High-Frequency Oscilloscopes
Agilent Technologies has introduced its Infiniium DSO80000 series oscilloscopes. Together with two versions of the Agilent InfiniiMax II series probe systems (1148A and 1149A), the models DSO81004A, 81204A, and 81304A feature bandwidths of 10, 12, and 13 GHz, respectively. All models provide four channels with a maximum sample rate of 20 gigasamples/s per channel and 40 Gsa/s on two channels, and offer a standard memory depth of 0.25–0.5 Mb (optional 1–2 Mb). The scopes are available with a wide variety of optional software to match specific measurement needs, including second-generation jitter analysis, serial data analysis with 8b/10b decoding, and a growing list of compliance test packages for standards such as PCI Express, Ethernet, USB, Fire-wire and others. Agilent Technologies Inc, 395 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94306, http://www.agilent.com
Circle number 131 on Reader Service Card
Temperature Calibration System
Electronic Development Labs has announced the Ultra-Bath with Integrated Validation System (IVS) that offers a variety of temperature calibration options with user-friendly features such as touch-screen operation. There are 12 channels for use with the units under test. Thermocouple and resistance temperature detector outputs can be recorded in real time while in the calibration bath. All of the measurement process is recorded and documented in accordance with 21 CFR Part 11, which defines the US Food and Drug Administration rules on the storage and control of electronic records and the implementation of electronic signatures. The IVS can operate independently from the bath, thus making it suitable to map ovens, freezers, and other types of industrial processing and storage equipment. Electronic Development Labs Inc, 244 Oakland Drive, Danville, VA 24540, http://www.edl-inc.com
Circle number 132 on Reader Service Card
Vector Network Analyzer
The Lightning D series microwave and millimeter-wave Vector Network Analyzers (VNAs) from Anritsu deliver improved performance, updated interfaces, expanded software applications, and Ethernet connectivity. The model 37300D series of two-port VNAs is designed for measuring S-parameters of active and passive devices such as amplifiers, mixers, and up/down converters. Four models cover 20-, 40-, 50-, and 65-GHz maximum frequency ranges. Dynamic range is 108 dB at 20 GHz, 101 dB at 40 GHz, and 95 dB at 50 GHz. For analysis of only passive devices (filters, isolators, circulators, and attenuators), the Lightning 37200D series analyzers are economical choices where power control is not required; the same frequency ranges are covered by four models. All of the D models have an option for front-panel loops. Anritsu Co, 1155 East Collins Boulevard, Richardson, TX 75081, http://www.us.anritsu.com
Circle number 133 on Reader Service Card
10-W Microwave Amplifier
The RF/Microwave Instrumentation division of AR Worldwide has developed the model 10S4G11, a solid-state, air-cooled, broadband amplifier that has an output of 10 W over the 4-to 10.6-GHz frequency range. Specifications include a gain of 40 dB minimum and a power-frequency flatness of ± 3.0 dB maximum (±2.0 dB typical). The 10S4G11 is protected from RF input overdrive by an RF input-leveling circuit that controls the input level to the first stage when that level exceeds 0 dBm. Any over-temperature condition of the amplifier’s later stages is sensed and corrected by removing their DC voltage supply. The new amplifier includes digital control for both local and remote sources and offers a front-panel gain control for setting the required output level. AR Worldwide, RF / Microwave Instrumentation, 160 School-house Road, Souderton, PA 18964-9990, http://www.ar-worldwide.com
Circle number 134 on Reader Service Card
Portable Data Monitor
The DD-400 Data Dolphin from Scientific Technologies’ Automation Products Group is a 22-channel, battery-operated data monitor, encapsulated in a waterproof case, that offers reliable operation at temperatures ranging from −40°C to +75°C. The DD-400 has 2 Mb of nonvolatile flash memory and a 24-bit A/D section that provides eight single-ended or four differential bipolar inputs (or combination of both) with a resolution down to 90 nV. Four additional inputs enable the selection of pulse, status, and 10-bit analog capability. Data Dolphin software allows the user to set up the program, view the data, generate graphs, and export the data to other software for more detailed analysis and presentations. Scientific Technologies Inc, Automation Products Group, 1025 West, 1700 North, Logan UT 84321, http://www.stiapg.com
Circle number 135 on Reader Service Card
Electrostatic Voltmeter
