A quote from Hans Bethe’s article ( Physics Today, Physics Today 0031-9228 556200228 https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1496372June 2002, page 28 ) about Enrico Fermi is especially indicative of Fermi’s personality and sets a desirable standard for anyone: “Fermi was always willing to help with specific problems; anyone could come to him.” As a graduate student working at Los Alamos during the summer of 1953, I had a problem that required both a theoretical and an experimental approach, and I needed help. A resident physicist remarked, “Take it to Dr. Fermi,” whose office was just down the hall from me in the old Gamma Building. With hesitation and apprehension, I did so. I walked out later with a new friend and temporary mentor, and with suggestions that led to a technical solution.