Solid State Science and Technology. H. B. Senin, N. H. Idris, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 909. Proc. conf., Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, Sept. 2006. AIP, Melville, NY, 2007. $135.00 (279 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7354-0417-5

Cosmology and Gravitation: XIIth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation. M. Novello, S. E. Perez Bergliaffa, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 910. Proc. lecture, Mangaratiba, Brazil, Sept. 2006. AIP, Melville, NY, 2007. $124.00 (431 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7354-0418-2

Exotic Smoothness and Physics: Differential Topology and Spacetime Models. T. Asselmeyer-Maluga, C. H. Brans. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2007. $77.00 (322 pp.). ISBN 978-981-02-4195-7

Quantum Analogues: From Phase Transitions to Black Holes and Cosmology. W. G. Unruh, R. Schützhold, eds. Lecture Notes in Physics 718. Springer, New York, 2007. $79.95 (297 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-70858-2

Time: Fields, Relativity and Systems. L. T. Gruyitch. Llumina Press, Coral Springs, FL, 2006. $65.00 paper (715 pp.). ISBN 978-1-59526-671-2

Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook. A. Petosa. Antennas and Propagation Library. Artech House, Norwood, MA, 2007. $119.00 (308 pp.). ISBN 978-1-59693-206-7

Introduction to Communication Systems Simulation. M. Schiff. Mobile Communications Library. Artech House, Norwood, MA, 2006. $119.00 (217 pp.). ISBN 978-1-59693-002-5, CD-ROM

Nano and Molecular Electronics Handbook. S. E. Lyshevski, ed. Nano- and Micro-science, Engineering, Technology and Medicine Series 9. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2007. $129.95 (912 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8493-8528-5

Quantum Computing Devices: Principles, Designs, and Analysis. G. Chen et al. Chapman & Hall/CRC Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Science Series 6. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2007. $79.95 (542 pp.). ISBN 978-1-58488-681-5

Barry Commoner and the Science of Survival: The Remaking of American Environmentalism. M. Egan. Urban and Industrial Environments. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. $28.00 (283 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-05086-9

Feeding the Fire: The Lost History and Uncertain Future of Mankind's Energy Addiction. M. E. Eberhart. Harmony Books/Random House, New York, 2007. $24.00 (283 pp.). ISBN 978-0-307-23744-6

Fueling Our Future: An Introduction to Sustainable Energy. R. L. Evans. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2007. $99.00, $24.99 paper (180 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-86563-0, ISBN 978-0-521-68448-4 paper

The Nuclear Imperative: A Critical Look at the Approaching Energy Crisis. J. W. Eerkens. Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality 11. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2006. $89.95 (160 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4020-4930-9

Plant Disturbance Ecology: The Process and the Response. E. A. Johnson, K. Miyanishi, eds. Academic Press/Elsevier, San Diego, CA, 2007. $69.95 (698 pp.). ISBN 978-0-12-088778-1

Silence of the Songbirds. B. Stutchbury. Walker, New York, 2007. $24.95 (255 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8027-1609-5

This Cold House: The Simple Science of Energy Efficiency. C. Smith. Johns Hopkins U. Press, Baltimore, MD, 2007. $25.00 (228 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8018-8622-5

The World Without Us. A. Weisman. Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press, New York, 2007. $24.95 (324 pp.). ISBN 978-0-312-34729-1

One- and Two-Dimensional Fluids: Properties of Smectic, Lamellar and Columnar Liquid Crystals. A. J´kli, A. Saupe. Series in Condensed Matter Physics. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2006. $139.95 (339 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7503-0969-1

Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Vol. 35. R. Jeanloz, A. L. Albee, K. C. Burke, K. H. Freeman, eds. Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, CA, 2007. $85.00 (807 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8243-2035-5

The Rough Guide to the Earth. M. Ince. Rough Guides, New York, 2007. $16.99 paper (294 pp.). ISBN 978-1-84353-589-8

112 Mercer Street: Einstein, Russell, Gödel, Pauli, and the End of Innocence in Science. B. Feldman; K. Williams, ed. Arcade, New York, 2007. $26.00 (243 pp.). ISBN 978-1-55970-704-6

