Rhythm and Transforms. W. A. Sethares. Springer, London, 2007. $79.95 (336 pp.). ISBN 978-1-84628-639-1, CD-ROM

15th European Workshop on White Dwarfs. R. Napiwotzki, M. R. Burleigh, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 372. Proc. mtg., Leicester, UK, Aug. 2006. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2007. $77.00 (668 pp.). ISBN 978-1-58381-239-6

Astrophysical Hydrodynamics: An Introduction. 2nd rev. ed. S. N. Shore. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2007 [1992]. $80.00 paper (451 pp.). ISBN 978-3-527-40669-2

The First GLAST Symposium. S. Ritz, P. Michelson, C. Meegan, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 921. Proc. symp., Stanford, CA, Feb. 2007. AIP, Melville, NY, 2007. $151.00 (613 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7354-0431-1

Flows, Boundaries, Interactions. C. Dumitrache, V. Mioc, N. A. Popescu, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 934. Proc. wksp., Sinaia, Romania, May 2007. AIP, Melville, NY, 2007. $89.00 (228 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7354-0445-8

Graduate School in Astronomy. F. Roig, J. Alcaniz, R. de la Reza, D. Lopes, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 930. Proc. sch., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct. 2006. AIP, Melville, NY, 2007. $69.00 (125 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7354-0440-3

The Herschel Objects and How to Observe Them. J. Mullaney. Astronomers’ Observing Guides. Springer, New York, 2007. $29.95 paper (167 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-68124-5

Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics IV. F. Figueras, J. M. Girart, M. Hernanz, C. Jordi, eds. Proc. mtg., Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 2006. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2007. $199.00 (367 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4020-5999-5, CD-ROM

The Invisible Universe: Dark Matter and Dark Energy. L. Papantonopoulos, ed. Lecture Notes in Physics 720. Springer, New York, 2007. $79.95 (436 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-71012-7

Isolated Neutron Stars: From the Surface to the Interior. S. Zane, R. Turolla, D. Page, eds. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2007. $219.00 (653 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4020-5997-1

Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies. K. Wada, F. Combes, eds. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings. Proc. symp., Ishigaki, Japan, June 2006. Springer, New York, 2008. $169.00 (392 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-72767-7, CD-ROM

Massive Stars in Interacting Binaries. N. St-Louis, A. F. J. Moffat, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 367. Proc. wksp., St-Alexis-des-Monts, QC, Canada, Aug. 2004. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2007. $77.00 (748 pp.). ISBN 978-1-58381-235-8

The Multicolored Landscape of Compact Objects and Their Explosive Origins. Parts 1 and 2. T. Di Salvo et al., eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 924. Proc. conf., Cefalù, Italy, June 2006. AIP, Melville, NY, 2007. $249.00 set (950 pp. set). ISBN 978-0-7354-0434-2

The Road to Galaxy Formation. 2nd ed. W. C. Keel. Springer-Praxis Books in Astronomy and Planetary Sciences. Praxis/Springer, New York, 2007 [2002]. $99.00 (262 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-72534-3

Rotation and Accretion Powered Pulsars. P. Ghosh. World Scientific Series in Astronomy and Astrophysics 10. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2007. $152.00 (772 pp.). ISBN 978-981-02-4744-7

Total Solar Eclipses and How to Observe Them. M. Mobberley. Astronomers’ Observing Guides. Springer, New York, 2007. $29.95 paper (201 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-69827-4

Molecular Clusters: A Bridge to Solid-State Chemistry. T. P. Fehlner, J.-F. Halet, J.-Y. Saillard. Cambridge Molecular Science. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2007. $130.00 (378 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-85236-4

Charge Migration in DNA: Perspectives from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. T. Chakraborty, ed. Nanoscience and Technology. Springer, New York, 2007. $179.00 (288 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-72493-3

Modeling of Biological Materials. F. Mollica, L. Preziosi, K. R. Rajagopal, eds. Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2007. $89.95 (357 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8176-4410-9

Radiation Protection in the Health Sciences. 2nd ed. M. E. Noz, G. Q. Maguire Jr. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2007 [1995]. $85.00, $45.00 paper (307 pp.). ISBN 978-981-270-596-9, ISBN 978-981-270-597-6 paper

Structural Approaches to Sequence Evolution: Molecules, Networks, Populations. U. Bastolla, M. Porto, H. E. Roman, M. Vendruscolo, eds. Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering. Springer, New York, 2007. $159.00 (367 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-35305-8

Toward Brain-Computer Interfacing. G. Dornhege et al., eds. Neural Information Processing Series. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. $45.00 (507 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-04244-4

