Physical Acoustics in the Solid State. B. Lüthi. Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences 148. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $179.00 (426 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22910-8
Astronomy and astrophysics
Astrophysics of Life. M. Livio, I. N. Reid, W. B. Sparks, eds. Space Telescope Science Institute Series 16. Proc. symp., Baltimore, MD, May 2002. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2005. $100.00 (110 pp.). ISBN 0-521-82490-7
Cosmic Explosions in Three Dimensions: Asymmetries in Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts. P. Höflich, P. Kumar, J. C. Wheeler, eds. Cambridge Contemporary Astrophysics. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2004. $120.00 (383 pp.). ISBN 0-521-84286-7
Debris Disks and the Formation of Planets: A Symposium in Memory of Fred Gillett. L. Caroff, L. J. Moon, D. Backman, E. Praton, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 324. Proc. symp., Tucson, AZ, Apr. 2002. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2004. $77.00 (286 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-186-9
The Formation and Evolution of Massive Young Star Clusters. H. J. G. L. M. Lamers, L. J. Smith, A. Nota, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 322. Proc. mtg., Cancun, Mexico, Nov. 2003. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2004. $77.00 (564 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-184-2
The Neutral ISM in Starburst Galaxies . S. Aalto, S. Hüttemeister, A. Pedlar, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 320. Proc. mtg., Marstrand, Sweden, June 2003. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2004. $77.00 (355 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-182-6
The Origin of Stars. M. D. Smith. Imperial College Press, London, 2004. $53.00, $32.00 paper (248 pp.). ISBN 1-86094-489-2, ISBN 1-86094-501-5 paper
Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: Intense Life in the Suburbs. A. Diaferio, ed. International Astronomical Union Colloquium 195. Proc. colloq., Torino, Italy, Mar. 2004. International Astronomical Union, Paris, and Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2005. $90.00 (560 pp.). ISBN 0-521-84908-X
Satellites and Tidal Streams. F. Prada, D. M. Delgado, T. J. Mahoney, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 327. Proc. mtg., Los Cancajos, Spain, May 2003. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2004. $77.00 (346 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-190-7
Soft X-Ray Emission from Clusters of Galaxies and Related Phenomena. R. Lieu, J. Mittaz, eds. Astrophysics and Space Science Library 309. Kluwer Academic, Norwell, MA, 2004. $99.00 (194 pp.). ISBN 1-4020-2563-7
Atomic and molecular physics
Atomic Physics. C. J. Foot. Oxford Master Series in Atomic, Optical and Laser Physics 7. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2005. $89.50, $44.50 paper (331 pp.). ISBN 0-19-850695-3, ISBN 0-19-850696-1 paper
Biological and medical physics
The Computational Neurobiology of Reaching and Pointing: A Foundation for Motor Learning. R. Shadmehr, S. P. Wise. Computational Neuroscience. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005. $65.00 (575 pp.). ISBN 0-262-19508-9
Molecular and Cellular Signaling. M. Beckerman. Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering. AIP Press/Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $99.00 (574 pp.). ISBN 0-387-22130-1
Nanoscale Technology in Biological Systems. R. S. Greco, F. B. Prinz, R. L. Smith, eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2005. $143.96 (485 pp.). ISBN 0-8493-1940-4
Protein Nanotechnology: Protocols, Instrumentation, and Applications. T. Vo-Dinh, ed. Methods in Molecular Biology 300. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, 2005. $115.00 (463 pp.). ISBN 1-58829-310-6
Pumps, Transporters, and Ion Channels: Studies on Their Structure, Function, and Cell Biology. F. V. Sepùlveda, F. Bezanilla, eds. Series of the Centro de Estudios Científicos. Proc. symp., Valdivia, Chile, Dec. 2001. Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York, 2005. $149.00 (165 pp.). ISBN 0-306-48659-8
Chemical physics
Chemistry at Extreme Conditions. M. R. Manaa. Elsevier, San Diego, CA, 2005. $193.00 (522 pp.). ISBN 0-444-51766-9
Contrast Agents III: Radiopharmaceuticals from Diagnostics to Therapeutics. W. Krause, ed. Topics in Current Chemistry 252. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $189.00 (222 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22577-3
Food Colloids: Interactions, Micro-structure and Processing. E. Dickinson, ed. Proc. conf., Harrogate, UK, Apr. 2004. The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2005. $299.00 (497 pp.). ISBN 0-85404-638-0
Integrated Modeling of Chemical Mechanical Planarization for Sub-Micron IC Fabrication: From Particle Scale to Feature, Die and Wafer Scales. J. Luo, D. A. Dornfeld. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004. $149.00 (311 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22369-X
Invariant Manifolds for Physical and Chemical Kinetics. A. N. Gorban, I. V. Karlin. Lecture Notes in Physics 660. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $119.00 (495 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22684-2
Mixed Surfactant Systems. 2nd rev. ed. M. Abe, J. F. Scamehorn, eds. Surfactant Science Series 124. Marcel Dekker, New York, 2005. $179.95 (831 pp.). ISBN 0-8247-2150-0
Molecular Physical Chemistry: A Concise Introduction. K. A. McLauchlan.