Trek Inc has introduced the Model 400 Electrostatic Voltmeter that measures surface voltage without charge transfer between the surface and a measuring probe. The instrument has a measurement range of 0 to ± 2 kV DC or peak AC with an accuracy at the voltage display of better than ± 0.1% of reading. The model 400 includes a control to null the output noise to lowest values for any probe selected. Standard probes are the models 400P-S (side view) and 400P-E (end view), which have a 1-kV step speed response of 3 ms at a probe-to-surface spacing of 2 mm ± 1 mm. The high-speed probes 401P-S and 401P-E feature a 300-μs response time for the 1-kV step (at the same spacing). Operating with those probes, the model 400 has a flat response characteristic—having no overshoot or undershoot—which is fast and independent of a probe-to-surface distance range of 1–3 mm. Trek Inc, 11601 Maple Ridge Road, Medina, NY 14103, http://www.trekinc.com
Circle number 136 on Reader Service Card
Jitter Measurements
LeCroy has announced the ASDA-J, said to be the first jitter solution that can evaluate total jitter, as well as random and deterministic jitter, using both reference-clock-based and non-clock-based methods. Designed for use with the company’s SDA family of serial data analyzers, ASDA-J provides a means of measuring both optical and electrical serial data signals. It enhances jitter measurement accuracy and utility by adding an edge-to-edge jitter measurement mode to the standard edge-to-reference mode. This enhancement allows the serial data analyzers to correlate the jitter measurements with both sampling oscilloscope- and time-interval-based instruments. The ASDA-J maintains the capabilities of the first version ASDA, whose features include an eye mask violation locator and bit error analysis. LeCroy Corporation, 700 Chestnut Ridge Road, Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977-6499, http://www.lecroy.com
Circle number 137 on Reader Service Card
Software for Safety Testing
QuadTech has developed CaptivATE, a software package for automating the process of electrical safety testing when using the company’s Guardian 6000 series of safety analyzers. Test functions include AC or DC Hipot, insulation resistance, ground bond, Earth leakage, patient leakage, patient auxiliary leakage, or enclosure current leakage. With the new software, a test setup can automatically be loaded and verified using a bar code scanner to identify both the product model and serial number(s). With an optional AC source, CaptivATE can accurately control the line voltage and frequency to the product under test. Multiple plantwide or global installations of CaptivATE can share the same database and thus provide a central data location that is updated in real time. QuadTech, 5 Clock Tower Place, Suite 210 East, Maynard, MA 01754, http://www.quadtech.com
Circle number 138 on Reader Service Card
Thermocouple Recorder and Wireless Transmitter
The RFTC4000A from MadgeTech is a battery-powered, two-channel, thermocouple temperature recorder and wireless transmitter that will measure and record up to 4095 measurements per channel. Readings can be made at intervals from once every 30 s to once every 12 hr. When enabled, the wireless transmitter (at a frequency of 418 MHz) will send readings back to the host computer where the data can be analyzed in real time. These readings are also logged to the device’s memory for added data security. The internal channel temperature range is −30°C to +70°C with a resolution of 0.1°C and an accuracy of ± 0.5°C at 25°C. Up to 100 or more of these transmitters can be accepted by a single receiver (model RFC101A), depending on the recording rate. MadgeTech Inc, 201 Route 103 West, P.O. Box 50, Warner, NH 03278, http://www.madgetech.com
Circle number 139 on Reader Service Card
Digital Controller Module
Aerotech has introduced the Nservo controller module, a digital two- or four-axis position and velocity servo controller with up to 20-kHz sampling time. The new module allows users to upgrade any existing systems that use analog servo amplifiers to the company’s Automation A3200 system’s network digital drives. The module incorporateas 11 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs, 4 analog inputs, 2 analog outputs (in addition to the 8 that drive the amplifier), and expandable I/O. Each axis of the Nservo has three-phase ±10-VDC outputs to drive any amplifier. The new controller is software configurable for brush, brushless, and stepper motor operation and accepts encoder or resolver feedback. Other features include limits, brake, auxiliary feedback input, high-speed latching inputs, and Ethernet. Aerotech Inc, 101 Zeta Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15238-2897, http://www.aerotech.com
Circle number 140 on Reader Service Card
Clock Generators
