Acoustical Imaging. Vol. 26. R. Gr. Maev, ed. Proc. symp., Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Sept. 2001. Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York, 2002. $195.00 (516 pp.). ISBN 0-306-47340-2
Astronomy and astrophysics
2001: A Spacetime Odyssey. M. J. Duff, J. T. Liu, eds. Proc. conf., Ann Arbor, Mich., May 2001. World Scientific, River Edge, N.J., 2002. $78.00 (228 pp.). ISBN 981-02-4806-7
Cosmic Masers: From Protostars to Blackholes. V. Migenes, M. J. Reid, eds. International Astronomical Union Symposium 206. Proc. symp., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Mar. 2001. International Astronomical Union, Paris, France, and Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2002. $95.00 (531 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-112-5
Disks of Galaxies: Kinematics, Dynamics and Perturbations. E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, R. Mujica, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 275. Proc. conf., Puebla, Mexico, Nov. 2001. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2002. $57.00 (467 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-117-6
Exotic Stars as Challenges to Evolution: IAU Colloquium 187. C. A. Tout, W. Van Hamme, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 279. Proc. colloq., Miami, Fla., Mar. 2002. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2002. $57.00 (400 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-122-2
Modes of Star Formation and the Origin of Field Populations. E. K. Grebel, W. Brandner, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 285. Proc. wksp., Heidelberg, Germany, Oct. 2000. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2002. $57.00 (457 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-128-1
New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics: The Link Between Stars and Cosmology. M. Chávez, A. Bressan, A. Buzzoni, D. Mayya, eds. Astrophysics and Space Science Library 274. Proc. conf., Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Mar. 2001. Kluwer Academic, Norwell, Mass., 2002. $124.00 (311 pp.). ISBN 1-4020-0644-6
Seeing Through the Dust: The Detection of H. I. and the Exploration of the ISM in Galaxies. A. R. Taylor, T. L. Landecker, A. G. Willis, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 276. Proc. conf., Penticton, British Columbia, Canada, Oct. 2001. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2002. $57.00 (478 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-118-4
Atomic and molecular physics
Introduction to the Physics of Highly Charged Ions. H. F. Beyer, V. P. Shevelko. Series in Atomic and Molecular Physics. IOP, Philadelphia, 2003. $90.00 (361 pp.). ISBN 0-7503-0481-2
Physics of Atoms and Ions. B. M. Smirnov. Graduate Texts in Contemporary Physics. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. $89.95 (442 pp.). ISBN 0-387-95550-X
Biophysics and medical physics
Biophysical Chemistry: Membranes and Proteins. R. H. Templer, R. Leather-barrow, eds. Proc. conf., London, UK, Sept. 2001. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2002. $179.00 (280 pp.). ISBN 0-85404-851-0
Group 13 Chemistry II: Biological Aspects of Aluminum. H. W. Roesky, D. A. Atwood, eds. Structure and Bonding 104. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $139.00 (200 pp.). ISBN 3-540-43807-6
Chemical physics
Chemistry of Nanomolecular Systems: Towards the Realization of Nanomolecular Devices. T. Nakamura, T. Matsumoto, H. Tada, K.-I. Sugiura, eds. Springer Series in Chemical Physics 70. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. $69.95 (197 pp.). ISBN 3-540-44135-2
Heterophase Network Polymers: Synthesis, Characterization and Properties. B. A. Rozenberg, G. M. Sigalov, eds. (translated from Russian by M. Z. Aldoshina, Y. B. Scheck). Taylor & Francis, New York, 2002. $96.00 (313 pp.). ISBN 0-415-28417-1
