Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 44. R. Blandford, J. Kormendy, E. van Dishoeck, eds. Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, CA, 2006. $85.00 (580 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8243-0944-2

Binocular Astronomy. S. Tonkin. Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series. Springer, London, 2007. $29.95 paper (284 pp.). ISBN 978-1-84628-308-6

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stars. J. B. Kaler. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2006. $60.00 (324 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-81803-2

Fundamental Questions in Astrophysics: Guidelines for Future UV Observatories. A. I. Gómez de Castro, W. Wamsteker, eds. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2006. $139.00 (170 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4020-4838-8

Galaxies and How to Observe Them. W. Steinicke, R. Jakiel. Astronomers' Observing Guides. Springer, London, 2007. $29.95 paper (246 pp.). ISBN 978-1-85233-752-0

Nebulae and How to Observe Them. S. R. Coe. Astronomers' Observing Guides. Springer, London, 2007. $29.95 paper (156 pp.). ISBN 978-1-84628-482-3

Neutron Stars 1: Equation of State and Structure. P. Haensel, A. Y. Potekhin, D. G. Yakovlev. Astrophysics and Spacscodee Science Library 326. Springer, New York, 2007. $149.00 (619 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-33543-8

Plasma Astrophysics, Part II: Reconnection and Flares. B. V. Somov. Astrophysics and Spacscodee Science Library 341. Springer, New York, 2006. $159.00 (413 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-34948-0

State of the Universe 2007: New Images, Discoveries, and Events. M. Ratcliffe. Springer-Praxis Books in Popular Astronomy. Praxis/Springer, New York, 2007. $29.95 (193 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-34178-1

Hydrogen Bonding—New Insights. S. J. Grabowski, ed. Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics 3. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2006. $219.00 (519 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4020-4852-4

Intermolecular Interactions: Physical Picture, Computational Methods, and Model Potentials. I. G. Kaplan. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2006. $165.00 (367 pp.). ISBN 978-0-470-86332-9

Biological Membrane Ion Channels: Dynamics, Structure, and Applications. S. H. Chung, O. S. Andersen, V. Krishnamurthy, eds. Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering . Springer, New York, 2007. $149.00 (658 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-33323-6

Computational Methods for Protein Structure Prediction and Modeling. Vol. 1: Basic Characterization. Y. Xu, D. Xu, J. Liang, eds. Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering . Springer, New York, 2007. $149.00 (394 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-33319-9

Computational Methods for Protein Structure Prediction and Modeling. Vol. 2: Structure Prediction. Y. Xu, D. Xu, J. Liang, eds. Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering . Springer, New York, 2007. $149.00 (320 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-33321-2

Computational Studies of RNA and DNA. J. Šponer, F. Lankaš, eds. Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics 2. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2006. $219.00 (636 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4020-4794-7

Flow Phenomena in Nature. Vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 1: A Challenge to Engineering and Design. Vol. 2: Inspiration, Learning, and Application. R. Liebe, ed. Design and Nature 7 and 8. WIT Press, Billerica, MA, 2007. $423.00 set (766 pp. set). ISBN 978-1-84564-099-6

Iridescences: The Physical Colors of Insects. S. Berthier (translated from French by C. Lafait). Springer, New York, 2007 [2003]. $139.00 (160 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-34119-4

Metallochemistry of Neurodegeneration: Biological, Chemical, and Genetic Aspects. H. Koz√owski, D. R. Brown, G. Valensin. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2006. $169.00 (281 pp.). ISBN 978-0-85404-360-6

Modelling Molecular Structure and Reactivity in Biological Systems. K. J. Naidoo et al., eds. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2006. $219.00 (293 pp.). ISBN 978-0-85404-668-3

Sequence-Specific DNA Binding Agents. M. Waring, ed. RSC Biomolecular Sciences. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2006. $149.00 (258 pp.). ISBN 978-0-85404-370-5

Topology in Molecular Biology. M. I. Monastyrsky, ed. Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering . Springer, New York, 2007. $159.00 (238 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-23407-4

Chemical Physics: New Research. A. N. Linke, ed. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2006. $129.00 (232 pp.). ISBN 978-1-60021-026-6

Chemical Reaction in Condensed Phase: The Quantitative Level. G. E. Zaikov, V. G. Zaikov, A. K. Mikitaev, eds. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2006. $129.00 (269 pp.). ISBN 978-1-60021-085-3

Highlights in Computational Chemistry 2. T. Clark, ed. Springer, New York, 2006. $159.00 (220 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-37592-0

