The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change: A Guide to the Debate. 2nd ed. A. E. Dessler, E. A. Parson. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2010 [2006]. $45.00 paper (211 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-73740-1 Buy at Amazon

Contemporary Issues in Estuarine Physics. A. Valle-Levinson, ed. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2010. $120.00 (315 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-89967-3 Buy at Amazon

Fluid Structure Interaction II: Modelling, Simulation, Optimization. H.-J. Bungartz, M. Mehl, M. Schäfer, eds. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 73. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $149.00 (424 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-14205-5 Buy at Amazon

IUTAM Symposium on the Physics of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows on Rough Walls. T. B. Nickels, ed. IUTAM Bookseries 22. Proc. symp., Cambridge, UK, July 2009. Springer, New York, 2010. $119.00 (181 pp.). ISBN 978-90-481-9630-2 Buy at Amazon

Discovering the Ocean from Space: The Unique Applications of Satellite Oceanography. I. S. Robinson. Springer-Praxis Books in Geophysical Sciences. Praxis/Springer, New York, 2010. $229.00 (638 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-24430-1 Buy at Amazon

Exploration of Gas Hydrates: Geophysical Techniques. N. K. Thakur, S. Rajput. Springer, Berlin, 2011. $179.00 (281 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-14233-8 Buy at Amazon

Geomorphological Hazards and Disaster Prevention. I. Alcántara-Ayala, A. S. Goudie, eds. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2010. $78.00 (291 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-76925-9 Buy at Amazon

Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation. S. P. Mertikas, ed. International Association of Geodesy Symposia 135. Proc. symp., Chania, Crete, Greece, June 2008. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $209.00 (701 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-10633-0 Buy at Amazon

Our Magnetic Earth: The Science of Geomagnetism. R. T. Merrill. U. Chicago Press, Chicago, 2010. $25.00 (261 pp.). ISBN 978-0-226-52050-6 Buy at Amazon

Physics of Lakes. Vol. 1: Foundation of the Mathematical and Physical Background. K. Hutter, Y. Wang, I. P. Chubarenko. Advances in Geophysical and Environmental Mechanics and Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, 2011. $179.00 (434 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-15177-4 Buy at Amazon

Sciences of Geodesy—I: Advances and Future Directions. G. Xu, ed. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $229.00 (487 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-11740-4 Buy at Amazon

Structural Geology. H. Fossen. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2010. $70.00 (463 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-51664-8 Buy at Amazon

Synchronization and Triggering: From Fracture to Earthquake Processes. V. de Rubeis, Z. Czechowski, R. Teisseyre, eds. GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $179.00 (363 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-12299-6 Buy at Amazon

The Dark Matter Problem: A Historical Perspective. R. H. Sanders. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2010. $60.00 (205 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-11301-4 Buy at Amazon

Galileo and 400 Years of Telescopic Astronomy. P. Grego, D. Mannion. Astronomers’ Universe. Springer, New York, 2010. $29.95 paper (300 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4419-5570-8 Buy at Amazon

The Genesis of Feynman Diagrams. A. Wüthrich. Archimedes: New Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology 26. Springer, New York, 2010. $139.00 (208 pp.). ISBN 978-90-481-9227-4 Buy at Amazon

Geometry: Our Cultural Heritage. 2nd ed. A. Holme. Springer, Berlin, 2010 [2002]. $84.95 (519 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-14440-0 Buy at Amazon

Judging Edward Teller: A Closer Look at One of the Most Influential Scientists of the Twentieth Century. I. Hargittai. Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, 2010. $32.00 (575 pp.). ISBN 978-1-61614-221-6 Buy at Amazon

Lenin’s Laureate: Zhores Alferov’s Life in Communist Science. P. R. Josephson. Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2010. $29.95 (307 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-01458-8 Buy at Amazon

The Power of Stars: How Celestial Observations Have Shaped Civilization. B. E. Penprase. Springer, New York, 2011. $39.95 (347 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4419-6802-9 Buy at Amazon