Liquid Dynamics: Experiment, Simulation, and Theory. J. T. Fourkas, ed. ACS Symposium Series 820. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 2002. $135.00 (324 pp.). ISBN 0-8412-3762-X
Low-Lying Potential Energy Surfaces. M. R. Hoffmann, K. G. Dyall, eds. ACS Symposium Series 828. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 2002. $150.00 (473 pp.). ISBN 0-8412-3792-1
Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics. B. A. Hess, ed. Wiley Series in Theoretical Chemistry. Wiley, Hoboken, N.J., 2003. $105.00 (307 pp.). ISBN 0-470-84138-9
Solid—Liquid Interfaces: Macroscopic Phenomena—Microscopic Understanding. K. Wandelt, S. Thurgate, eds. Topics in Applied Physics 85. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. $149.00 (444 pp.). ISBN 3-540-42583-7
Speciality Chemicals in Mineral Processing. D. R. Skuse, ed. Proc. mtg., Bath, UK, June 2001. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2002. $129.00 (143 pp.). ISBN 0-85404-831-6
Computers and computational physics
Adaptive Multiscale Schemes for Conservation Laws. S. Müller. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 27. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. $59.95 paper (181 pp.). ISBN 3-540-44325-8
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB®. 3rd edition. H. B. Wilson, L. H. Turcotte, D. Halpern. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, Fla., 2003 [1997]. $89.95 (678 pp.). ISBN 1-58488-262-X
Advances in Artificial Intelligence—IBERAMIA 2002. F. J. Garijo, J. C. Riquelme, M. Toro, eds. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2527. Proc. conf., Seville, Spain, Nov. 2002. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $109.00 paper (955 pp.). ISBN 3-540-00131-X
Advances in Plan-Based Control of Robotic Agents. M. Beetz, J. Hertzberg, M. Ghallab, M. E. Pollack, eds. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2466. Proc. sem., Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, Oct. 2001. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $52.00 paper (289 pp.). ISBN 3-540-00168-9
Algorithmic Learning Theory. N. Cesa-Bianchi, M. Numao, R. Reischuk, eds. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2533. Proc. conf., Lübeck, Germany, Nov. 2002. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $69.00 paper (413 pp.). ISBN 3-540-00170-0
Computer Algebra Recipes for Classical Mechanics. R. H. Enns, G. C. McGuire. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2003. $54.95 paper (264 pp.). ISBN 0-8176-4291-9, CD-ROM
Design Sensitivity Analysis: Computational Issues of Sensitivity Equation Methods. L. G. Stanley, D. L. Stewart. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 2002. $65.00 (139 pp.). ISBN 0-89871-524-5
Discovery Science. S. Lange, K. Satoh, C. H. Smith, eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2534. Proc. conf., Lübeck, Germany, Nov. 2002. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $73.00 paper (464 pp.). ISBN 3-540-00188-3
Fuzzy Logic and Probability Applications: Bridging the Gap. T. J. Ross, J. M. Booker, W. J. Parkinson, eds. ASA-SIAM Series on Statistics and Applied Probability. American Statistical Association, Alexandria, Va., and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 2002. $114.00 (409 pp.). ISBN 0-89871-525-3
Condensed matter physics
Disordered Materials: An Introduction. P. M. Ossi. Advanced Texts in Physics. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. $64.95 (288 pp.). ISBN 3-540-41328-6
Electronic Structure of Alloys, Surfaces and Clusters. A. Mookerjee, D. D. Sarma, eds. Advances in Condensed Matter Science 4. Taylor & Francis, New York, 2003. $96.00 (368 pp.). ISBN 0-415-27249-1
Introduction to Quantum Hall Effect. K. N. Shrivastava. Nova Science, Hauppauge, N.Y., 2002. $69.00 (293 pp.). ISBN 1-59033-419-1
Liquid Crystals: Fundamentals. S. Singh. World Scientific, River Edge, N.J., 2002. $98.00 (531 pp.). ISBN 981-02-4250-6
