Materials science
Optical Properties of Nanostructured Random Media. V. Shalaev, ed. Topics in Applied Physics 82. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $145.00 (450 pp.). ISBN 3-540-42031-2
Optical Properties of Surfaces. D. Bedeaux, J. Vlieger. Imperial College Press, London, 2002. $92.00 (432 pp.). ISBN 1-86094-271-7
Physics of Ice. V. F. Petrenko, R. W. Whitworth. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2002 [1999, reissued]. $140.00, $65.00 paper (374 pp.). ISBN 0-19-851895-1, ISBN 0-19-851894-3 paper
Stress-Induced Phenomena in Metallization. S. P. Baker, M. A. Korhonen, E. Arzt, P. S. Ho, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 612. Proc. wksp., Ithaca, N.Y., July 2001. AIP, Melville, N.Y., 2002. $145.00 (250 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0058-X
Nonlinear science and chaos
Nonlinear Dynamics of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems: Tutorial and Modern Developments. V. S. Anishchenko, V. V. Astakhov, A. B. Neiman, T. E. Vadivasova, L. Schimansky-Geier. Springer Series in Synergetics. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $74.00 (374 pp.). ISBN 3-540-42419-9
Synergetic Phenomena in Active Lattices: Patterns, Waves, Solitons, Chaos. V. I. Nekorkin, M. G. Velarde. Springer Series in Synergetics. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $79.95 (357 pp.). ISBN 3-540-42715-5
Nuclear physics
Nuclear Physics in the 21st Century. E. Norman, L. Schroeder, G. Wozniak, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 610. Proc. conf., Berkeley, Calif., July–Aug. 2001. AIP, Melville, N.Y., 2002. $250.00 (1098 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0056-3
Physics of Radioactive Beams. C. A. Bertulani, M. S. Hussein, G. Münzenberg. Nova Science, Huntington, N.Y., 2001. $129.00 (431 pp.). ISBN 1-59033-141-9
Optics and photonics
Classical Optics and Its Applications. M. Mansuripur. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2002. $110.00, $45.00 paper (502 pp.). ISBN 0-521-80093-5, ISBN 0-521-80499-X paper
Fiber Optic Sensors. F. T. S. Yu, S. Yin, eds. Optical Engineering 76. Marcel Dekker, New York, 2002. $175.00 (494 pp.). ISBN 0-8247-0732-X
Gradient-Index Optics: Fundamentals and Applications. C. Gomez-Reino, M. V. Perez, C. Bao. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $79.95 (241 pp.). ISBN 3-540-42125-4
Handbook of Optical Biomedical Diagnostics. V. V. Tuchin, ed. SPIE Press Monograph PM107. SPIE Press, Bellingham, Wash., 2002. $115.00 (1093 pp.). ISBN 0-8194-4238-0
Introduction to Laser Diode–Pumped Solid State Lasers. R. Scheps. SPIE Tutorial Texts TT53. SPIE Press, Bellingham, Wash., 2002. $44.00 paper (100 pp.). ISBN 0-8194-4274-7
Nonlinear Optics for the Information Society. A. Driessen, ed. MESA Monographs. Proc. mtg., Enschede, the Netherlands, Oct. 2000. Kluwer Academic, Norwell, Mass., 2001. $78.00 (196 pp.). ISBN 1-4020-0132-0
Particle physics
High-Energy Particle Diffraction. V. Barone, E. Predazzi. Texts and Monographs in Physics. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $79.95 (407 pp.). ISBN 3-540-42107-6
Techniques and Concepts of High-Energy Physics. H. B. Prosper, M. Danilov, eds. NATO Science Series, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences 566. Proc. inst., St. Croix, Virgin Islands, June 2000. Kluwer Academic, Norwell, Mass., 2001. $159.00 (411 pp.). ISBN 1-4020-0157-6