The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2004. $39.95 paper (125 pp.). ISBN 0-85404-619-4
Optical Spectra and Chemical Bonding in Transition Metal Complexes: Special Volume 2 Dedicated to Professor Jørgensen. T. Schönherr, ed. Structure and Bonding 107. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004. $239.00 (310 pp.). ISBN 3-540-00854-3
Computers and computational physics
Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing. S. M. Barnett et al., eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 734. Proc. conf., Glasgow, UK, July 2004. AIP, Melville, NY, 2004. $189.00 (427 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0216-7, CD-ROM
Condensed matter physics
High-Pressure Shock Compression of Solids VIII: The Science and Technology of High-Velocity Impact. L. C. Chhabildas, L. Davison, Y. Horie, eds. Shock Wave and High Pressure Phenomena. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $169.95 (380 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22866-7
The Microscopic Theory of Superfluid He II and Its QCE Superfluidity Mechanism Applied to Superconductors—Theory of Condensed Matter Expounded Through the System He II. J. X. Zheng-Johansson, P-I. Johansson. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2004. $120.00 (212 pp.). ISBN 1-59033-974-6
Physics and Applications of Dilute Nitrides. I. A. Buyanova, W. M. Chen, eds. Optoelectronic Properties of Semiconductors and Superlattices 21. Taylor & Francis, New York, 2004. $175.00 (442 pp.). ISBN 1-591-69019-6
Trends in Superconductivity Research. P. S. Lewis, ed. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2004. $98.00 (194 pp.). ISBN 1-59454-058-6
Cosmology and relativity
General Relativity and Gravitational Physics. G. Esposito, G. Lambiase, G. Marmo, G. Scarpetta, G. Vilasi, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 751. Proc. conf., Vietri sul Mare, Italy, Sept. 2004. AIP, Melville, NY, 2005. $136.00 paper (272 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0236-1
An Introduction to Black Holes, Information and the String Theory Revolution: The Holographic Universe. L. Susskind, J. Lindesay. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2005. $28.00, $14.00 paper (183 pp.). ISBN 981-256-083-1, ISBN 981-256-131-5 paper
The Physics of the Early Universe. E. Papantonopoulos, ed. Lecture Notes in Physics 653. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $59.95 (300 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22712-1
Device physics
Field Emission in Vacuum Microelectronics. G. Fursey. Microdevices: Physics and Fabrication Technologies. Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York, 2005. $129.00 (205 pp.). ISBN 0-306-47450-6
Integration of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronic Devices—Critical Issues and Solutions. J. Morais et al., eds. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 811. Proc. symp., San Francisco, Apr. 2004. MRS, Warrendale, PA, 2004. $106.00 (471 pp.). ISBN 1-55899-761-X
Matching Properties of Deep Sub-Micron MOS Transistors. J. A. Croon, W. Sansen, H. E. Maes. Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science 851. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $139.00 (206 pp.). ISBN 0-387-24314-3
Micro-Optomechatronics. H. Hosaka, Y. Katagiri, T. Hirota, K. Itao. Optical Engineering 92. Marcel Dekker, New York, 2005. $129.95 (306 pp.). ISBN 0-8247-5983-4
Energy and environment
Beyond Oil: The View from Hubbert’s Peak. K. S. Deffeyes. Hill and Wang, New York, 2005. S24.00 (202 pp.). ISBN 0-8090-2956-1
Biodiesel: Growing a New Energy Economy. G. Pahl. Chelsea Green, White River Junction, VT, 2005. $18.00 paper (281 pp.). ISBN 1-931498-65-2
High Noon for Natural Gas: The New Energy Crisis. J. Darley. Chelsea Green, White River Junction, VT, 2004. 830.00, $18.00 paper (266 pp.). ISBN 1-931498-67-9, ISBN 1-931498-53-9 paper
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 37. Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, CA, 2005. $79.00 (517 pp.). ISBN 0-8243-0737-2