Nanocatalysis. U. Heiz, U. Landman, eds. Nanoscience and Technology . Springer, New York, 2007. $179.00 (503 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-32645-8

Quantum Dynamics of Complex Molecular Systems. D. A. Micha, I. Burghardt, eds. Springer Series in Chemical Physics 83. Springer, New York, 2007. $179.00 (429 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-34458-2

Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists 1: Sets and Numbers, Graphs and Algebra, Logic and Machines, Linear Geometry. 2nd ed. G. Mazzola, G. Milmeister, J. Weissmann. Universitext. Springer, New York, 2006 [2004]. $39.95 paper (383 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-36873-1

Computer Simulations in Condensed Matter Systems: From Materials to Chemical Biology. Vol. 1. M. Ferrario, G. Ciccotti, K. Binder, eds. Lecture Notes in Physics 703. Springer, New York, 2006. $99.00 (711 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-35270-9

Computer Simulations in Condensed Matter Systems: From Materials to Chemical Biology. Vol. 2. M. Ferrario, G. Ciccotti, K. Binder, eds. Lecture Notes in Physics 704. Springer, New York, 2006. $99.00 (598 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-35283-9

Computer Simulations of Dislocations. V. V. Bulatov, W. Cai. Oxford Series on Materials Modelling. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2006. $74.50 (284 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-852614-8

An Introduction to Quantum Computing. P. Kaye, R. Laflamme, M. Mosca. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2007. $139.50, $49.50 paper (274 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-857000-4, ISBN 978-0-19-857049-3 paper

An Introduction to Scientific Computing: Twelve Computational Projects Solved with MATLAB. I. Danaila, P. Joly, S. M. Kaber, M. Postel. Springer, New York, 2007. $59.95 (294 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-30889-0

Frontal Semiconductor Research. O. T. Chang, ed. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2006. $129.00 (219 pp.). ISBN 978-1-60021-210-9

Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics Research. J. V. Chang, ed. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2006. $129.00 (134 pp.). ISBN 978-1-59454-829-1

New Developments in Condensed Matter Physics. J. V. Chang, ed. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2006. $129.00 (302 pp.). ISBN 978-1-59454-822-2

Theory of Defects in Semiconductors. D. A. Drabold, S. K. Estreicher, eds. Topics in Applied Physics 104. Springer, New York, 2007. $199.00 (295 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-33400-2

A Broader View of Relativity: General Implications of Lorentz and Poincaré Invariance. 2nd ed. J.-P. Hsu, L. Hsu. Advanced Series on Theoretical Physical Science 10. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2006. $78.00 (516 pp.). ISBN 978-981-256-651-5

Trends in General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology. C. V. Benton, ed. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2006. $129.00 (155 pp.). ISBN 978-1-59454-794-2

BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology. Vols. 1–4. M. Ferrari, ed. Vol. 1: Biological and Biomedical Nanotechnology. A. P. Lee, L. J. Lee, eds. Vol. 2: Micro/Nanotechnology for Genomics and Proteomics. M. Ozkan, M. J. Heller, eds. Vol. 3: Therapeutic Micro/Nanotechnology. T. Desai, S. Bhatia, eds. Vol. 4: Biomolecular Sensing, Processing, and Analysis. R. Bashir, S. Wereley, eds. Springer, New York, 2006. $499.00 set (1837 pp. set). ISBN 978-0-387-25561-3

Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors: Physics and Applications. H. Schneider, H. C. Liu. Springer Series in Optical Sciences 126. Springer, New York, 2007. $159.00 (248 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-36323-1

The SQUID Handbook. Vol. 2: Applications of SQUIDs and SQUID Systems. J. Clarke, A. I. Braginski, eds. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2006. $250.00 (634 pp.). ISBN 978-3-527-40408-7

Annual Review of Environment and Resources. Vol. 31. P. A. Matson, A. Gadgil, D. M. Kammen, eds. Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, CA, 2006. $75.00 (494 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8243-2331-8

Conservation Science: Heritage Materials. E. May, M. Jones, eds. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2006. $79.95 (376 pp.). ISBN 978-0-85404-659-1

The End of the Wild. S. M. Meyer. Boston Review, Somerville, MA, and MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2006. $14.95 (97 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-13473-6

Noxious New York: The Racial Politics of Urban Health and Environmental Justice. J. Sze. Urban and Industrial Environments. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. $60.00, $24.00 paper (282 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-19554-6, ISBN 978-0-262-69342-4 paper

