Astronomy and astrophysics
Frontiers in Radio Astronomy 2015. L. Qian, D. Li, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2016. $88.00 (97 pp.). ISBN 978-1-58381-888-6 Buy at Amazon
Fundamentals of Radio Astronomy: Observational Methods. J. M. Marr, R. L. Snell, S. E. Kurtz. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2016. $89.95 (348 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4200-7676-9 Buy at Amazon
How Do You Find an Exoplanet? J. A. Johnson. Princeton U. Press, 2016. $35.00 (178 pp.). ISBN 978-0-691-15681-1 Buy at Amazon
Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena VIII: City of Stars. B. P. Abbott, ed. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2015. $88.00 (337 pp.). ISBN 978-1-58381-886-2 Buy at Amazon
The Life Story of an Infrared Telescope. J. K. Davies. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (264 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-23578-3 Buy at Amazon
The New Cosmos: Answering Astronomy’s Big Questions. D. J. Eicher. Cambridge U. Press, 2016. $29.99 (295 pp.). ISBN 978-1-107-06885-8 Buy at Amazon
Picture This! Grasping the Dimensions of Time and Space. M. Carroll. Springer, 2016. $34.99 (192 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-24905-6 Buy at Amazon
Sidereus Nuncius, or the Sidereal Messenger. 2nd ed. G. Galilei. U. Chicago Press, 2015. $17.00 paper (131 pp.). ISBN 978-0-226-32009-0 Buy at Amazon
Biological and medical physics
Essentials of Single-Cell Analysis: Concepts, Applications and Future Prospects. F.-G. Tseng, T. S. Santra, eds. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (414 pp.). ISBN 978-3-662-49116-4 Buy at Amazon
From Molecules to Living Organisms: An Interplay Between Biology and Physics. E. Pebay-Peyroula et al., eds. Oxford U. Press, 2016. $69.95 (436 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-875295-0 Buy at Amazon
Measuring Biological Impacts of Nanomaterials. J. Wegener, ed. Springer, 2016. $259.00 (214 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-24821-9 Buy at Amazon
Membrane Protein–Lipid Interactions: Physics and Chemistry in the Bilayer. J. H. Borrell, Ò. Domènech, K. M. W. Keough. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (116 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-30275-1 Buy at Amazon
A Parametric Framework for Modelling of Bioelectrical Signals. Y. M. Mughal. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (81 pp.). ISBN 978-981-287-968-4 Buy at Amazon
Physics of the Human Body. 2nd ed. I. P. Herman. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (953 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-23930-9 Buy at Amazon
Research on the Physics of Cancer: A Global Perspective. B. S. Gerstman, ed. World Scientific, 2016. $118.00 (209 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4730-25-9 Buy at Amazon
Chemical physics
On-Surface Synthesis: Proceedings of the International Workshop On-Surface Synthesis. A. Gourdon, ed. Springer, 2016. $259.00 (287 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-26598-8 Buy at Amazon
Solar to Chemical Energy Conversion: Theory and Application. M. Sugiyama, K. Fujii, S. Nakamura, eds. Springer, 2016. $229.00 (489 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-25398-5 Buy at Amazon
Computers and computational physics
Advances in Physarum Machines: Sensing and Computing with Slime Mould. A. Adamatzky, ed. Springer, 2016. $279.00 (839 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-26661-9 Buy at Amazon
Machine Learning in Complex Networks. T. C. Silva, L. Zhao. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (331 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-17289-7 Buy at Amazon
Modeling of Tropospheric Delays Using ANFIS. W. Suparta, K. M. Alhasa. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (109 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-28435-4 Buy at Amazon
Condensed-matter physics
Excitons and Cooper Pairs: Two Composite Bosons in Many-Body Physics. M. Combescot, S.-Y. Shiau. Oxford U. Press, 2016. $94.95 (546 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-875373-5 Buy at Amazon
PWA90: A Lifetime of Emergence. P. Chandra et al., eds. World Scientific, 2016. $28.50 paper (222 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4733-62-5 Buy at Amazon
Cosmology and relativity
Chern–Simons (Super)Gravity. M. Hassaine, J. Zanelli. World Scientific, 2016. $84.00 (138 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4730-93-8 Buy at Amazon
Device physics
High Power Microwaves. 3rd ed. J. Benford, J. A. Swegle, E. Schamiloglu. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2016. $169.95 (453 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4822-6059-5 Buy at Amazon