History and philosophy
American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer. K. Bird, M. J. Sherwin. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2005. $35.00 (719 pp.). ISBN 0-375-41202-6
Atlas: The Ultimate Weapon—By Those Who Built It. C. Walker, J. Powell. Apogee Books, Burlington, Canada, 2005. $29.95 paper (308 pp.). ISBN 1-894959-18-3
Beam: The Race to Make the Laser. J. Hecht. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2005. $29.95 (274 pp.). ISBN 0-19-514210-1
Before the Fallout: From Marie Curie to Hiroshima. D. Preston. Walker, New York, 2005. $27.00 (400 pp.). ISBN 0-8027-1445-5
Big Dish: Building America’s Deep Space Connection to the Planets. D. J. Mudgway. U. Press of Fla., Gainesville, 2005. S34.95 (253 pp.). ISBN 0-8130-2805-1
Blazing the Trail: The Early History of Spacecraft and Rocketry. M. Grunt-man. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 2004. $59.95 (505 pp.). ISBN 1-56347-705-X
Centennial History of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Vol. 3: The Geophysical Laboratory. H. S. Yoder Jr. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2004. $80.00 (270 pp.). ISBN 0-521-83080-X
Conflict in the Cosmos: Fred Hoyle’s Life in Science. S. Mitton. Joseph Henry Press, Washington, DC, 2005. $27.95 (401 pp.). ISBN 0-309-09313-9
The Cosmographical Glass: Renaissance Diagrams of the Universe. S. K. Heninger Jr. The Huntington Library Press, San Marino, CA, 2004 [1977, reissue]. $21.95 paper (209 pp.). ISBN 0-87328-208-6
Dark Hero of the Information Age: In Search of Norbert Wiener, the Father of Cybernetics. F. Conway, J. Siegelman. Basic Books, New York, 2005. $27.50 (423 pp.). ISBN 0-7382-0368-8
Electric Universe: The Shocking True Story of Electricity. D. Bodanis. Crown, New York, 2005. $24.00 (308 pp.). ISBN 1-4000-4550-9
Frege Explained: From Arithmetic to Analytic Philosophy. J. Weiner. Ideas Explained 2. Open Court, Chicago, 2004. $18.95 paper (179 pp.). ISBN 0-8126-9460-0
The Grand Contraption: The World as Myth, Number and Chance. D. Park. Princeton U. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2005. $29.95 (331 pp.). ISBN 0-691-12133-8
Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Gödel. R. Goldstein. Great Discoveries. Atlas Books/W. W. Norton, New York, 2005. $22.95 (296 pp.). ISBN 0-393-05169-2
The Innermost Kernel: Depth Psychology and Quantum Physics. Wolfgang Pauli’s Dialogue with C. G. Jung. S. Gieser. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $54.95 (378 pp.). ISBN 3-540-20856-9
No Easy Answers: Science and the Pursuit of Knowledge. A. Franklin. U. of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, PA, 2005. $29.95 (258 pp.). ISBN 0-8229-4250-X
Optical Anecdotes. D. J. Lovell. SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 2004 [1981, reissued], $34.00 paper (134 pp.). ISBN 0-8194-5505-9
Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track: The Letters of Richard P. Feynman. M. Feynman, ed. Basic Books, New York, 2005. $26.00 (486 pp.). ISBN 0-7382-0636-9
The Power to Fly: An Engineer’s Life. B. H. Rowe, M. Ducheny. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 2005. $39.95 (207 pp.). ISBN 1-56347-709-2
The Reign of Relativity: Philosophy in Physics 1915-1925. T. Ryckman. Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Science. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2005. $60.00 (317 pp.). ISBN 0-19-517717-7
Retrying Galileo, 1633-1992. M. A. Finocchiaro. U. of Calif. Press, Berkeley, 2005. $50.00 (485 pp.). ISBN 0-520-24261-0
Splendid Solution: Jonas Salk and the Conquest of Polio. J. Kluger. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 2004. $25.95 (373 pp.). ISBN 0-399-15216-4
The Worlds of Herman Kahn: The Intuitive Science of Thermonuclear War. S. Ghamari-Tabrizi. Harvard U. Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005. $26.95 (387 pp.). ISBN 0-674-01714-5
Instrumentation and techniques