The 100 Most Important Chemical Compounds: A Reference Guide. R. L. Myers. Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 2007. $85.00 (326 pp.). ISBN 978-0-313-33758-1

Electron Spin Resonance: Analysis and Interpretation. P. H. Rieger. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2007. $149.00 (173 pp.). ISBN 978-0-85404-355-2

High Energy Density Materials. T. M. Klapötke, ed. Structure and Bonding 125. Springer, New York, 2007. $269.00 (286 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-72201-4

Incommensurate Crystallography. S. van Smaalen. International Union of Crystallography Monographs on Crystallography 21. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2007. $130.00 (270 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-857082-0

Inorganic Chromotropism: Basic Concepts and Applications of Colored Materials. Y. Fukuda, ed. Kodansha, Tokyo, and Springer, New York, 2007. $239.00 (377 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-72311-0

Photofunctional Transition Metal Complexes. V. W. W. Yam, ed. Structure and Bonding 123. Springer, New York, 2007. $249.00 (259 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-36809-0

Polymer Structure Characterization: From Nano to Macro Organization. R. A. Pethrick. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2007. $169.00 (334 pp.). ISBN 978-0-85404-466-5

Atmospheric and Space Flight Dynamics: Modeling and Simulation with MATLAB and Simulink. A. Tewari. Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2007. $89.95, $59.95 paper (556 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8176-4437-6, ISBN 978-08176-4373-7 paper

Large-Scale Kernel Machines. L. Bottou, O. Chapelle, D. DeCoste, J. Weston, eds. Neural Information Processing Series. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. $45.00 (396 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-02625-3

Mathematical Methods in Electro-Magneto-Elasticity. D. I. Bardzokas, M. L. Filshtinsky, L. A. Filshtinsky, eds. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics 32. Springer, New York, 2007. $239.00 (530 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-71030-1

Numerical Simulation in Molecular Dynamics: Numerics, Algorithms, Parallelization, Applications. M. Griebel, S. Knapek, G. Zumbusch. Texts in Computational Science and Engineering 5. Springer, New York, 2007. $59.95 (470 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-68094-9

Predicting Structured Data. G. Bakir et al., eds. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. $45.00 (348 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-02617-8

Simulating the Physical World: Hierarchical Modeling from Quantum Mechanics to Fluid Dynamics. H. J. C. Berendsen. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2007. $75.00, $50.00 paper (596 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-83527-5, ISBN 978-0-521-54294-4 paper

Competing Interactions and Pattern Formation in Nanoworld. E. Y. Vedmedenko. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2007. $150.00 (202 pp.). ISBN 978-3-527-40484-1

Diffusion in Solids: Fundamentals, Methods, Materials, Diffusion-Controlled Processes. H. Mehrer. Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences 155. Springer, New York, 2007. $199.00 (651 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-71486-6

Microstructure and Properties of High-Temperature Superconductors. I. A. Parinov. Springer, New York, 2007. $179.00 (583 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-70976-3

Nanostructured Soft Matter: Experiment, Theory, Simulation and Perspectives. A. V. Zvelindovsky, ed. Nanoscience and Technology. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2007. $199.00 (628 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4020-6329-9

Thin Films of Soft Matter. S. Kalliadasis, U. Thiele, eds. CISM Courses and Lectures 490. Springer, New York, 2007. $89.95 paper (206 pp.). ISBN 978-3-211-69807-5

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Vortices in Bose–Einstein Condensates. A. Aftalion. Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications 67. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2006. $99.00 (203 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8176-4392-8

Elements of String Cosmology. M. Gasperini. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2007. $85.00 (552 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-86875-4

Character and Environment: A Virtue-Oriented Approach to Environmental Ethics. R. L. Sandler. Columbia U. Press, New York, 2007. $45.00 (201 pp.). ISBN 978-0-231-14106-2

Climate Change: What It Means for Us, Our Children, and Our Grandchildren. J. F. C. DiMento, P. Doughman, eds. American and Comparative Environmental Policy. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. $60.00, $19.95 paper (217 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-04241-3, ISBN 978-0-262-54193-0 paper

Connecting the Dots to Future Electric Power. E. J. Blair. AuthorHouse, Bloomington, IN, 2007. $20.90, $14.10 paper (273 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4259-9585-0, ISBN 978-1-4259-9586-7 paper

Fluid—Fluid Interactions. A. Liebscher, C. A. Heinrich, eds. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 65. Geochemical Society, St. Louis, MO, and Mineralogical Society of America, Chantilly, VA, 2007. $40.00 paper (430 pp.). ISBN 978-0-939950-77-5