Introduction to Biosensors: From Electric Circuits to Immunosensors. 2nd ed. J.-Y. Yoon. Springer, 2016. $89.99 (331 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-27411-9 Buy at Amazon
Magnetic Levitation: Maglev Technology and Applications. H.-S. Han, D.-S. Kim. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (247 pp.). ISBN 978-94-017-7522-9 Buy at Amazon
Sensors for Safety and Process Control in Hydrogen Technologies. T. Hübert, L. Boon-Brett, W. J. Buttner. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2016. $149.95 (387 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4665-9654-2 Buy at Amazon
Energy and environment
Annual Review of Environment and Resources. Vol. 40. A. Gadgil, T. P. Tomich, eds. Annual Reviews, 2015. $93.00 (512 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8243-2340-0 Buy at Amazon
Parabolic Trough Collector Prototypes for Low-Temperature Process Heat. G. Coccia, G. Di Nicola, A. Hidalgo. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (80 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-27082-1 Buy at Amazon
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 48. S. H. Davis, P. Moin, eds. Annual Reviews, 2016. $102.00 (609 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8243-0748-6 Buy at Amazon
The Thermophysical Properties of Metallic Liquids. Vol. 1: Fundamentals. T. Iida, R. I. L. Guthrie. Oxford U. Press, 2015. $74.95 (353 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-872983-9 Buy at Amazon
The Thermophysical Properties of Metallic Liquids. Vol. 2: Predictive Models. T. Iida, R. I. L. Guthrie. Oxford U. Press, 2015. $74.95 (232 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-872984-6 Buy at Amazon
Current Challenges in Statistical Seismology. Q. Huang, M. Gerstenberger, J. Zhuang, eds. Birkhäuser, 2016. $74.99 paper (319 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-28966-3 Buy at Amazon
Volcanic Lakes. D. Rouwet, B. Christenson, F. Tassi, J. Vandemeulebrouck, eds. Springer, 2015. $229.00 (533 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-36832-5 Buy at Amazon
History and philosophy
Humanity in a Creative Universe. S. A. Kauffman. Oxford U. Press, 2016. $34.95 (294 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-939045-8 Buy at Amazon
Inventing Atmospheric Science: Bjerknes, Rossby, Wexler, and the Foundations of Modern Meteorology. J. R. Fleming. MIT Press, 2016. $31.00 (296 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-03394-7 Buy at Amazon
A Mathematician’s Journeys: Otto Neugebauer and Modern Transformations of Ancient Science. A. Jones, C. Proust, J. M. Steele, eds. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (342 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-25863-8 Buy at Amazon
The Meaning of Science: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. T. Lewens. Basic Books, 2016. $26.99 (254 pp.). ISBN 978-0-465-09748-7 Buy at Amazon
Models and Inferences in Science. E. Ippoliti, F. Sterpetti, T. Nickles, eds. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (253 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-28162-9 Buy at Amazon
A Scientific Peak: How Boulder Became a World Center for Space and Atmospheric Science. J. P. Bassi. American Meteorological Society, 2015. $35.00 paper (246 pp.). ISBN 978-1-935704-85-0 Buy at Amazon
Substance and Method: Studies in Philosophy of Science. C. Liu. World Scientific, 2016. $178.00 (533 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4632-18-8 Buy at Amazon
Instrumentation and techniques
Digital Signal Processing and Spectral Analysis for Scientists: Concepts and Applications. S. M. Alessio. Springer, 2016. $119.00 (900 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-25466-1 Buy at Amazon
Modern Luminescence Spectroscopy of Minerals and Materials. 2nd ed. M. Gaft, R. Reisfeld, G. Panczer. Springer, 2015. $229.00 (606 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-24763-2 Buy at Amazon
Principles of Applied Remote Sensing. S. Khorram et al. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (307 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-22559-3 Buy at Amazon
Materials science
Materials Research for Manufacturing: An Industrial Perspective of Turning Materials into New Products. L. D. Madsen, E. B. Svedberg, eds. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (338 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-23418-2 Buy at Amazon
Mesoscopic Theories of Heat Transport in Nanosystems. A. Sellitto, V. A. Cimmelli, D. Jou. Springer, 2016. $109.00 (170 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-27205-4 Buy at Amazon
