Low-noise digitizer for lock-in amplifier
Zurich Instruments now offers a digitizer option for its MFLI middle- and low-frequency range lock-in amplifier. The MFLI is used in fields such as optical chopper applications, MEMS characterization, pump–probe experiments, and ultrasonic and quantum electronic materials research. The digitizer option is integrated into the LabOne user interface that comes with the MFLI. Current and voltage signals are digitized with a sampling rate of 60 MSample/s and a bandwidth of 7 MHz. Input noise is 2.5 nV/√Hz, and resolution is 16- or 24-bit in high-definition mode. The input range can be adjusted from ±1 mV to ±3 V or ±10 nA to ±10 mA to match the signal amplitude. Current and voltage signals can be acquired continuously or triggered with a demodulated signal, a signal threshold, or a pattern on the digital inputs. That cross-domain triggering may allow for new measurement approaches. Zurich Instruments AG, Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland, http://www.zhinst.com
Compact rotary stage
Physik Instrumente has added a new piezo inertia drive rotary stage to its Q-Motion line of compact linear and rotary systems for positioning compact optomechanical components in research and OEM applications. The Q-632 micropositioning drive is 32 mm wide and 7 mm high and has a 30 mm turntable diameter with a 360° rotation range. It delivers precision rotation with a minimal incremental motion of 3 µrad in closed-loop operation and a velocity of 45°/s. The Q-632 is offered in open- and closed-loop versions; the latter is equipped with a direct measuring sensor that provides 0.75 µrad resolution. The self-clamping motor design provides long-term, power-off, position-hold capabilities with no need for a brake. Q-Motion rotation stages are suitable for vacuum to 10−6 hPa; ultrahigh-vacuum-compatible versions are available. Applications for the Q-632 include photonics, bionanotechnology, metrology, microscopy, life sciences, and automation. Physik Instrumente LP, 16 Albert St, Auburn, MA 01501, http://www.pi-usa.us
Wheatstone bridge in-line signal conditioner
Housed in a rugged stainless-steel enclosure between a transducer and a readout instrument, the IN-UVI in-line signal conditioner from Omega provides easy accessibility for transducer field calibrations, especially when space is limited. It is suitable for use with miniature transducers and with applications in which a transducer must be located some distance away from a display or in a hostile environment. The IN-UVI supplies a highly regulated bridge excitation voltage for the transducer or load cell and converts the mV signal of the transducer to voltage outputs of 0–5 Vdc, 0–10 Vdc, ±5 Vdc, and ±10 Vdc, or current outputs of 4–20 mA and 12 ± 8 mA. It offers high signal-to-noise ratio, low thermal drift, a wide range of field-selectable inputs and outputs, two selectable excitation voltages, a programmable gain amplifier for signals from 0.5 mV/V to 4 mV/V, a wide zero adjustment range, and an isolated shunt calibration relay for quick field setup. Omega Engineering Inc, 1 Omega Dr, P. O. Box 4047, Stamford, CT 06907-0047, http://www.omega.com
All-in-one test instrument
National Instruments has enhanced its software-based VirtualBench platform for scientists and engineers who use benchtop test equipment to characterize and debug new designs or automated test systems. The all-in-one instrument combines a mixed-signal oscilloscope, a function generator, a digital multimeter, a higher-wattage programmable DC power supply, and digital input/output and integrates with LabVIEW system design software. The oscilloscope with protocol analysis delivers 350 MHz of bandwidth and four analog channels for interactive testing. The DC power supply delivers up to 3 A for the 6 V output channel and up to 1 A for the 25 V and −25 V channels for higher-current applications. VirtualBench features Ethernet connectivity and USB and Wi-Fi compatibility for distributed measurements. Users can interact with VirtualBench through free, upgradable software applications that run on PCs or iPads. National Instruments Corporation, 11500 Mopac Expy, Austin, TX 78759-3504, http://www.ni.com
Superresolution fluorescence microscope
Bruker has announced that its Vutara 352 high-speed imaging superresolution microscope for cell biology and neuroscience research offers quantitative capabilities and multimodal imaging. According to the company, the enhancement represents a new dimension of functionality, including the ability to perform pair-correlation, colocation, cluster, and live-cell analysis with superresolution. Combined with Bruker’s Opterra multipoint confocal microscope, the Vutara 352 enables the visualization of large-scale, high-resolution structural context in correlation with superresolution imaging in challenging live-cell applications. It uses high 3D resolution to quantify molecular colocation and fast imaging speeds to identify, track, and monitor fluorescent clusters in live cells. Bruker Nano Surfaces Division, 3030 Laura Ln, Ste 140, Middleton, WI 53562, http://www.bruker.com
Source measurement unit for high-power devices
Tektronix’s Keithley product line now features a graphical-based source measure unit (SMU) to optimize and characterize high-power materials, devices, and modules. The 2461 high-current SourceMeter instrument offers advanced capabilities for creating precisely controlled 10 A/100 V, 1000 W high-current pulses to minimize power device thermal effects that can result in device or module failures. Device operation is tracked by dual 18-bit high‑speed digitizers and the results are graphically displayed on the front panel for immediate analysis. Based on the company’s 2450 and 2460 SMU platforms, the user-friendly 2461 features the highest performance levels of DC and pulsed sources and sinks in its class, according to the company. It is useful for such applications as materials research, semiconductor and circuit protection devices, advanced lighting technologies, and energy storage and generation components. Tektronix Inc, 14150 SW Karl Braun Dr, P. O. Box 500, Beaverton, OR 97077, http://www.tek.com