Advanced Data Storage Materials and Characterization Techniques. J. W. Ahner, J. Levy, L. Hesselink, A. Mijiritskii, eds. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 803. Proc. symp., Boston, MA, Dec. 2003. MRS, Warrendale, PA, 2004. $91.00 (280 pp.). ISBN 1-55899-741-5
Astronomy with a Home Computer. N. Monks. Patrick Moore’s Practical Astronomy Series. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $39.95 paper (202 pp.). ISBN 1-85233-805-9
Introduction to Focused Ion Beams: Instrumentation, Theory, Techniques and Practice. L. A. Giannuzzi, F. A. Ste-vie, eds. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $79.95 (357 pp.). ISBN 0-387-23116-1
New Techniques in Solid-State NMR. J. Klinowski, ed. Topics in Current Chemistry 246. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $299.00 (358 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22168-9
Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction. A. Ichimiya, P. I. Cohen. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2004. $120.00 (353 pp.). ISBN 0-521-45373-9
Materials science
Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Silicon Science and Technology—2004. G. Ganguly et al., eds. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 808. Proc. symp., San Francisco, Apr. 2004. MRS, Warrendale, PA, 2004. $106.00 (735 pp.). ISBN 1-55899-758-X
CFN Lectures on Functional Nano-structures. Vol. 1. K. Busch et al., eds. Lecture Notes in Physics 658. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $59.95 (249 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22929-9
Fundamentals of Ion-Irradiated Polymers. D. Fink, ed. Springer Series in Materials Science 63. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004. $139.00 (404 pp.). ISBN 3-540-04027-7
High-Mobility Group-IV Materials and Devices. M. Caymax et al., eds. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 809. Proc. symp., San Francisco, Apr. 2004. MRS, Warrendale, PA, 2004. $99.00 (304 pp.). ISBN 1-55899-759-8
Macromolecular Nanostructured Materials. N. Ueyama, A. Harada, eds. Springer Series in Materials Science 78. Kodansha, Tokyo, and Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004. $149.00 (335 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22327-4
Materials, Technology and Reliability for Advanced Interconnects and Low-k Dielectrics—2004. R. J. Carter et al., eds. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 812. Proc, symp., San Francisco, Apr. 2004. MRS, Warrendale, PA, 2004. $99.00 (402 pp.). ISBN 1-55899-762-8
Mechanics of Microstructured Materials. H. J. Böhm, ed. CISM Courses and Lectures 464. SpringerWien, New York, 2004. $99.00 paper (306 pp.). ISBN 3-211-24154-X
Nanoscale Materials and Modeling—Relations Among Processing, Micro-structure and Mechanical Properties. P. M. Anderson, T. Foecke, A. Misra, R. E. Rudd, eds. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 821. Proc. symp., San Francisco, Apr. 2004. MRS, Warrendale, PA, 2004. $106.00 (400 pp.). ISBN 1-55899-771-7
Properties of Materials: Anisotropy, Symmetry, Structure. R. E. Newnham. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2005. $139.50, $64.50 paper (378 pp.). ISBN 0-19-852075-1, ISBN 0-19-852076-X paper
Sculptured Thin Films: Nanoengineered Morphology and Optics. A. Lakhtakia, R. Messier. SPIE Press Monograph Series 143. SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 2005. $75.00 (299 pp.). ISBN 0-8194-5606-3, CD-ROM
Silicon Carbide 2004—Materials, Processing and Devices. M. Dudley et al., eds. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 815. Proc. symp., San Francisco, Apr. 2004. MRS, Warrendale, PA, 2004. $103.00 (322 pp.). ISBN 1-55899-765-2
Silicon Front-End Junction Formation—Physics and Technology. P. Pichler et al., eds. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 810. Proc. symp., San Francisco, Apr. 2004. MRS, Warrendale, PA, 2004. $99.00 (494 pp.). ISBN 1-55899-760-1
Trends in Nanotechnology Research. E. V. Dirote, ed. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2004. $129.00 (273 pp.). ISBN 1-59454-091-8