Beyond AI: Creating the Conscience of the Machine. J. S. Hall. Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, 2007. $28.00 (408 pp.). ISBN 978-1-59102-511-5

Biological Emergences: Evolution by Natural Experiment. R. G. B. Reid. The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. $38.00 (517 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-18257-7

Current Controversies in the Biological Sciences: Case Studies of Policy Challenges from New Technologies. K. F. Greif, J. F. Merz. Basic Bioethics. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. $62.00, $25.00 paper (385 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-07280-9, ISBN 978-0-262-57239-2 paper

Einstein's Struggles with Quantum Theory: A Reappraisal. D. Home, A. Whitaker. Springer, New York, 2007. $149.00 (370 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-71519-3

Harmonious Triads: Physicists, Musicians, and Instrument Makers in Nineteenth-Century Germany. M. W. Jackson. Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2006. $40.00 (395 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-10116-5

Inventing Los Alamos: The Growth of an Atomic Community. J. Hunner. U. Oklahoma Press, Norman, 2007 [2004, reissued]. $19.95 paper (288 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8061-3891-6

Isaac Newton's Freemasonry: The Alchemy of Science and Mysticism. A. Bauer (translated from French by A. Godwin). Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT, 2007 [2003]. $14.95 paper (146 pp.). ISBN 978-1-59477-172-9

J. Robert Oppenheimer: A Life. A. Pais. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2007 [2006, reissued]. $19.95 paper (353 pp.). ISBN 9780-19-532712-0

Joseph Rotblat: Visionary for Peace. R. Braun et al., eds. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2007. $50.00 (355 pp.). ISBN 978-3-527-40690-6

Marietta Blau, Stars of Disintegration: Biography of a Pioneer of Particle Physics. B. Strohmaier, R. Rosner, eds. Ariadne Press, Riverside, CA, 2006 [2003]. $27.00 paper (220 pp.). ISBN 978-1-57241-147-0

Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning. K. Barad. Duke U. Press, Durham, NC, 2007. $99.95, $27.95 paper (524 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8223-3901-4, ISBN 978-0-8223-3917-5 paper

Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology. F. Allhoff, P. Lin, J. Moor, J. Weckert, eds. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2007. $89.95, $39.95 paper (385 pp.). ISBN 978-0-470-08416-8, ISBN 978-0-470-08417-5 paper

The Pythagorean Theorem: A 4,000-Year History. E. Maor. Princeton U. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2007. $24.95 (259 pp.). ISBN 978-0-691-12526-8

Quirky Sides of Scientists: True Tales of Ingenuity and Error from Physics and Astronomy. D. R. Topper. Springer, New York, 2007. $39.95 (210 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-71018-1

Reading Popular Physics: Disciplinary Skirmishes and Textual Strategies. E. Leane. Ashgate, Burlington, VT, 2007. $99.95 (198 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7546-5850-4

Science in the Looking Glass: What Do Scientists Really Know? E. B. Davies. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2007 [2003, reissued]. $29.95 paper (295 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-921918-6

Seeking Truth: Living with Doubt. S. Fortney, M. Onellion. Authorhouse, Bloomington, IN, 2007. $29.50, 19.95 paper (305 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4343-1871-8, ISBN 978-1-4343-1872-5 paper

Theorizing Digital Cultural Heritage: A Critical Discourse. F. Cameron, S. Kenderdine, eds. Media in Transition. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. $40.00 (465 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-03353-4

The Voice of Dr. Wernher von Braun: An Anthology. I. E. Powell-Willhite, ed. Space Series 65. Apogee Books/Collector's Guide, Burlington, ON, Canada, 2007. $22.95 paper (232 pp.). ISBN 978-1-894959-64-3

Introduction to GPS: The Global Positioning System. 2nd ed. A. El-Rabbany. GNSS Technology and Applications Series. Artech House, Norwood, MA, 2006 [2002]. $69.00 (210 pp.). ISBN 978-1-59693-016-2

Nanomanufacturing Handbook. A. Busnaina. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2007. $149.95 (408 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8493-3326-2