Science in the Age of Computer Simulation. E. B. Winsberg. U. Chicago Press, Chicago, 2010. $66.00, $24.00 paper (152 pp.). ISBN 978-0-226-90202-9, ISBN 978-0-226-90204-3 paperBuy at Amazon

The Theory of Turbulence: Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar’s 1954 Lectures. E. A. Spiegel, ed. Lecture Notes in Physics 810. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2011. $49.95 paper (117 pp.). ISBN 978-94-007-0116-8 Buy at Amazon

Uranium Wars: The Scientific Rivalry That Created the Nuclear Age. A. D. Aczel. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2010 [2009, reissued]. $17.00 paper (248 pp.). ISBN 978-0-230-10335-1 Buy at Amazon

Laser Precision Microfabrication. K. Sugioka, M. Meunier, A. Piqué, eds. Springer Series in Materials Science 135. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $169.00 (344 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-10522-7 Buy at Amazon

Lock-in Thermography: Basics and Use for Evaluating Electronic Devices and Materials. 2nd ed. O. Breitenstein, W. Warta, M. Langenkamp. Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics 10. Springer, Berlin, 2010 [2003]. $129.00 (255 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-02416-0 Buy at Amazon

Spectral Distributions in Nuclei and Statistical Spectroscopy. V. K. B. Kota, R. U. Haq, eds. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2010. $147.00 (695 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4287-38-8 Buy at Amazon

Boron Rich Solids: Sensors, Ultra High Temperature Ceramics, Thermoelectrics, Armor. N. Orlovskaya, M. Lugovy, eds. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics. Proc. wksp., Orlando, FL, Dec. 2009. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2011. $229.00, $119.00 paper (330 pp.). ISBN 978-90-481-9817-7, ISBN 978-90-481-9823-8 paperBuy at Amazon

Characterization and Design of Zeolite Catalysts: Solid Acidity, Shape Selectivity and Loading Properties. M. Niwa, N. Katada, K. Okumura. Springer Series in Materials Science 141. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $129.00 (184 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-12619-2 Buy at Amazon

Elastic Waves at High Frequencies: Techniques for Radiation and Diffraction of Elastic and Surface Waves. J. G. Harris. Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2010. $85.00 (165 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-87530-1 Buy at Amazon

Electromagnetic Analysis Using Transmission Line Variables. 2nd ed. M. Weiner. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2010 [2001]. $130.00 (492 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4287-48-7 Buy at Amazon

Green Nanotechnology: Solutions for Sustainability and Energy in the Built Environment. G. B. Smith, C. G. Granqvist. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2011. $79.95 (447 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4200-8532-7 Buy at Amazon

Handbook of Nanophysics: Principles and Methods. K. D. Sattler, ed. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2011. $139.95 (827 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4200-7540-3 Buy at Amazon

Heteromagnetic Microelectronics: Microsystems of Active Type. A. A. Ignatiev, A. V. Lyashenko. Springer, New York, 2010. $199.00 (506 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4419-6001-6 Buy at Amazon

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High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors: Experiment, Theory, and Applications. N. Plakida. Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences 166. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $199.00 (570 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-12632-1 Buy at Amazon

Nanoscience: The Science of the Small in Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine. H.-E. Schaefer. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $119.00 (772 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-10558-6 Buy at Amazon

Nanoscience and Engineering in Superconductivity. V. Moshchalkov, R. Wördenweber, W. Lang, eds. Nanoscience and Technology. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $169.00 (395 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-15136-1 Buy at Amazon

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Solid Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films. 5th ed. H. Lüth. Graduate Texts in Physics. Springer, Berlin, 2010 [2001]. $109.00 (577 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-13591-0 Buy at Amazon

Theory of Electron Transport in Semiconductors: A Pathway from Elementary Physics to Nonequilibrium Green Functions. C. Jacoboni. Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences 165. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $199.00 (588 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-10585-2 Buy at Amazon