Advice to Rocket Scientists: A Career Survival Guide for Scientists and Engineers. J. Longuski. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 2004. $24.95 paper (86 pp.). ISBN 1-56347-655-X
Cryocoolers 13. R. G. Ross Jr, ed. Proc. conf., New Orleans, LA, Mar.—Apr. 2004. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $250.00 (726 pp.). ISBN 0-387-23901-4
Gaseous Dielectrics X. L. G. Christophorou, J. K. Olthoff, P. Vassiliou, eds. Proc. symp., Athens, Greece, Mar.—Apr. 2004. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004. $149.00 (519 pp.). ISBN 0-387-23298-2
Horizons in World Physics. Vol. 245. T. V Lynch, ed. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2004. $129.00 (279 pp.). ISBN 1-59454-063-2
Nonlinear science and chaos
Hamiltonian Chaos and Fractional Dynamics. G. M. Zaslavsky. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2005. $99.50 (421 pp.). ISBN 0-19-852604-0
Nonlinear Fokker—Planck Equations: Fundamentals and Applications. T. D. Frank. Springer Series in Synergetics. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $89.95 (404 pp.). ISBN 3-540-21264-7
Nuclear physics
The Hispalensis Lectures on Nuclear Physics, Vol. 2. J. M. Arias, M. Lozano, eds. Lecture Notes in Physics 652. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004. $79.95 (327 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22512-9
Optics and photonics
Advanced Accelerator Concepts. V. Yakimenko, ed. AIP Conference Proceedings 737. Proc. wksp., Stony Brook, NY, June 2004. AIP, Melville, NY. 2004. $250.00 (1029 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0220-5, CD-ROM
Diffuse X-Ray Scattering and Models of Disorder. T. R. Welberry. IUCr Monographs on Crystallography 16. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2004. $144.50 (266 pp.). ISBN 0-19-852858-2
Elastic Lidar: Theory, Practice, and Analysis Methods. V. A. Kovalev, W. E. Eichinger. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2004. $120.00 (615 pp.). ISBN 0-471-20171-5
Field Guide to Adaptive Optics. R. K. Tyson, B. W. Frazier. SPIE Field Guides FG03. SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 2004. $34.00 paper (67 pp.). ISBN 0-8194-5319-6
Field Guide to Atmospheric Optics. L. C. Andrews. SPIE Field Guides FG02. SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 2004. $34.00 paper (96 pp.). ISBN 0-8194-5318-8
Field Guide to Geometrical Optics. J. E. Greivenkamp. SPIE Field Guides FG01. SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 2004. $34.00 paper (117 pp.). ISBN 0-8194-5294-7
Field Guide to Visual and Ophthalmic Optics. J. Schwiegerling. SPIE Field Guides FG04. SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 2004. $34.00 paper (109 pp.). ISBN 0-8194-5629-2
Focus on Lasers and Electro-Optics Research. W. T. Arkin, ed. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2004. $89.00 (289 pp.). ISBN 1-59454-021-7
High-Fidelity Medical Imaging Displays. A. Badano, M. J. Flynn, J. Kanicki. Tutorial Texts in Optical Engineering TT63. SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 2004. $44.00 paper (153 pp.). ISBN 0-8194-5191-6
Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks. K. Dickmann, C. Fotakis, J. F. Asmus, eds. Springer Proceedings in Physics 100. Proc. conf., Osnabrück, Germany, Sept. 2003. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $199.00 (528 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22996-5
Metrics for High-Quality Specular Surfaces. L. R. Baker. Tutorial Texts in Optical Engineering TT65. SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 2004. $44.00 paper (151 pp.). ISBN 0-8194-5576-8
New Materials for Microphotonics. J. H. Shin, M. Brongersma, C. Buchal, F. Priolo, eds. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 817. Proc. symp., San Francisco, Apr. 2004. MRS, Warrendale, PA, 2004. $103.00 (278 pp.). ISBN 1-55899-767-9