Sustainable Nuclear Power. G. J. Suppes, T. S. Storvick, eds. Sustainable World Series. Academic Press/Elsevier, San Diego, CA, 2007. $59.95 (393 pp.). ISBN 978-0-12-370602-7

The Hamilton-Type Principle in Fluid Dynamics: Fundamentals and Applications to Magnetohydrodynamics, Thermodynamics, and Astrophysics. A. Fierros Palacios. Springer, New York, 2006. $109.00 paper (404 pp.). ISBN 978-3-211-24964-2

Reactive Flows, Diffusion and Transport: From Experiments via Mathematical Modeling to Numerical Simulation and Optimization. W. Jäger, R. Rannacher, J. Warnatz, eds. Springer, New York, 2007. $129.00 (676 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-28379-9

Glacier Science and Environmental Change. P. G. Knight, ed. Blackwell, Malden, MA, 2006. $249.95 (527 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4051-0018-2

“Sprites, Elves, and Intense Lightning Discharges.” M. Füml;llekrug, E. A. Mareev, M. J. Rycroft, eds. NATO Science Series 2: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry 225. Proc. inst., Corte, France, July 2004. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2006. $199.00, $89.85 paper (398 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4020-4627-8, ISBN 978-1-4020-4628-5 paper

Tsunamis and Hurricanes: A Mathematical Approach. F. Cap. Springer, New York, 2006. $49.95 (197 pp.). ISBN 978-3-211-33158-3

American Hegemony and the Postwar Reconstruction of Science in Europe. J. Krige. Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology . MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2006. $40.00 (376 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-11297-0

The Arguments of Time. J. Butterfield, ed. British Academy/Oxford U. Press, New York, 2006 [1999, reissued]. $29.95 paper (253 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-726346-4

Beauty in Science and Spirit. P. H. Carr. Beech River Books, Center Ossipee, NH, 2006. $18.00 paper (171 pp.). ISBN 978-0-9776514-7-4

Deep Freeze: The United States, the International Geophysical Year, and the Origins of Antarctica's Age of Science. D. O. Belanger. U. Press of Colorado, Boulder, 2006. $29.95 (494 pp.). ISBN 978-0-87081-830-1

The First Men on the Moon: The Story of Apollo 11. D. M. Harland. Springer-Praxis Books in Spacscodee Exploration . Praxis/Springer, New York, 2007. $39.95 paper (378 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-34176-7

From Clockwork to Crapshoot: A History of Physics. R. G. Newton. Belknap/Harvard U. Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. $29.95 (340 pp.). ISBN 978-0-674-02337-6

Ham Radio's Technical Culture. K. Haring. Inside Technology . MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. $27.95 (220 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-08355-3

The Invisible Universe: The Story of Radio Astronomy. 2nd ed. G. L. Verschuur. Springer, New York, 2007 [1973]. $29.95 (156 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-30816-6

Is Pluto a Planet?: A Historical Journey Through the Solar System. D. A. Weintraub. Princeton U. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2007. $27.95 (254 pp.). ISBN 978-0-691-12348-6

The Last Man Who Knew Everything: Thomas Young, the Anonymous Genius Who Proved Newton Wrong and Deciphered the Rosetta Stone, Among Other Surprising Feats. A. Robinson. Plume/Penguin, New York, 2007 [2005, reissued]. $15.00 paper (288 pp.). ISBN 978-0-452-28805-8

Making Silicon Valley: Innovation and the Growth of High Tech, 1930–1970. C. Lécuyer. Inside Technology . MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2006. $40.00 (393 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-12281-8

Middle World: The Restless Heart of Matter and Life. M. Haw. Macmillan, New York, 2007. $24.95 (197 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4039-8603-0

Oppenheimer: The Tragic Intellect. C. Thorpe. U. Chicago Press, Chicago, 2006. $37.50 (413 pp.). ISBN 978-0-226-79845-5

Reading Bohr: Physics and Philosophy. A. Plotnitsky. Fundamental Theories of Physics 152. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2006. $159.00 (222 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4020-5253-8

Scientific Perspectivism. R. N. Giere. U. Chicago Press, Chicago, 2006. $30.00 (151 pp.). ISBN 978-0-226-29212-0

The Scientist as Rebel. F. Dyson. New York Review Collections. New York Review of Books, New York, 2006. $27.95 (360 pp.). ISBN 978-1-59017-216-2

Ships and Science: The Birth of Naval Architecture in the Scientific Revolution, 1600–1800. L. D. Ferreiro. Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology . MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. $45.00 (441 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-06259-6