Metamaterials for Perfect Absorption. Y. P. Lee, J. Y. Rhee, Y. J. Yoo, K. W. Kim. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (176 pp.). ISBN 978-981-10-0103-1 Buy at Amazon
Modification of Magnetic Properties of Iron Clusters by Doping and Adsorption: From a Few Atoms to Nanoclusters. G. L. Gutsev, K. G. Belay, L. G. Gutsev, C. A. Weatherford. Springer, 2016. $54.99 paper (79 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-27884-1 Buy at Amazon
Reviews in Plasmonics 2015. C. D. Geddes, ed. Springer, 2016. $209.00 (453 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-24604-8 Buy at Amazon
Structural and Morphological Evolution in Metal–Organic Films and Multilayers. A. Datta, S. Mukherjee. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2016. $129.95 (204 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4822-3270-7 Buy at Amazon
Thermomechanics of Composite Structures under High Temperatures. Y. I. Dimitrienko. Springer, 2016. $179.00 (434 pp.). ISBN 978-94-017-7492-5 Buy at Amazon
Three-Dimensional Integration of Semiconductors: Processing, Materials, and Applications. K. Kondo, M. Kada, K. Takahashi, eds. Springer, 2015. $229.00 (408 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-18674-0 Buy at Amazon
Contextuality from Quantum Physics to Psychology. E. Dzhafarov, S. Jordan, R. Zhang, V. Cervantes, eds. World Scientific, 2016. $190.00 (468 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4730-60-0 Buy at Amazon
Nonlinear science and chaos
Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems. E. Schöll, S. H. L. Klapp, P. Hövel, eds. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (475 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-28027-1 Buy at Amazon
Designing Beauty: The Art of Cellular Automata. A. Adamatzky, G. J. Martínez, eds. Springer, 2016. $56.99 (191 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-27269-6 Buy at Amazon
Interconnected Networks. A. Garas, ed. Springer, 2016. $109.00 (229 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-23945-3 Buy at Amazon
Mathematical Modeling and Applications in Nonlinear Dynamics. A. C. J. Luo, H. Merdan, eds. Springer, 2016. $99.00 (205 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-26628-2 Buy at Amazon
Nuclear physics
Relativistic Density Functional for Nuclear Structure. J. Meng, ed. World Scientific, 2016. $198.00 (699 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4733-25-0 Buy at Amazon
Optics and photonics
Light: A Very Short Introduction. I. Walmsley. Oxford U. Press, 2015. $11.95 paper (131 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-968269-0 Buy at Amazon
Principles of Radiation Interaction in Matter and Detection. 4th ed. C. Leroy, P.-G. Rancoita. World Scientific, 2016. $226.00 (1316 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4603-18-8 Buy at Amazon
Quantum Optomechanics. W. P. Bowen, G. J. Milburn. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2016. $99.95 (358 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4822-5915-5 Buy at Amazon
Silicon Photonics III: Systems and Applications. L. Pavesi, D. J. Lockwood, eds. Springer, 2016. $199.00 (524 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-10502-9 Buy at Amazon
Wave Optics: Basic Concepts and Contemporary Trends. S. Dutta Gupta, N. Ghosh, A. Banerjee. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2016. $92.95 (357 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4822-3773-3 Buy at Amazon
Particle physics
Experimental Studies of Neutrino Oscillations. T. Kajita. World Scientific, 2016. $18.00 paper (98 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4759-26-7 Buy at Amazon
Melting Hadrons, Boiling Quarks—From Hagedorn Temperature to Ultra-Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions at CERN. J. Rafelski, ed. Springer, 2016. $59.99 (439 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-17544-7 Buy at Amazon
Quark–Gluon Plasma 5. X.-N. Wang, ed. World Scientific, 2016. $154.00 (403 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4663-70-0 Buy at Amazon
Plasmas and fusion
Plasma Sources of Solar System Magnetospheres. A. F. Nagy, M. Blanc, C. R. Chappell, N. Krupp, eds. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (295 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4939-3543-7 Buy at Amazon
13.8: The Quest to Find the True Age of the Universe and the Theory of Everything. J. Gribbin. Yale U. Press, 2015. $30.00 (242 pp.). ISBN 978-0-300-21827-5 Buy at Amazon
The Cosmic Web: Mysterious Architecture of the Universe. J. R. Gott. Princeton U. Press, 2016. $29.95 (255 pp.). ISBN 978-0-691-15726-9 Buy at Amazon
Earthquake Time Bombs. R. Yeats. Cambridge U. Press, 2015. $29.99 (340 pp.). ISBN 978-1-107-08524-4 Buy at Amazon