Nonlinear Optical Crystals: A Complete Survey. D. N. Nikogosyan. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $199.00 (427 pp.). ISBN 0-387-22022-4
Optical Near-Field Recording: Science and Technology. J. Tominaga, T. Nakano. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $89.95 (124 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22128-X
Principles of Lasers and Optics. W. S. C. Chang. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2005. $70.00 (247 pp.). ISBN 0-521-64229-9
Quantum Interference and Coherence: Theory and Experiments. Z. Ficek, S. Swain. Springer Series in Optical Sciences 100. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $159.00 (418 pp.). ISBN 0-387-22965-5
Reviews in Fluorescence 2005. Vol. 2. C. D. Geddes, J. R. Lakowicz, eds. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $149.00 (440 pp.). ISBN 0-387-23628-7
Tunable Laser Diodes and Related Optical Sources. 2nd ed. J. Buus, M.-C. Amann, D. J. Blumenthal. IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ; SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA; and Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2005. $74.00 (390 pp.). ISBN 0-471-20816-7
Particle physics
Latin-American School of Physics XXXV ELAF: Supersymmetries in Physics and Its Applications. R. Bijker et al., eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 744. Proc. sch., Mexico City, Mexico, July 2004. AIP, Melville, NY, 2005. $149.00 (373 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0228-0
Trends in Quantum Physics. V. Krasnoholovets, F. Columbus, eds. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, 2004. $129.00 (218 pp.). ISBN 1-59454-000-4
Plasmas and fusion
Fusion: The Energy of the Universe. G. McCracken, P. Stott. Complimentary Science Series. Academic Press/Elsevier, Burlington, MA, 2005. $44.95 paper (186 pp.). ISBN 0-12-481851-X
The Physics and Technology of Ion Sources. 2nd, rev. ed. I. G. Brown, ed. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2004 [1989]. $210.00 (379 pp.). ISBN 3-527-40410-4
The Physics of Ionized Gases. L. Hadzievski, T. Grozdanov, N. Bibić, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 740. Proc. symp., Bajina Bašta, Serbia and Montenegro, Aug. 2004. AIP, Melville, NY, 2004. $166.00 (523 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0224-8
Breaking the Time Barrier: The Race to Build the First Time Machine. J. Randles. Paraview Pocket Books, New York, 2005. $13.00 paper (280 pp.). ISBN 0-7434-9259-5
Deep Simplicity: Bringing Order to Chaos and Complexity. J. Gribbin. Random House, New York, 2004. $24.95 (275 pp.). ISBN 1-4000-6256-X
Fab: The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop—from Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication. N. Gershenfeld. Basic Books, New York, 2005. $26.00 (278 pp.). ISBN 0-465-02745-8
The Joy of Chemistry: The Amazing Science of Familiar Things. C. Cobb, M. L. Fetterolf. Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, 2005. $26.00 (393 pp.). ISBN 1-59102-231-2
The New Quotable Einstein. Rev. ed. A. Calaprice, ed. Princeton U. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2005 [2000]. $39.50, $14.95 paper (407 pp.). ISBN 0-691-12074-9, ISBN 0-691-12075-7 paper
On the Shores of the Unknown: A Short History of the Universe. J. Silk. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2005. $35.00 (246 pp.). ISBN 0-521-83627-1
Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution. N. D. Tyson, D. Goldsmith. W. W. Norton, New York, 2004. $27.95 (345 pp.). ISBN 0-393-05992-8
Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis: The Quest to Find the Hidden Law of Prime Numbers. D. Rockmore. Pantheon Books, New York, 2005. S25.00 (292 pp.). ISBN 0-375-42136-X
Society and government
The Future of Arms Control. M. A. Levi, M. E. O’Hanlon. Brookings Institution Press, Washington, DC, 2005. $44.95, $18.95 paper (190 pp.). ISBN 0-8157-6462-6, ISBN 0-8157-6463-4 paper
