I am writing to correct a statement attributed to me in a news story in Physics Today, January 2010, page 18). I would never have said that I and my students “no longer feel ‘demoralized.’” This is wrong on two counts. First, I have always sheltered my students from worrying about grant funding, so they would never have known to feel demoralized. I take pride in the knowledge that for more than two decades I have been able to provide ample funding for my group members so that they can concentrate on learning and research rather than worrying about raising money. Second, what I actually said was that the physical sciences and engineering communities no longer feel demoralized. I personally have not felt demoralized, but I know plenty of scientists who have, and I was attempting to speak on their behalf.
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April 01 2010
Prof, students not demoralized
Emily A. Carter
Emily A. Carter
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Physics Today 63 (4), 11 (2010);
Emily A. Carter; Prof, students not demoralized. Physics Today 1 April 2010; 63 (4): 11. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4724200
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