Magnetism in the Solid State: An Introduction. P. Mohn. Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences 134. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. $79.95 (215 pp.). ISBN 3-540-43183-7
Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and Their Applications. D. Shi, B. Aktas, L. Pust, F. Mikailov, eds. Lecture Notes in Physics 593. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $79.95 (289 pp.). ISBN 3-540-44102-6
Theoretical Surface Science: A Microscopic Perspective. A. Groß. Advanced Texts in Physics. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. $59.95 (275 pp.). ISBN 3-540-43903-X
Cosmology and relativity
Black Holes: A Bibliography with Indexes. L. A. Jameson, ed. Nova Science, Hauppauge, N.Y., 2002. $89.00 (127 pp.). ISBN 1-59033-287-3
Cosmological Crossroads: An Advanced Course in Mathematical, Physical and String Cosmology. S. Cotsakis, E. Papantonopoulos, eds. Lecture Notes in Physics 592. Proc. sch., Samos Island, Greece, Sept. 2001. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $86.00 (477 pp.). ISBN 3-540-43778-9
Device physics
ICNS-4: Fourth International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors. Parts A and B. F. A. Ponce, A. Bell, eds. Proc. conf., Denver, Colo., Apr. 2001. Wiley, Hoboken, N.J., 2002. $265.00 set (1556 pp. set). ISBN 3-527-40347-7
Low Dielectric Constant Materials for IC Applications. P. S. Ho, J. Leu, W. W. Lee, eds. Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics 9. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. $109.00 (309 pp.). ISBN 3-540-67819-0
Low-Dimensional Nitride Semiconductors. B. Gil, ed. Series on Semiconductor Science and Technology 9. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2002. $125.00 (467 pp.). ISBN 0-19-850974-X
Modeling MEMS and NEMS. J. A. Pelesko, D. H. Bernstein. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, Fla., 2003. $69.95 (357 pp.). ISBN 1-58488-306-5
Progress in Ultra-Short Electromagnetic Pulse Technology: A New Frontier in Physics. J.-F. Eloy. Taylor & Francis, New York, 2002. $140.00 (253 pp.). ISBN 1-56032-964-5
Energy and environment
Annual Review of Energy and the Environment. Vol. 27. R. H. Socolow, D. Anderson, J. Harte, eds. Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, Calif., 2002. $82.00 (472 pp.). ISBN 0-8243-2327-0
Environmental and Health Impact of Solid Waste Management Activities. R. E. Hester, R. M. Harrison, eds. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology 18. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2002. $64.95 paper (214 pp.). ISBN 0-85404-285-7
Analytical and Numerical Methods for Wave Propagation in Fluid Media. K. Murawski. Series on Stability, Vibration and Control of Systems, Series A, 7. World Scientific, River Edge, N.J., 2002. $56.00 (239 pp.). ISBN 981-238-155-4
Error Estimation and Adaptive Discretization Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics. T. J. Barth, H. Deconinck, eds. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 25. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. $79.95 (344 pp.). ISBN 3-540-43758-4
Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids. 3rd edition. I. G. Currie. Mechanical Engineering: A Series of Textbooks and Reference Books 154. Marcel Dekker, New York, 2003 [1993]. $175.00 (525 pp.). ISBN 0-8247-0886-5
Numerical Flow Simulation III: CNRS—DFG Collaborative Research Programme, Results 2000–2002. E. H. Hirschel, ed. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 82. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. $199.00 (285 pp.). ISBN 3-540-44130-1
Perspectives in Flow Control and Optimization. M. D. Gunzburger. Advances in Design and Control. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 2003. $70.00 (261 pp.). ISBN 0-89871-527-X
Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in Low-Temperature Geochemistry and Environmental Sciences. P. A. Fenter, M. L. Rivers, N. C. Sturchio, S. R. Sutton, eds. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 49. Geochemical Society, St. Louis, Mo., and Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2002. $36.00 paper (579 pp.). ISBN 0-939950-54-5
Beryllium: Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry. E. S. Grew, ed. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 50. Geochemical Society, St. Louis, Mo., and Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2002. $36.00 paper (691 pp.). ISBN 0-939950-62-6
The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province: Insights from Fragments of Pangea. W. Hames, J. G. McHone, P. Renne, C. Ruppel, eds. Geophysical Monograph 136. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 2003. $69.00 (267 pp.). ISBN 0-87590-995-7
Earth’s Core: Dynamics, Structure, Rotation. V. Dehant, K. C. Creager, S. Karato, S. Zatman, eds. Geodynamics Series 31. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 2003. $70.00 (277 pp.). ISBN 0-87590-533-1
Earth’s Low-Latitude Boundary Layer. P. T. Newell, T. Onsager, eds. Geophysical Monograph 133. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 2003. $85.00 (384 pp.). ISBN 0-87590-992-2
Plasticity and Geomechanics. R. O. Davis, A. P. S. Selvadurai. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2002. $80.00 (287 pp.). ISBN 0-521-81830-3
History and philosophy
100 Years Werner Heisenberg: Works and Impact. D. Papenfuß, D. Lüst, W. P. Schleich, eds. Wiley, Hoboken, N.J., 2002. $120.00 (299 pp.). ISBN 3-527-40392-2
Bell Labs: Life in the Crown Jewel. N. Gehani. Silicon Press, Summit, N.J., 2003. $29.95 (258 pp.). ISBN 0-929306-27-9
The History of the Soviet Atomic Industry. A. Kruglov (translated from Russian by A. Lokhov). Taylor & Francis, New York, 2002. $95.00 (282 pp.). ISBN 0-415-26970-9
Kepler’s Conjecture: How Some of the Greatest Minds in History Helped Solve One of the Oldest Math Problems in the World. G. G. Szpiro. Wiley, Hoboken, N.J., 2003. $24.95 (296 pp.). ISBN 0-471-08601-0
Microchip: An Idea, Its Genesis, and the Revolution It Created. J. Zygmont. Perseus, Cambridge, Mass., 2003. $25.00 (245 pp.). ISBN 0-7382-0561-3
Minding the Heavens: The Story of Our Discovery of the Milky Way. L. Belkora. IOP, Philadelphia, 2003. $19.99 paper (406 pp.). ISBN 0-7503-0730-7
Newton: The Making of Genius. P. Fara. Columbia U. Press, New York, 2002. $27.95 (347 pp.). ISBN 0-231-12806-1
On a Grander Scale: The Outstanding Life of Sir Christopher Wren. L. Jardine. HarperCollins, New York, 2002. $34.95 (600 pp.). ISBN 0-06-019974-1
On the Shoulders of Giants: The Great Works of Physics and Astronomy. S. Hawking, ed. Running Press, Philadelphia, 2002. $29.95 (1264 pp.). ISBN 0-7624-1348-4
The Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation. H. Radder, ed. U. of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, Pa., 2003. $29.95 paper (311 pp.). ISBN 0-8229-5795-7
Physicists of Ireland: Passion and Precision. M. McCartney, A. Whitaker, eds. IOP, Philadelphia, 2003. $58.00 (298 pp.). ISBN 0-7503-0866-4
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Statistical Field Theories. A. Cappelli, G. Mussardo, eds. NATO Science Series, Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 73. Proc. wksp., Como Italy, June 2001. Kluwer Academic, Norwell, Mass., 2002. $127.00 (351 pp.). ISBN 1-4020-0760-4
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics: Equilibrium by Entropy Maximisation. P. Attard. Academic Press, San Diego, Calif., 2002. $99.95 (424 pp.). ISBN 0-12-066321-X
Theory and mathematical methods
Classical and Celestial Mechanics: The Recife Lectures. H. Cabral, F. Diacu, eds. Princeton U. Press, Princeton, N.J., 2002. $49.50 (385 pp.). ISBN 0-691-05022-8