Advanced Summer School in Physics 2009. M. García Rocha et al., eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 1287. Proc. sch., Mexico City, July 2009. AIP, Melville, NY, 2010. $99.00 (123 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7354-0842-5 Buy at Amazon

Collective Animal Behavior. D. J. T. Sumpter. Princeton U. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2010. $80.00, $39.50 paper (302 pp.). ISBN 978-0-691-12963-1, ISBN 978-0-691-14843-4 paperBuy at Amazon

Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems: A Primer. 2nd ed. C. Gros. Springer, Berlin, 2011 [2008]. $79.95 paper (325 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-04705-3 Buy at Amazon

Control of Complex Nonlinear Systems with Delay. P. Hövel. Springer Theses. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $129.00 (253 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-14109-6 Buy at Amazon

Coping with Complexity: Model Reduction and Data Analysis. A. N. Gorban, D. Roose, eds. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 75. Springer, Berlin, 2011. $149.00 (348 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-14940-5 Buy at Amazon

Econophysics and Companies: Statistical Life and Death in Complex Business Networks. H. Aoyama et al. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2010. $99.00 (234 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-19149-4 Buy at Amazon

Extracting Knowledge from Time Series: An Introduction to Nonlinear Empirical Modeling. B. P. Bezruchko, D. A. Smirnov. Springer Series in Synergetics. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $124.00 (405 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-12600-0 Buy at Amazon

Numerical Algorithms for Personalized Search in Self-Organizing Information Networks. S. Kamvar. Princeton U. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2010. $45.00 (139 pp.). ISBN 978-0-691-14503-7 Buy at Amazon

Experiments in Nuclear Science. S. A. Katz, J. C. Bryan. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2011. $49.95 paper (168 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4398-3481-7 Buy at Amazon

The Nucleon–Nucleon Interaction and the Nuclear Many-Body Problem: Selected Papers of Gerald E. Brown and T. T. S. Kuo. G. E. Brown, T. T. S. Kuo, J. W. Holt, S. Lee, eds. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2010. $140.00 (597 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4289-28-3 Buy at Amazon

The Physics of the Manhattan Project. B. C. Reed. Springer, Berlin, 2011. $69.95 (170 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-14708-1 Buy at Amazon

Introduction to Quantum Optics: From the Semi-Classical Approach to Quantized Light. G. Grynberg, A. Aspect, C. Fabre. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2010. $80.00 (665 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-55112-0 Buy at Amazon

Light Scattering Reviews 5: Single Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer. A. A. Kokhanovsky, ed. Springer-Praxis Books in Environmental Sciences. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $279.00 (549 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-10335-3 Buy at Amazon

Axions 2010. D. B. Tanner, K. A. van Bibber, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 1274. Proc. conf., Gainesville, FL, Jan. 2010. AIP, Melville, NY, 2010. $147.00 (186 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7354-0824-1 Buy at Amazon

Diffraction Radiation from Relativistic Particles. A. P. Potylitsyn, M. I. Ryazanov, M. N. Strikhanov, A. A. Tishchenko (translated from Russian by R. Tyapaev). Springer Tracts in Modern Physics 239. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $209.00 (277 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-12512-6 Buy at Amazon

Induction Accelerators. K. Takayama, R. J. Briggs, eds. Particle Acceleration and Detection. Springer, Berlin, 2011. $169.00 (339 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-13916-1 Buy at Amazon

Introduction to the Physics of Massive and Mixed Neutrinos. S. Bilenky. Lecture Notes in Physics 817. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $79.95 paper (256 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-14042-6 Buy at Amazon

Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the Dilepton Final State Using the Matrix Element Method. A. Grohsjean. Springer Theses. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $129.00 (148 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-14069-3 Buy at Amazon

