A. F. El-Sayed. Springer, 2016. $119.00 (1010 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4471-6794-5 Buy at Amazon
Invasive Tightly Coupled Processor Arrays. V. Lari. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (149 pp.). ISBN 978-981-10-1057-6 Buy at Amazon
Millimeter-Wave Antennas: Configurations and Applications. J. du Preez, S. Sinha. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (155 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-35067-7 Buy at Amazon
Multi-dimensional Optical Storage. D. Xu. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (679 pp.). ISBN 978-981-10-0930-3 Buy at Amazon
Operational Amplifiers: Theory and Design. 3rd ed. J. Huijsing. Springer, 2017. $99.00 (423 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-28126-1 Buy at Amazon
Planar Waveguide Optical Sensors: From Theory to Applications. A. Dutta, B. Deka, P. P. Sahu. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (179 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-35139-1 Buy at Amazon
Variation-Aware Advanced CMOS Devices and SRAM. C. Shin. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (140 pp.). ISBN 978-94-017-7595-3 Buy at Amazon
Wideband Continuous-Time ΣΔ ADCs, Automotive Electronics, and Power Management: Advances in Analog Circuit Design 2016. A. Baschirotto, P. Harpe, K. A. A. Makinwa, eds. Springer, 2017. $179.00 (352 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-41669-4 Buy at Amazon
Energy and environment
Advances in Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants. M. R. Islam, F. Rahman, W. Xu, eds. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (317 pp.). ISBN 978-3-662-50519-9 Buy at Amazon
Community Energy Networks with Storage: Modeling Frameworks for Distributed Generation. K. R. Khalilpour, A. Vassallo. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (191 pp.). ISBN 978-981-287-651-5 Buy at Amazon
Energy from Nuclear Fission: An Introduction. E. De Sanctis, S. Monti, M. Ripani. Springer, 2016. $59.00 (278 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-30649-0 Buy at Amazon
Implications and Consequences of Anthropogenic Pollution in Polar Environments. R. Kallenborn, ed. Springer, 2016. $139.00 (259 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-12314-6 Buy at Amazon
Mitigation of Dangers from Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards: Prediction, Prevention, and Preparedness. F. R. Siegel. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (127 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-38874-8 Buy at Amazon
Analytical Solutions for Transport Processes: Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer. G. Brenn. Springer, 2017. $129.00 (300 pp.). ISBN 978-3-662-51421-4 Buy at Amazon
Aviation Turbulence: Processes, Detection, Prediction. R. Sharman, T. Lane, eds. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (523 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-23629-2 Buy at Amazon
Coarse Grained Simulation and Turbulent Mixing. F. F. Grinstein, ed. Cambridge U. Press, 2016. $190.00 (444 pp.). ISBN 978-1-107-13704-2 Buy at Amazon
Fluid and Thermodynamics. Vol. 1: Basic Fluid Mechanics. K. Hutter, Y. Wang. Springer, 2016. $229.00 (639 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-33632-9 Buy at Amazon
Fluid and Thermodynamics. Vol. 2: Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamic Fundamentals. K. Hutter, Y. Wang. Springer, 2016. $229.00 (633 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-33635-0 Buy at Amazon
Gas Dynamics: An Introduction with Examples from Astrophysics and Geophysics. A. Achterberg. Atlantis Press, 2016. $79.99 (391 pp.). ISBN 978-94-6239-194-9 Buy at Amazon
Paradoxes in Aerohydrodynamics. S. A. Yershin. Springer, 2017. $179.00 (362 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-25671-9 Buy at Amazon
Recent Advances in Fluid Dynamics with Environmental Applications. J. Klapp et al., eds. Springer, 2016. $199.00 (506 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-27964-0 Buy at Amazon
Data-Driven Numerical Modelling in Geodynamics: Methods and Applications. A. Ismail-Zadeh, A. Korotkii, I. Tsepelev. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (105 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-27800-1 Buy at Amazon
Geosciences of Azerbaijan. Vol. I: Geology. A. A. Alizadeh, I. S. Guliyev, F. A. Kadirov, L. V. Eppelbaum. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (237 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-27393-8 Buy at Amazon
Global Dynamics of the Earth: Applications of Viscoelastic Relaxation Theory to Solid-Earth and Planetary Geophysics. 2nd ed. R. Sabadini, B. Vermeersen, G. Cambiotti. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (358 pp.). ISBN 978-94-017-7550-2 Buy at Amazon
Groundwater Prospecting and Management. H. P. Patra, S. K. Adhikari, S. Kunar. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (219 pp.). ISBN 978-981-10-1147-4 Buy at Amazon
Monitoring Volcanoes in the North Pacific: Observations from Space. K. G. Dean, J. Dehn, eds. Springer, 2015. $179.00 (363 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-24125-6 Buy at Amazon