Aeroflex Colorado Springs has released its RadClock family of phase-locked-loop–based clock generators designed for satellite applications. The model UT7R995 is a quad-bank, eight-output, 6- to 200-MHz clock generator that features output phase adjustability to help ensure clock-network timing integrity. The model UTR9951 derivative is a single-bank, dual-output unit covering the same frequency range and exhibiting less than 100 ps of cycle-to-cycle jitter. RadClock products withstand ionizing radiation from 100 krads to 1 Mrad and are latchup-immune to heavy ion energies in excess of 100 MeVcm2/mg. The devices provide frequency multiplication and division options for each output clock bank. Aeroflex Colorado Springs, 4350 Centennial Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO 80907, http://www.aeroflex.com
Circle number 141 on Reader Service Card
Relay Multiplexer
KineticSystems has announced the P580 relay multiplexer in the company’s family of test and measurement modules for the PXI platform. The new unit is a double-width 3U module that offers 34 differential-input channels multiplexed onto two independent analog paths. Up to four external instruments can be connected via each of the front panel’s four connectors. Switching sequences can be executed by individual calls to the module’s plug-and-play drivers or to the scanner memory, which can hold 1024 switching steps. The P580 is a follow-up to the company’s V580 relay multiplexer module for the VXI platform and is suitable for data acquisition systems, laboratory automation, voltage monitoring, industrial process control, calibration systems, and ATE systems. Kinetic Systems Company LLC, 900 North State Street, Lockport, IL 60441, http://www.kscorp.com
Circle number 142 on Reader Service Card
Chilling/Heating Dry Bath
Torrey Pines Scientific’s EchoTherm model SC25 is a programmable, orbital mixing chilling/heating dry bath that features a five-program memory in which each program can have as many as 10 steps. Each step can include a mixing speed, temperature, and timed event, and any program can be made to repeat itself from 1 to 99 times automatically. The orbital mixer has nine digitally preset mixing speeds varying from 200 to 1000 rpm in increments of 100 rpm. The bath has a temperature range from −10°C to 100°C at the plate surface with accuracy and stability to °1°C; it can be controlled at room temperature. When unloaded, the plate will reach below 0°C in less than 2 min and will heat to 37°C in under 1 min. The built-in data logger can store 7825 data points in 1-s, 1-min, or 5-min intervals. Torrey Pines Scientific Inc, 1784 La Costa Meadows Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069, http://www.torreypinesscientific.com
Circle number 143 on Reader Service Card
Interface Adapter
Keithley Instruments has introduced the model KUSB-488, a USB-to-GPIB interface adapter. The new device transforms any computer with a USB port into a full-function, IEEE 488.2 controller that can control up to 14 programmable GPIB instruments. The KUSB-488 works with Microsoft Windows 98 or later operating systems on computers with a USB port, is USB 2.0 compatible, and has an IEEE data-transfer rate of 880 kilobytes/s. The adapter is a plug-and-play interface that the operating system automatically recognizes and configures as soon as it is attached; it eliminates the need to open the computer to install a plug-in interface. The KUSB-488 includes external USB Configure and USAB Active indicators, and power is supplied from the USB connection. Keithley Instruments Inc, 28775 Aurora Road, Cleveland, OH 44139-1891, http://www.keithley.com
Circle number 144 on Reader Service Card
New Literature
The Oriel Light Re-Source is available from Newport. The catalog has 336 pages of reference material, tutorials, and product specifications for the light source products Newport now offers through its acquisition of Spectra-Physics. Other products, including the new Apex line, are also described. Newport Corporation, 1791 Deere Avenue, Irvine, CA 92606, http://www.newport.com
Circle number 145 on Reader Service Card
The 2005–2006 Cole-Parmer General Catalog has been updated with thousands of new products. Items can be located quickly and compared easily with the aid of reorganized catalog sections and restructured ordering tables. A new addition is a parametric search function. Cole-Parmer Instrument Co, 625 East Bunker Court, Vernon Hills, IL 60061-1844, http://www.coleparmer.com
Circle number 146 on Reader Service Card
On the Web
Janos Technology has unveiled a new website that features technical information on infrared coatings and materials, optical design data, and IR lens selection, along with a general optical reference guide. The site includes a navigation bar that offers intuitive access to products, applications, and a new online store. Janos Technology Inc, 1068 Grafton Road, Townshend, VT 05353-9605, http://www.janostech.com
Circle number 147 on Reader Service Card