Armageddon Science: The Science of Mass Destruction. B. Clegg. St. Martin’s Press, New York, 2010. $25.99 (294 pp.). ISBN 978-0-312-59894-5 Buy at Amazon

Dance of the Photons: From Einstein to Quantum Teleportation. A. Zeilinger. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2010. $26.00 (305 pp.). ISBN 978-0-374-23966-4 Buy at Amazon

Disaster Deferred: How New Science Is Changing Our View of Earthquake Hazards in the Midwest. S. Stein. Columbia U. Press, New York, 2010. $27.95 (282 pp.). ISBN 978-0-231-15138-2 Buy at Amazon

The End of Discovery: Are We Approaching the Boundaries of the Knowable? R. Stannard. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2010. $24.95 (228 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-958524-3 Buy at Amazon

From Cosmos to Chaos: The Science of Unpredictability. P. Coles. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2010 [2006, reissued]. $26.95 paper (216 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-958814-5 Buy at Amazon

Head Shot: The Science Behind the JFK Assassination. G. P. Chambers. Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, 2010. $25.00 (260 pp.). ISBN 978-1-61614-209-4 Buy at Amazon

Physics Over Easy: Breakfasts with Beth and Physics. 2nd ed. L. V. Azároff. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2010 [1996]. $54.00, $24.00 paper (288 pp.). ISBN 978-981-4295-44-4, ISBN 978-981-4295-45-1 paperBuy at Amazon

Present at the Creation: The Story of CERN and the Large Hadron Collider. A. D. Aczel. Crown, New York, 2010. $25.99 (271 pp.). ISBN 978-0-307-59167-8 Buy at Amazon

The Self-Organizing Social Mind. J. Bolender. A Bradford Book. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2010. $32.00 (190 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-01444-1 Buy at Amazon

Basic Aspects of the Quantum Theory of Solids: Order and Elementary Excitations. D. I. Khomskii. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2010. $75.00 (301 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-83521-3 Buy at Amazon

Functional Renormalization and Ultracold Quantum Gases. S. Flörchinger. Springer Theses. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $129.00 (199 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-14112-6 Buy at Amazon

An Introduction to Quantum Spin Systems. J. B. Parkinson, D. J. J. Farnell. Lecture Notes in Physics 816. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $49.95 paper (154 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-13289-6 Buy at Amazon

Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Field Theory. E. de Faria, W. de Melo. Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 127. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2010. $65.00 (298 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-11577-3 Buy at Amazon

Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics. J. Zinn-Justin. Oxford Graduate Texts. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2010 [2005, reissued]. $54.95 paper (320 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-856675-5 Buy at Amazon

Quantum Information, Computation and Cryptography: An Introductory Survey of Theory, Technology and Experiments. F. Benatti, M. Fannes, R. Floreanini, D. Petritis, eds. Lecture Notes in Physics 808. Springer, Berlin, 2010. $89.95 paper (350 pp.). ISBN 978-3-642-11913-2 Buy at Amazon

Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. A. Wachter. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. Springer, New York, 2011. $124.00 (371 pp.). ISBN 978-90-481-3644-5 Buy at Amazon

Cultivating Confidence: Verification, Monitoring, and Enforcement for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons. C. Hinderstein, ed. Hoover Institution Press 596. Hoover Institution Press, Stanford, CA, 2010. $19.95 paper (322 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8179-1205-5 Buy at Amazon

Preparing for Climate Change. M. D. Mastrandrea, S. H. Schneider. Boston Review Books. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2010. $14.95 (104 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-01488-5 Buy at Amazon

Heliophysics: Space Storms and Radiation; Causes and Effects. C. J. Schrijver, G. L. Siscoe, eds. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2010. $75.00 (447 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-76051-5 Buy at Amazon

Kinetic Theory of the Inner Magnetospheric Plasma. G. V. Khazanov. Astrophysics and Space Science Library 372. Springer, New York, 2011. $199.00 (581 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4419-6796-1 Buy at Amazon