Laser measurement sensor
Ophir Photonics, a Newport Corp company, has announced its 3A-PF-12 thermal power or energy measurement sensor for lasers with short pulses. It can measure powers from 15 µW up to 3 W and energies from 20 µJ to 2 J. The company’s P-type absorber is replaced in the ultrasensitive sensor with the high-damage-threshold PF type, which gives it what Ophir claims is the industry’s highest-energy density damage threshold of up to 1.5 J/cm2 for repetitive nanosecond pulses. Designed for use with yttrium aluminum garnet laser emission and its harmonics and with excimer lasers, the 3A-PF-12 has low noise of 4 µW and low drift of 5–30 µW. The sensor features a 12 mm aperture and a broad wavelength range of 0.15–20 µm. Ophir Photonics Group, Ophir-Spiricon LLC, 3050 North 300 West, North Logan, UT 84341, http://www.ophiropt.com
Terahertz measurement kits
TeTechS uses the distinctive characteristics of terahertz technology to address measurement issues that cannot be addressed by such technologies as visible, IR, and x ray. The company’s measurement technologies use terahertz waves to see through opaque barriers, find previously undetectable objects and defects, and identify materials in mixtures and composites. The novel fiber- and air-coupled measurement kits include the optical and electronic components and the respective lasers needed to provide customizable solutions for education and research laboratories working with terahertz technology. With the fiber-coupled kits, educators in university advanced optics laboratories can demonstrate terahertz and optical measurements. The air-coupled kits provide academic researchers with the necessities to custom-build terahertz time-domain setups in 20 minutes. TeTechS Inc, 170 Columbia St W, Ste 3, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3L3, Canada, http://tetechs.com
Green, IR, and UV solid-state lasers
Coherent has released the Flare NX, an ultracompact high-speed pulsed laser series that enables applications such as matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) analytical measurements, laser microdissection, and laser-induced fluorescence. The diode-pumped, solid-state pulsed laser series offers a choice of 1030 nm, 515 nm, and 343 nm outputs. The lasers combine high pulse energies greater than 500 µJ at 1030 nm, 300 µJ at 515 nm, and 100 µJ at 343 nm with a beam quality of M2 < 1.2. The short pulse width of ~1 ns delivers increased temporal resolution in some applications—for example, superior mass resolution in MALDI-TOF. The high pulse energy leads to improved signal-to-noise data and thus requires fewer pulses per measurement. The high beam quality yields high spatial resolution in microscopy-type applications. Coherent Inc, 5100 Patrick Henry Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95054, http://www.coherent.com
Position sensors for harsh environments
Queensgate’s NCG-1-AL-UHV position sensors are the longest-range devices the company offers: Their measurements can span across 11 000 µm. Designed for precision positioning in harsh environments, their sensing mechanism uses gold-plated ceramic capacitive plates. They combine rugged construction and operational performance of 0.12 µm resolution, which is due to their very low-noise electronics. The sensors can be used interferometrically for short-distance measurements. Because they have low thermal changes at the point of measurement, they can perform system drift and stability analysis. They are radiation hard to 107 Gy and have a working temperature range of −200 °C to 150 °C. They are nonmagnetic and can be placed in ultrahigh-vacuum environments up to 1 × 10−10 torr. Among the applications for the devices are x-ray monochromators, large-scale science experiments, and precision manufacturing. Queensgate Instruments, 5856 Corporate Ave, Ste 220, Cypress, CA 90630, http://www.nanopositioning.com
Energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometers
According to Spectro Analytical Instruments, a member of Ametek’s materials analysis division, its new line of XEPOS spectrometers represent an advance in energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence technology that will improve multi-elemental analysis of major, minor, and trace element concentrations. Innovations in adaptive excitation and tube and detector technologies improve sensitivity, realize lower detection levels, and deliver fast, accurate analysis of a wide range of elements. The x-ray tubes in the spectrometers remain powered on between measurements, so on/off variations do not affect readings. Because the analyzers are offered in four versions, users can prioritize measurement speed, ultimate precision, or groups of targeted elements in specific matrices. They are suitable for applications in research and industry, including rapid-screening elemental analysis for environmental sampling and product quality control. Spectro Analytical Instruments GmbH, Boschstrasse 10, 47533 Kleve, Germany, http://www.spectro.com
Arbitrary waveform generator
Keysight Technologies has announced that it has increased the M8195A 65 GSa/s arbitrary waveform generator’s analog bandwidth from 20 GHz to 25 GHz. Its memory has been increased to 16 GSa per channel, for a playtime of 250 ms at the maximum sample rate. Users can create long test signal scenarios with the M8195A’s sequencer option. Adding the company’s M8085A software plug-in yields a compact multilane MIPI C-PHY and D-PHY receiver test application, and both have standard conformant calibration and test procedures as part of their application. The D-PHY includes a payload pattern and pattern sequence editor. The 81195A optical modulation generator software’s real-time option lets users change signal properties and impairments at runtime. The M8195A features one, two, or four differential channels per one-slot high AXIe module. (AXIe denotes AdvancedTCA Extensions for Instrumentation and Test, a standard for general-purpose modular instrumentation and semiconductor testing.) The number of channels is software upgradeable. Keysight Technologies Inc, 1400 Fountaingrove Pkwy, Santa Rosa, CA 95403-1738, http://www.keysight.com