Optical Scanning Holography with MATLAB. T.-C. Poon. Springer, New York, 2007. $119.00 (152 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-36826-9

Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. Vols. 26A and 26B. D. O. Thompson, D. E. Chimenti, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 894. Proc. conf., Portland, OR, July-Aug. 2006. AIP, Melville, NY, 2007. $376.00 set (1935 pp. set). ISBN 978-0-7354-0399-4, CD-ROM

Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications. 2nd ed. E. D. Kaplan, C. J. Hegarty, eds. Mobile Communications Series. Artech House, Norwood, MA, 2006 [1996]. $129.00 (703 pp.). ISBN 978-1-58053-894-7

Advanced Structural Materials: Properties, Design Optimization, and Applications. W. O. Soboyejo, T. S. Srivatsan, eds. Materials Engineering 32. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2007. $139.95 (512 pp.). ISBN 978-1-57444-634-0

Ageing and the Glass Transition. M. Henkel, M. Pleimling, R. Sanctuary, eds. Lecture Notes in Physics 716. Springer, New York, 2007. $79.95 (348 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-69683-4

Aperiodic Crystals: From Modulated Phases to Quasicrystals. T. Janssen, G. Chapuis, M. de Boissieu. IUCr Monographs on Crystallography 20. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2007. $150.00 (466 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-856777-6

Liquid Crystal Elastomers. Rev. ed. M. Warner, E. M. Terentjev. International Series of Monographs on Physics 120. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2007 [2003]. $59.50 paper (407 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-921486-0 paper

New Materials, Processes, and Methods Technology. M. Schwartz. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2006. $139.95 (686 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8493-2053-8

Frontiers of Fundamental Physics. B. G. Sidharth, A. Alfonso-Faus, M. J. Fullana i Alfonso, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 905. Proc. symp., Madrid, Spain, Oct. 2006. AIP, Melville, NY, 2007. $129.00 (269 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7354-0412-0

Robotics: Science and Systems II. G. S. Sukhatme, S. Schaal, W. Burgard, D. Fox, eds. Proc. conf., Philadelphia, Aug. 2006. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. $75.00 paper (310 pp.). ISBN 978-0-262-69348-6

Sixth International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union. S. A. Cetin, I. Hikmet, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 899. Proc. conf., Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 2006. AIP, Melville, NY, 2007. $356.00 (868 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7354-0404-5, CD-ROM

Averaging Methods in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. 2nd ed. J. A. Sanders, F. Verhulst, J. Murdock. Applied Mathematical Sciences 59. Springer, New York, 2007 [1985]. $79.95 (431 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-48916-2

International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei. Yu. E. Penionzhkevich, E. A. Cherepanov, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 912. Proc. symp., Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia, July 2006. AIP, Melville, NY, 2007. $212.00 (523 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7354-0420-5

Optical Spectroscopy of Lanthanides: Magnetic and Hyperfine Interactions. B. G. Wybourne, L. Smentek. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2007. $159.95 (333 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8493-7264-3

Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation. Parts 1 and 2. J.-Y. Choi, S. Rah, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 879. Proc. conf., Daegu, Korea, May-June 2006. AIP, Melville, NY, 2007. $440.00 set (1989 pp. set). ISBN 978-0-7354-0373-4

Ultrafast Optics V. S. Watanabe, K. Midorikawa, eds. Springer Series in Optical Sciences 132. Springer, New York, 2007. $199.00 (562 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-49117-2, CD-ROM

Ultrahigh-Speed Optical Transmission Technology. H.-G. Weber, M. Nakazawa, eds. Optical and Fiber Communications Reports 3. Springer, New York, 2007. $199.00 (481 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-23878-2

X-Ray Lasers 2006. P. V. Nickles, K. A. Janulewicz, eds. Springer Proceedings in Physics 115. Proc. conf., Berlin, Germany, Aug. 2006. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2007. $279.00 (723 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4020-6017-5

X-Ray Scattering of Soft Matter. N. Stribeck. Springer Laboratory Manuals in Polymer Science. Springer, New York, 2007. $109.00 (238 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-69855-5

