The descriptions of the new products listed in this section are based on information supplied to us by the manufacturers. Physics Today can assume no responsibility for their accuracy. For more information about a particular product, visit the website at the end of the product description.

NANOSENSORS has introduced a new series of six silicon probes for magnetic force microscopy that make possible the visualization of magnetic domains. The probes are optimized for high sensitivity and enable tapping mode and noncontact and lift modes in air. The standard MFM probes feature a hard magnetic coating for high magnetic contrast and high lateral resolution. The low-momentum probes are designed for reduced disturbance of the magnetic sample by the tip and for enhanced lateral resolution. Low-coercivity MFM probes are coated with a soft magnetic thin film to allow the measurement of domains in soft magnetic samples. For high-resolution magnetic imaging, NANOSENSORS offers the SuperSharp-Silicon tip. Two types of probes have been developed for use in ultrahigh vacuum. NANOSENSORS, Rue Jaquet-Droz 1, CP 216, CH-2002 Neuchatel, Switzerland,

American Elements has announced expansion of the manufacture of silver oxalate, a precursor for the production of silver nanoparticles. The nanoparticles, nanodots, and nanopowder can be either spherical high-surface-area metal particles, typically 10-, 40-, and 80-nm o.d., with specific surface area in the 30–60 range m2/g, or flakes with an average particle size of 2–10 µm, with an SSA of approximately 40–80 m2/g. The silver particles are available in high purity and ultrahigh purity and in coated and dispersed forms. Applications for the product include as an antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral, antibiotic, and antifungal agent when incorporated in coatings, nanofibers, plastics, soap, textiles, and self-cleaning fabrics. It is also used in nanowire and certain catalyst applications. American Elements, 1093 Broxton Avenue, Suite 2000, Los Angeles, CA 90024,

Pacific Nanotechnology has developed the Nano-DST, a complete atomic force microscope (AFM) system that includes advanced control software, a high-performance electronic controller, a versatile stage, and a vibration solution. A dual scanner control enables two scanners to be driven individually or simultaneously to perform rapid scanning and panning. With the company’s flexure scanner, which uses 3D calibration sensors, optional scan ranges as high as 350 µm are possible; 24-bit scan control and 400-MHz high-stability modulation electronics are included. The Nano-DST stage is constructed with a precision granite base and a gantry that supports a video optical microscope, light lever AFM scanner, and the high-speed sample rapid scanner. The stage features seven stepper motors that control the sample position, optics zoom, and focus. Pacific Nanotechnology Inc, 3350 Scott Boulevard, Suite 29, Santa Clara, CA 95054,


Physik Instrumente is offering the P-363 PicoCube XY/XYZ, a high-performance, closed-loop piezo scanning system designed for atomic force, scanning probe, and scanning tunneling microscopy. It combines the ultralow-inertia, high-speed piezo scanner with noncontact, direct-measuring, parallel metrology capacitive position sensors capable of 50-pm resolution. The sensors measure the actual distance between the fixed frame and the moving part of the stage, which results in a stiffer, faster-responding servo-loop. The very fast xyz piezo drives offer resonant frequencies of 9.8 kHz in z and greater than 3 kHz in x and y. The high frequency and high-bandwidth capacitive feedback allow step and settle to 1% accuracy in as little as 1 ms. The company can now provide the E-536 driver/controller for use with the PicoCube. Physik Instrumente LP, 16 Albert Street, Auburn, MA 01501,

Molecular Imprints has introduced the Imprio 1100 system, which provides fully automated nanoimprint lithography. The system combines the resolution and CD control of e-beam lithography with the throughput, overlay, and operating simplicity of a mask aligner, and it can be configured to accept 25- to 150-nm substrates. The Imprio 1100 delivers cost-effective patterning of sub-50 nm features on the fragile, nonflat substrates used in the compound semiconductor industry. The same processes can also be used to pattern larger features such as laser diode ridges and diffractive optical elements with high pattern fidelity. The system is ideally suited for application in LEDs, optical components requiring fine-resolution patterning and 3D features, and high-density disk substrates for hard disk drives. Molecular Imprints Inc, 1807 West Braker Lane, Building C-100, Austin, TX 78758-3605,