Sweet Dreams: Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness. D. C. Dennett. Bradford Books. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2006 [2005, reissued]. $14.95 paper (199 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-54191-6

Thinking with Objects: The Transformation of Mechanics in the Seventeenth Century. D. B. Meli. Johns Hopkins U. Press, Baltimore, MD, 2006. $70.00, $29.95 paper (389 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8018-8426-9, ISBN 978-0-8018-8427-6 paper

Under the Microscope: A Brief History of Microscopy. W. J. Croft. Series in Popular Science 5. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2006. $38.00 (138 pp.). ISBN 978-981-02-3781-3

Applied Scanning Probe Methods V: Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques. B. Bhushan, H. Fuchs, S. Kawata, eds. Nanoscience and Technology . Springer, New York, 2007. $159.00 (344 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-37315-5

Applied Scanning Probe Methods VI: Characterization. B. Bhushan, S. Kawata, eds. Nanoscience and Technology . Springer, New York, 2007. $169.00 (338 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-37318-6

Applied Scanning Probe Methods VII: Biomimetics and Industrial Applications. B. Bhushan, H. Fuchs, eds. Nanoscience and Technology . Springer, New York, 2007. $169.00 (380 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-37320-9

Cryogenic Engineering: Fifty Years of Progress. K. D. Timmerhaus, R. P. Reed, eds. International Cryogenics Monograph Series. Springer, New York, 2007. $149.00 (374 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-33324-3

Journey to Data Quality. Y. W. Lee, L. L. Pipino, J. D. Funk, R. Y. Wang. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2006. $35.00 (226 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-12287-0

Roadmap of Scanning Probe Microscopy. S. Morita, ed. Nanoscience and Technology . Springer, New York, 2007. $119.00 (201 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-34314-1

Science of Microscopy. Vols. 1 and 2. P.W. Hawkes, J. C. H. Spence, eds. Springer, New York, 2007. $695.00 set (1265 pp. set). ISBN 978-0-387-25296-4

Focus on Surface Science Research. C. P. Norris, ed. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2006. $129.00 (268 pp.). ISBN 978-159454-632-7

Nanotechnology at the Leading Edge. E. V. Dirote, ed. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2006. $129.00 (184 pp.). ISBN 978-1-60021-018-1

Acting with Technology: Activity Theory and Interaction Design. V. Kaptelinin, B. A. Nardi. Acting with Technology . MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2006. $35.00 (333 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-11298-7

Applied Stochastic Processes. M. Lefebvre. Universitext. Springer, New York, 2007. $59.95 paper (382 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-34171-2

Brain Dynamics: Synchronization and Activity Patterns in Pulse-Coupled Neural Nets with Delays and Noise. 2nd ed. H. Haken. Springer Series in Synergetics. Springer, New York, 2007 [2002]. $69.95 paper (245 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-46282-8

Random Processes in Physics and Finance. M. Lax, W. Cai, M. Xu. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2006. $98.50 (327 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-856776-9

Universality of Nonclassical Nonlinearity: Applications to Non-Destructive Evaluations and Ultrasonics. P. P. Delsanto, ed. Springer, New York, 2007. $199.00 (539 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-33860-6

Atomic and Laser Spectroscopy. A. Corney. Oxford Classic Texts in the Physical Sciences. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2006 [1977, reissued]. $79.50 paper (763 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-921145-6

Diffraction, Fourier Optics and Imaging. O. K. Ersoy. Wiley Series in Pure and Applied Optics . Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2007. $110.00 (413 pp.). ISBN 978-0-471-23816-4

Electronic and Optical Properties of d-Band Perovskites. T. Wolfram, $SL. Ellialtioglu. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2006. $135.00 (315 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-85053-7

Foundations for Guided-Wave Optics. C.-L. Chen. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2007. $120.00 (462 pp.). ISBN 978-0-471-75687-3

Fundamentals of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information. P. Lambropoulos, D. Petrosyan. Springer, New York, 2007. $79.95 (325 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-34571-8

Light Scattering by Systems of Particles: Null-Field Method with Discrete Sources—Theory and Programs. A. Doicu, T. Wriedt, Y. A. Eremin. Springer Series in Optical Sciences 124. Springer, New York, 2006. $169.00 (322 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-33696-9, CD-ROM

New Topics in Lasers and Electro-Optics. W. T. Arkin, ed. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2006. $129.00 (230 pp.). ISBN 978-1-59454-859-8 ▪