An Introduction to the Passage of Energetic Particles Through Matter. N. J. Carron. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2007. $209.95 (362 pp.). ISBN 978-0-7503-0935-6, CD-ROM

Lectures on Fuzzy and Fuzzy SUSY Physics. A. P. Balachandran, S. Kürkçüoglu, S. Vaidya. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2007. $54.00 (181 pp.). ISBN 978-981-270-466-5

Particle Accelerator Physics. 3rd ed. H. Wiedemann. Springer, New York, 2007 [1999]. $129.00 (948 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-49043-2

Physics Beyond the Light Barrier: The Source of Parity Violation, Tachyons, and a Derivation of Standard Model Features. S. Blaha. Pingree-Hill Research Monographs. Pingree-Hill, Auburn, NH, 2007. $17.95 paper (101 pp.). ISBN 978-0-9746958-7-7

Quantum Dynamical Semigroups and Applications. 2nd. ed. R. Alicki, K. Lendi. Lecture Notes in Physics 717. Springer, New York, 2007 [1987]. $59.95 (128 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-70860-5

The Quantum Structure of Space and Time. D. Gross, M. Henneaux, A. Sevrin, eds. Proc. conf., Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 2005. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2007. $98.00, 54.00 paper (272 pp.). ISBN 978-981-256-952-3, ISBN 978-981-256-953-0 paper

Top Quark Physics at Hadron Colliders. A. Quadt. Advances in the Physics of Particles and Nuclei 28. Springer, New York, 2007. $79.95 (166 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-71059-2

The Physics of Chromospheric Plasmas. P. Heinzel, I. Dorotovič, R. J. Rutten, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 368. Proc. mtg., Coimbra, Portugal, Oct. 2006. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2007. $77.00 (653 pp.). ISBN 978-1-583812-36-5

Plasma Processes and Plasma Kinetics: 580 Worked-Out Problems for Science and Technology. B. M. Smirnov. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2007. $105.00 paper (572 pp.). ISBN 978-3-527-40681-4

Astronomical Sketching: A Step-by-Step Introduction. R. Handy et al. Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series. Springer, New York, 2007. $39.95 paper (195 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-26240-6

The Birth of Stars and Planets. J. Bally, B. Reipurth. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2006. $45.00 (295 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-80105-8

Bones, Rocks and Stars: The Science of When Things Happened. C. Turney. Macmillan, New York, 2006. $24.95 (182 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4039-8599-6

Chases and Escapes: The Mathematics of Pursuit and Evasion. P. J. Nahin. Princeton U. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2007. $24.95 (253 pp.). ISBN 978-0-691-12514-5

Competing for the Future: How Digital Innovations Are Changing the World. H. Kressel, T. V. Lento. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2007. $32.00 (399 pp.). ISBN 978-0-521-86290-5

Don't Try This at Home! The Physics of Hollywood Movies. A. Weiner. Kaplan, New York, 2007. $17.95 paper (264 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4195-9406-9

Epic of Evolution: Seven Ages of the Cosmos. E. Chaisson. Columbia U. Press, New York, 2007 [2005, reissued]. $24.95 paper (478 pp.). ISBN 978-0-231-13561-0

Fear of Physics: A Guide for the Perplexed. Rev. ed. L. M. Krauss. Basic Books, New York, 2007 [1993]. $15.95 paper (257 pp.). ISBN 978-0-465-00218-4

Imaginary Weapons: A Journey Through the Pentagon's Scientific Underworld. S. Weinberger. Nation Books/Avalon, New York, 2007 [2006, reissued]. $14.95 paper (278 pp.). ISBN 978-1-56858-329-7

IQ: A Smart History of a Failed Idea. S. Murdoch. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2007. $24.95 (269 pp.). ISBN 978-0-471-69977-4

Lives of the Planets: A Natural History of the Solar System. R. Corfield. Basic Books, New York, 2007. $27.50 (268 pp.). ISBN 978-0-465-01403-3

Living Off the Land in Space: Green Roads to the Cosmos. G. L. Matloff, L. Johnson, C. Bangs. Copernicus/Springer, New York, 2007. $27.50 (247 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-36054-6