The KH-7700 digital microscope from Hirox Inc combines as one unit a digital camera, light source, integrated LCD monitor, computer, and software. The camera incorporates a CCD image sensor with approximately 2.11 million pixels and provides a rate of 15 frames/s. It offers a still image capture of up to 30 million pixels and dynamic image recording with selectable resolution. The light source is a 60-W short-arc metal halide lamp with an average life of 4000 hours. A modular lens system with 1× to 7000× magnification is optimized for the CCD sensor and offers viewing from straight and oblique angles. For 2D and 3D measurements of height and volume, an autocalibration select feature enables users to zoom in and out while the scale and calibration in the unit changes accordingly. The KH-7700 has 3D image rendering software with profiling that uses split images and image comparison. Hirox-USA Inc, 1060 Main Street, Suite 302, River Edge, NJ 07661,

Rigaku Americas Corp has announced the FR-E+ SuperBright, an ultrabright, microfocus rotating anode x-ray source for structural biology. With an intensity up to 1.6 ×1011 x-rays/mm2/s, the brightness of the new source exceeds some second-generation synchrotron beamlines; the company claims that the new device is the most intense home laboratory x-ray source now available for macromolecular crystallography. The FR-E+ SuperBright features a true 70 µm × 70 µm focal spot, reportedly the smallest available in a rotating anode design. The beam is ideally suited to the tiny crystals typically encountered in current structural biology research. The new system can be supplied in several dual-wavelength configurations, including one using copper and chromium. Rigaku Americas Corporation, 9009 New Trails Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77381-5209,

Ocean Optics’ SpecEl-2000-VIS is a benchtop spectroscopic ellipsometer that uses polarized light reflected from the surface of a substrate to measure thin films. It provides fast, precise determination of layer thickness, refractive index, absorption, and components ratio and is well suited for semitransparent flat samples such as wafers and glass plates. Compared with reflectometry, spectroscopic ellipsometry measures relative changes in the phase and amplitude of the light instead of absolute intensity. Depending on the layer and substrate material, the SpecEl can detect over the full 450- to 900-nm spectral range layer thicknesses between 1 nm and 5 µm and refractive indices to ±0.005°. The software enables experiment methods to be configured and saved for one-step analysis. Ocean Optics Inc, 830 Douglas Avenue, Dunedin, FL 34698,

McBain Instruments is offering a newly designed laboratory tool, the Wafer Handler WL150 and WL200 series of semiautomatic wafer inspection systems. The portable apparatus offers high throughput at 750 wafers/h with smooth handling of wafer sizes up to 8 in.; the company’s new wafer cassettes accommodate either 3–6 in. (WL150) or 5–8 in. (WL200) sizes. The class 1 clean-room-compatible wafer handler features smart stepper motors for the drive axis motors that provide stall and fault detection, linear stages for smooth and repeatable action, and vacuum touch end effectors with sensing capabilities. The device facilitates safer wafer handling with a spring-loaded counterbalance to support the weight without overloading the z-axis mechanism. McBain Instruments, 9601 Variel Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311,

Photron has developed the FocusScope SV200-i, a new slow-motion video system for the study of extreme low-light biofluorescence and microscope recording at rates up to 2000 frames/s. Other applications include high-speed imaging of blood cells and quantum-dot response measurements. The camera’s image intensifier (a luminous gain of 2.2 × 104 lm/m2/lx) is bonded directly to the CMOS sensor and provides 512 × 512 pixel resolution. The gallium arsenide phosphide photocathode delivers a broad spectral response over the 280–720 nm spectral range with a peak sensitivity at 530 nm. Intensifier overbrightness protection is enabled through phosphor-surface current detection. Additional features of the FocusScope SV200-i are low-light-level framing and gray-scale enhancement. Photron USA Inc, 9520 Padgett Street, Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92126-4446,

LabSmith has introduced its CapTite microfluidic series of components for fast assembly of microfluidic setups. The components, licensed from Sandia National Laboratories, are designed for construction using 360-µm capillary tubing and include breadboards, valves, tees and ferrules, refillable microliter volume cartridges, Luer-Lock connectors to interface with standard syringe pumps, and bonded-port connectors to route fluids through and between microfluidic chips. The compact components are designed for leak-free connectivity, even at high pressures, and for low dead volumes and easy cleaning. Complete microfluidic construction kits are available; users can choose from single user, capillary interface, and chip interface types. LabSmith Inc, 7665 Hawthorne Avenue, Livermore, CA 94550,

InnoCal, an accredited metrology laboratory, has issued a service brochure that provides a comprehensive explanation of its many traceable calibration and repair services for a wide range of instrumentation. InnoCal, 625 East Bunker Court, M/S 14, Vernon Hills, IL 60061-1844,