The Hunt for Alien Life: A Wider Perspective. P. Linde. Springer, 2016. $39.99 paper (385 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-24116-6 Buy at Amazon
The Impact of Discovering Life Beyond Earth. S. J. Dick, ed. Cambridge U. Press, 2015. $29.99 (356 pp.). ISBN 978-1-107-10998-8 Buy at Amazon
The Jazz of Physics: The Secret Link between Music and the Structure of the Universe. S. Alexander. Basic Books, 2016. $27.50 (254 pp.). ISBN 978-0-465-03499-4 Buy at Amazon
Strange Glow: The Story of Radiation. T. J. Jorgensen. Princeton U. Press, 2016. $35.00 (490 pp.). ISBN 978-0-691-16503-5 Buy at Amazon
A Survival Guide to the Misinformation Age: Scientific Habits of Mind. D. J. Helfand. Columbia U. Press, 2016. $29.95 (325 pp.). ISBN 978-0-231-16872-4 Buy at Amazon
Quantum physics
Making Sense of Quantum Mechanics. J. Bricmont. Springer, 2016. $69.99 (331 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-25887-4 Buy at Amazon
Society and government
The Only Woman in the Room: Why Science Is Still a Boys’ Club. E. Pollack. Beacon Press, 2015. $25.95 (266 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8070-4657-9 Buy at Amazon
Space and planetary science
Lunar and Interplanetary Trajectories. R. Biesbroek. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (227 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-26981-8 Buy at Amazon
Texts and education
Laser Experiments for Chemistry and Physics. R. N. Compton, M. A. Duncan. Oxford U. Press, 2016. $59.95 paper (403 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-874298-2 Buy at Amazon
Macroscopic Electrodynamics: An Introductory Graduate Treatment. W. Wilcox, C. Thron. World Scientific, 2016. $74.00 paper (804 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4616-62-1 Buy at Amazon
Macroscopic Electrodynamics Instructor’s Solutions Guide. W. Walter, C. Thron. World Scientific, 2016. $24.00 paper (157 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4616-65-2 Buy at Amazon
Modern Optics. 2nd ed. B. D. Guenther. Oxford U. Press, 2015. $98.50 (718 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-873877-0 Buy at Amazon
The Physics of Semiconductors: An Introduction Including Nanophysics and Applications. 3rd ed. M. Grundmann. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (989 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-23879-1 Buy at Amazon
Quantum Mechanics. 6th ed. A. I. M. Rae, J. Napolitano. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2016. $79.95 paper (414 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4822-9918-2 Buy at Amazon
Theory and mathematical methods
Analysis and Design of Markov Jump Systems with Complex Transition Probabilities. L. Zhang, T. Yang, P. Shi, Y. Zhu. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (263 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-28846-8 Buy at Amazon
Front Tracking for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws. 2nd ed. H. Holden, N. H. Risebro. Springer, 2015. $89.99 (517 pp.). ISBN 978-3-662-47506-5 Buy at Amazon
Kinematics: Theory and Applications. J. Wittenburg. Springer, 2016. $229.00 (685 pp.). ISBN 978-3-662-48486-9 Buy at Amazon
Macroscopic and Large Scale Phenomena: Coarse Graining, Mean Field Limits and Ergodicity. A. Muntean, J. D. M. Rademacher, A. Zagaris, eds. Springer, 2016. $129.00 paper (295 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-26882-8 Buy at Amazon
Physics and Mathematical Tools: Methods and Examples. A. Alastuey, M. Clusel, M. Magro, P. Pujol. World Scientific, 2016. $58.00 paper (342 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4713-24-5 Buy at Amazon
Scattering Theory. 2nd ed. H. Friedrich. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (287 pp.). ISBN 978-3-662-48524-8 Buy at Amazon
The Shapes of Things: A Practical Guide to Differential Geometry and the Shape Derivative. S. W. Walker. SIAM, 2015. $74.00 paper (154 pp.). ISBN 978-1-611973-95-2 Buy at Amazon
Synergetics and Fractals in Tribology. A. K. Janahmadov, M. Y. Javadov. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (381 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-28187-2 Buy at Amazon
Theory of Quantum Transport at Nanoscale: An Introduction. D. A. Ryndyk. Springer, 2016. $129.00 (246 pp.). ISBN 978-3-319-24086-2 Buy at Amazon
Toroidal Multipole Moments in Classical Electrodynamics: An Analysis of Their Emergence and Physical Significance. S. Nanz. Springer Spektrum, 2016. $69.99 paper (87 pp.). ISBN 978-3-658-12548-6 Buy at Amazon
Variational Methods for the Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Elliptic Problems. R. Glowinski. SIAM, 2015. $79.00 paper (462 pp.). ISBN 978-1-611973-77-8 Buy at Amazon