Seismic Hydrocarbon Exploration: 2D and 3D Techniques. H. N. Alsadi. Springer, 2017. $199.00 (331 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-40435-6 Buy at Amazon
VIII Hotine–Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy. N. Sneeuw, P. Novák, M. Crespi, F. Sansò, eds. Springer, 2016. $199.00 (340 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-24548-5 Buy at Amazon
History and philosophy
Astronomy in the Ancient World: Early and Modern Views on Celestial Events. A. McLeod. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (234 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-23599-8 Buy at Amazon
The Challenge of Chance: A Multidisciplinary Approach from Science and the Humanities. K. Landsman, E. van Wolde, eds. Springer, 2016. $59.99 (276 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-26298-7 Buy at Amazon
Getting It Right in Science and Medicine: Can Science Progress Through Errors? Fallacies and Facts. H. R. Kricheldorf. Springer, 2016. $39.99 (285 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-30386-4 Buy at Amazon
How Can Physics Underlie the Mind? Top-Down Causation in the Human Context. G. Ellis. Springer, 2016. $79.99 (482 pp.). ISBN 978-3-662-49807-1 Buy at Amazon
The Hunt for Vulcan: … And How Albert Einstein Destroyed a Planet, Discovered Relativity, and Deciphered the Universe. T. Levenson. Random House, 2016. $16.00 paper (229 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8129-8830-7 Buy at Amazon
In the Footsteps of Columbus: European Missions to the International Space Station. J. O’Sullivan. Praxis/Springer, 2016. $44.99 paper (391 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-27560-4 Buy at Amazon
IUTAM: A Short History. 2nd ed. P. Eberhard, S. Juhasz, eds. Springer, 2016. $59.99 paper (242 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-31061-9 Buy at Amazon
John Stewart Bell and Twentieth-Century Physics: Vision and Integrity. A. Whitaker. Oxford U. Press, 2016. $44.95 (460 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-874299-9 Buy at Amazon
Margherita Sarrocchi’s Letters to Galileo: Astronomy, Astrology, and Poetics in Seventeenth-Century Italy. M. K. Ray. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. $54.99 (98 pp.). ISBN 978-1-137-59769-4 Buy at Amazon
Sigma 7: The Six Mercury Orbits of Walter M. Schirra, Jr. C. Burgess. Praxis/Springer, 2016. $34.99 paper (298 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-27982-4 Buy at Amazon
Subalternity vs. Hegemony, Cuba’s Outstanding Achievements in Science and Biotechnology, 1959–2014. A. Baracca, R. Franconi. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (103 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-40608-4 Buy at Amazon
Successful Women Ceramic and Glass Scientists and Engineers: 100 Inspirational Profiles. L. D. Madsen. Wiley, 2016. $65.00 (603 pp.). ISBN 978-1-118-73360-8 Buy at Amazon
Instrumentation and techniques
Essential Knowledge for Transistor-Level LSI Circuit Design. T. Nakura. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (211 pp.). ISBN 978-981-10-0423-0 Buy at Amazon
An Introduction to Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection. R. C. Conceição, J. J. Mohr, M. O’Halloran, eds. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (144 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-27865-0 Buy at Amazon
Laser-Generated Functional Nanoparticle Bioconjugates: Design for Application in Biomedical Science and Reproductive Biology. A. Barchanski. Springer Spektrum, 2016. $89.99 paper (310 pp.). ISBN 978-3-658-13514-0 Buy at Amazon
Mechanical Properties of Polymers Measured through AFM Force–Distance Curves. B. Cappella. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (233 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-29457-5 Buy at Amazon
Sensors and Instrumentation, Volume 5. E. Wee Sit, ed. Springer, 2016. $199.00 (179 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-29858-0 Buy at Amazon
THz Technology Applied to Cultural Heritage in Practice. K. Fukunaga. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (144 pp.). ISBN 978-4-431-55883-5 Buy at Amazon
Materials science
1D Oxide Nanostructures Obtained by Sol-Gel and Hydrothermal Methods. C. Anastasescu, S. Mihaiu, S. Preda, M. Zaharescu. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (82 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-32986-4 Buy at Amazon
Advanced Material Science and Engineering (AMSE2016). D. Ren, H. Haeri, eds. World Scientific, 2016. $198.00 (635 pp.). ISBN 978-981-3141-60-5 Buy at Amazon
Annual Review of Materials Research. Vol. 46. D. R. Clarke, V. Gopalan, R. LeSar, eds. Annual Reviews, 2016. $109.00 (489 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8243-1746-1 Buy at Amazon
Applied Engineering, Materials and Mechanics. J. W. Hu, ed. World Scientific, 2016. $168.00 (336 pp.). ISBN 978-981-3146-57-0 Buy at Amazon
Basic Physics of Functionalized Graphite. P. D. Esquinazi, ed. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (185 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-39353-7 Buy at Amazon
Dielectric Properties of Ionic Liquids. M. Paluch, ed. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (237 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-32487-6 Buy at Amazon