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Basics of Aerothermodynamics. E. H. Hirschel. Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics 204. Springer-Verlag, New York, and American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 2005. $99.00 (412 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22132-8
Beyond Equilibrium Thermodynamics. H. C. Öttinger. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2005. $110.00 (617 pp.). ISBN 0-471-66658-0
Physical and Chemical Processes in Gas Dynamics: Physical and Chemical Kinetics and Thermodynamics. Vol. 2. G. G. Chernyi, S. A. Losev, S. O. Macheret, B. V. Potapkin, eds. Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics 197. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 2004. $90.95 (328 pp.). ISBN 1-56347-519-7
Statistical Mechanics: Selecta of Elliott H. Lieb. B. Nachtergaele, J. P. Solovej, J. Yngvason, eds. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004. $99.00 (505 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22297-9
Statistical Physics for Cosmic Structures. A. Gabrielli, F. S. Labini, M. Joyce, L. Pietronero. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $89.95 (424 pp.). ISBN 3-540-40745-6
Texts and education
Classical Electromagnetic Theory. 2nd ed. J. Vanderlinde. Fundamental Theories of Physics 145. Kluwer Academic, Norwell, MA, 2004 [1993]. $99.00 (411 pp.). ISBN 1-4020-2699-4
Is There a Laser in the House? Understanding Your High-Tech Everyday World. A. E. Bieber. Pearson Custom, Boston, 2005. $30.00 (88 pp.). ISBN 0-536-91903-8
Theory and mathematical methods
A Career in Theoretical Physics. 2nd ed. P. W. Anderson. World Scientific Series in 20th Century Physics 35. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2004 [1994]. $98.00, $48.00 paper (862 pp.). ISBN 981-238-865-6, ISBN 981-238-866-4 paper
Computers, Rigidity, and Moduli: The Large-Scale Fractal Geometry of Riemannian Moduli Space. S. Weinberger. M. B. Porter Lectures. Princeton U. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2005. $39.50 (174 pp.). ISBN 0-691-11889-2
Field Mathematics for Electromagnetics, Photonics, and Materials Science: A Guide for the Scientist and Engineer. B. Maxum. Tutorial Texts in Optical Engineering 64. SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 2005. S56.00 paper (272 pp.). ISBN 0-8194-5523-7
First Course on Fuzzy Theory and Applications. K. H. Lee. Advances in Soft Computing. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005. $79.95 paper (335 pp.). ISBN 3-540-22988-4
Group Theory: The Application to Quantum Mechanics. P. H. E. Meijer, E. Bauer. Dover Classics of Science and Mathematics. Dover, Mineola, NY, 2004 [1962, reissued]. $18.95 paper (290 pp.). ISBN 0-486-43798-1
Independent Component Analysis: A Tutorial Introduction. J. V. Stone. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2004. $35.00 paper (193 pp.). ISBN 0-262-69315-1
Iterative Methods for Toeplitz Systems. M. K. Ng. Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2004. $119.50 (350 pp.). ISBN 0-19-850420-9
Mathematical Methods for the Natural and Engineering Sciences. R. E. Mickens. Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences 65. World Scientific, River Edge, NJ, 2004. $78.00 (509 pp.). ISBN 981-238-750-1
Mechanics: From Newton’s Laws to Deterministic Chaos. 4th ed. F. Scheck. Advanced Texts in Physics. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005 [2003]. $79.95 (547 pp.). ISBN 3-540-21925-0
Multipole Theory in Electromagnetism: Classical, Quantum, and Symmetry Aspects, with Applications. R. E. Raab, O. L. de Lange. International Series of Monographs on Physics 128. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2005. $124.50 (235 pp.). ISBN 0-19-856727-8
Nuclear Shell Theory. A. de-Shalit, I. Talmi. Dover Books on Physics. Dover, Mineola, NY, 2004 [1963, reissued]. $32.95 paper (573 pp.). ISBN 0-486-43933-X
Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems. R. C. Aster, B. Borchers, C. H. Thurber. Academic Press/Elsevier, Burlington, MA, 2005. $79.95 (301 pp.). ISBN 0-12-065604-3, CD-ROM