The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems. P. G. Ciarlet. Classics in Applied Mathematics 40. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 2002. $55.00 paper (530 pp.). ISBN 0-89871-514-8
Grand Unified Theorem: Representation of the Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything. G. A. Oyibo. Nova Science, Hauppauge, N.Y., 2001. $89.00 (275 pp.). ISBN 1-59033-134-6
Group Representation Theory for Physicists. 2nd edition. J.-Q. Chen, J. Ping, F. Wang. World Scientific, River Edge, N.J., 2002 [1985]. $86.00 (574 pp.). ISBN 981-238-065-5
Introduction to Quantum Fields on a Lattice: A Robust Mate. J. Smit. Cambridge Lecture Notes in Physics 15. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2002. $30.00 paper (271 pp.). ISBN 0-521-89051-9
Introduction to Symmetry Analysis. B. J. Cantwell. Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2002. $130.00, $50.00 paper (612 pp.). ISBN 0-521-77183-8, ISBN 0-521-77740-2 paper, CD-ROM
Mathematical Optimization and Economic Theory. M. D. Intriligator. Classics in Applied Mathematics 39. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 2002. $49.00 paper (508 pp.). ISBN 0-89871-511-3
Ordinary Differential Equations. 2nd edition. P. Hartman. Classics in Applied Mathematics 38. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 2002 [1982]. $59.00 paper (612 pp.). ISBN 0-89871-510-5
Quantum Field Theory: A Self-Contained Course. Vol. 2. D. Atkinson, P. W. Johnson. Rinton Press, Princeton, N.J., 2002. $48.00 (201 pp.). ISBN 1-58949-024-X
Universal Fluctuations: The Phenomenology of Hadronic Matter. R. Botet, M. PlSoszajczak. World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics 65. World Scientific, River Edge, N.J., 2002. $68.00, $36.00 paper (369 pp.). ISBN 981-02-4898-9, ISBN 981-02-4923-3 paper
Undergraduate texts and education
Atmospheric Pollution: History, Science, and Regulation. M. Z. Jacobson. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2002. $110.00, $50.00 paper (399 pp.). ISBN 0-521-81171-6, ISBN 0-521-01044-6 paper
Biophysics: An Introduction. R. M. J. Cotterill. Wiley, Hoboken, N.J., 2002. $115.00, $39.95 paper (395 pp.). ISBN 0-471-48537-3, ISBN 0-471-48538-1 paper
Classical Mechanics: Systems of Particles and Hamiltonian Dynamics. W. Greiner (translated from German by W. Greiner). Classical Theoretical Physics. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. $69.95 paper (542 pp.). ISBN 0-387-95128-8
Green Chemistry: An Introductory Text. M. Lancaster. RSC Paperbacks. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2002. $44.95 paper (310 pp.). ISBN 0-85404-620-8
Linear Time-Invariant Systems. M. Schetzen. IEEE Press, Piscataway, N.J., and Wiley, Hoboken, N.J., 2003. $69.95 (372 pp.). ISBN 0-471-23145-2
2003 Graduate Programs in Physics, Astronomy, and Related Fields. AIP, Melville, N.Y., 2002. $58.00 paper (888 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0082-2
Applied Quantitative Finance: Theory and Computational Tools. W. Härdle, T. Kleinow, G. Stahl. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $69.95 paper (401 pp.). ISBN 3-540-43460-7
Bad Medicine: Misconceptions and Misuses Revealed, from Distance Healing to Vitamin O. C. Wanjek. Wiley, Hoboken, N.J., 2003. $15.95 paper (280 pp.). ISBN 0-471-43499-X
Credit Scoring and Its Applications. L. C. Thomas, D. B. Edelman, J. N. Crook. SIAM Monographs on Mathematical Modeling and Computation. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Phildelphia, 2002. $75.00 paper (248 pp.). ISBN 0-89871-483-4, CD-ROM
Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection. A. Wespi, G. Vigna, L, Deri, eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2516. Proc. symp., Zürich, Switzerland, Oct. 2002. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $56.00 paper (326 pp.). ISBN 3-540-00020-8
Wireless Web Development. 2nd edition. R. Rischpater. Arpess, New York, 2002 [2000]. $39.95 paper (382 pp.). ISBN 1-59059-028-7