Turbulent Particle-Laden Gas Flows. A. Y. Varaksin. Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics 41. Springer, New York, 2007. $169.00 (191 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-68053-6

The Seismogenic Zone of Subduction Thrust Faults. T. H. Dixon, J. C. Moore, eds. MARGINS Theoretical and Experimental Earth Science Series. Columbia U. Press, New York, 2007. $125.00 (680 pp.). ISBN 978-0-231-13866-6

Well Logging for Earth Scientists. 2nd ed. D. V. Ellis, J. M. Singer. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2007 [1987]. $99.00 (692 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4020-3738-2

Academic Charisma and the Origins of the Research University. W. Clark. U. Chicago Press, Chicago, 2007 [2006, reissued]. $22.50 paper (662 pp.). ISBN 978-0-226-10922-0

Felix Berezin: Life and Death of the Mastermind of Supermathematics. M. Shifman, ed. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2007. $75.00, $39.00 paper (244 pp.). ISBN 978-981-270-532-7, ISBN 978-981-270-533-4 paper

Final Countdown: NASA and the End of the Space Shuttle Program. P. Duggins. U. Press of Florida, Gainesville, 2007. $24.95 (249 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8130-3146-0

Gödel, Putnam, and Functionalism: A New Reading of Representation and Reality. J. Buechner. Bradford Books. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2008. $38.00 (344 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-02623-9

The Great Escape: Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World. K. Marton. Simon & Schuster, New York, 2007 [2006, reissued]. $15.00 paper (271 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7432-6116-6

The Legacy of Mario Pieri in Geometry and Arithmetic. E. A. Marchisotto, J. T. Smith. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2007. $129.00 (494 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8176-3210-6

Making Silicon Valley: Innovation and the Growth of High Tech, 1930–1970. C. Lécuyer. Inside Technology. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007 [2006, reissued]. $22.00 paper (393 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-62211-0

Mindful Universe: Quantum Mechanics and the Participating Observer. H. P. Stapp. The Frontiers Collection. Springer, New York, 2007. $39.95 (198 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-72413-1

A Physicist Remembers. R. J. Weiss. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2007. $42.00 (261 pp.). ISBN 978-981-270-058-2

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F = ma to E = mc2: Relativity Made Easy. F. P. Finck Jr. Vantage Press, New York, 2006. $24.95 (124 pp.). ISBN 978-0-53315536-1

Fundamental Astronomy. 5th ed. H. Karttunen et al., eds. Springer, New York, 2007 [2003]. $69.95 (510 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-34143-7

Ideas of Quantum Chemistry. L. Piela. Elsevier, San Diego, CA, 2007. $170.00 (1086 pp.). ISBN 978-0-444-52227-6

Integral Equations and Their Applications. M. Rahman. WIT Press, Billerica, MA, 2007. $252.00 (356 pp.). ISBN 978-1-84564-101-6

Introduction to General Relativity. J. D. Walecka. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2007. $78.00, $48.00 paper (342 pp.). ISBN 978-981-270-584-6, ISBN 978-981-270-585-3 paper

An Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. 2nd ed. K. Stowe. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2007 [1984]. $70.00 (556 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-86557-9

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A Dressing Method in Mathematical Physics. E. V. Doktorov, S. B. Leble. Mathematical Physics Studies 28. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2007. $139.00 (383 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4020-6138-7

From Geometry to Quantum Mechanics: In Honor of Hideki Omori. Y. Maeda, P. Michor, T. Ochiai, A. Yoshioka, eds. Progress in Mathematics 252. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2007. $99.00 (324 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8176-4512-0

Homogenization of Partial Differential Equations. V. A. Marchenko, E. Y. Khruslov (translated from Russian by M. Goncharenko, D. Shepelsky). Progress in Mathematical Physics 46. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2006. $139.00 (398 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8176-4351-5

Linear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers. 4th ed. T. Myint-U, L. Debnath. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2007 [1989]. $89.95 (778 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8176-4393-5

Physics of Classical Electromagnetism. M. Fujimoto. Springer, New York, 2007. $139.00 (325 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-68015-6

Prime-Detecting Sieves. G. Harman. London Mathematical Society Monographs Series 33. Princeton U. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2007. $65.00 (362 pp.). ISBN 978-0-691-12437-7

The Quantum Phase Operator: A Review. S. M. Barnett, J. A. Vaccaro, eds. Series in Optics and Optoelectronics 5. Taylor & Francis, New York, 2007. $129.95 (499 pp.). ISBN 978-1-58488-760-7