Theory and Experiment Heading for New Physics. A. Zichichi, ed. Subnuclear Series 38. Proc. sch., Erice, Italy, Aug.–Sept. 2000. World Scientific, River Edge, N.J., 2001. $128.00 (679 pp.). ISBN 981-02-4794-X
Plasmas and fusion
Collisional Transport in Magnetized Plasmas. P. Helander, D. J. Sigmar. Cambridge Monographs on Plasma Physics 4. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2002. $110.00 (292 pp.). ISBN 0-521-80798-0
Non-Neutral Plasma Physics IV. F. Anderegg, L. Schweikhard, C. Fred Driscoll, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 606. Proc. wksp., San Diego, Calif., July–Aug. 2001. AIP, Melville, N.Y., 2002. $235.00 (738 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0050-4
Plasma Astrophysics. T. Tajima, K. Shibata. Frontiers in Physics 98. Westview Press, New York, 2002. $43.00 paper (494 pp.). ISBN 0-8133-3996-0
Superstrong Fields in Plasmas. M. Lontano, G. Mourou, O. Svelto, T. Tajima, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 611. Proc. conf., Varenna, Italy, Aug.–Sept. 2001. AIP, Melville, N.Y., 2002. $175.00 (464 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0057-1
All the Mathematics You Missed: But Need to Know for Graduate School. T. A. Garrity. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2002. $55.00, $25.00 paper (347 pp.). ISBN 0-521-79285-1, ISBN 0-521-79707-1 paper
Bad Astronomy: Misconceptions and Misuses Revealed, from Astrology to the Moon Landing “Hoax.” P. C. Plait. Wiley, New York, 2002. $15.95 paper (277 pp.). ISBN 0-471-40976-6
Beyond Earth: Mapping the Universe. D. DeVorkin, ed. National Geographic Society, Washington, DC, 2002. $40.00 (256 pp.). ISBN 0-7922-6467-3
The Big Bang Theory: What It is, Where It Came From, and Why It Works. K. C. Fox. Wiley, New York, 2002. $15.95 paper (206 pp.). ISBN 0-471-39452-1
The Big Questions: Probing the Promise and Limits of Science. R. Morris. Times Books, New York, 2002. $26.00 (272 pp.). ISBN 0-8050-7092-3
Children of the Stars: Our Origin, Evolution and Destiny. D. R. Altschuler. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2002. $28.00 (257 pp.). ISBN 0-521-81212-7
Disturbing the Solar System: Impacts, Close Encounters, and Coming Attractions. A. E. Rubin. Princeton U. Press, Princeton, N.J., 2002. $29.95 (361 pp.). ISBN 0-691-07474-7
Earthshaking Science: What We Know (and Don’t Know) about Earthquakes. S. E. Hough. Princeton U. Press, Princeton, N.J., 2002. $24.95 (238 pp.). ISBN 0-691-05010-4
Flash! The Hunt for the Biggest Explosions in the Universe. G. Schilling (translated from Dutch by N. Greenberg-Slovin). Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2002. $28.00 (291 pp.). ISBN 0-521-80053-6
Flatterland: Like Flatland, Only More So. I. Stewart. Perseus, Cambridge, Mass., 2002 [2001, reissued]. $14.00 paper (301 pp.). ISBN 0-7382-0675-X
How the Universe Got Its Spots: Diary of a Finite Time in a Finite Space. J. Levin. Princeton U. Press, Princeton, N.J., 2002. $22.95 (208 pp.). ISBN 0-691-09657-0
How to Build a Time Machine. P. Davies. Viking, New York, 2002 [2001, reissued]. $19.95 (131 pp.). ISBN 0-670-03063-5
Instability Rules: The Ten Most Amazing Ideas of Modern Science. C. Flowers. Wiley, New York, 2002. $24.95 (228 pp.). ISBN 0-471-38042-3
Light Years and Time Travel: An Exploration of Mankind’s Enduring Fascination with Light. B. Clegg. Wiley, New York, 2001. $24.95 (310 pp.). ISBN 0-471-21182-6
Linked: The New Science of Networks. A.-L. Barabási. Perseus, Cambridge, Mass., 2002. $26.00 (280 pp.). ISBN 0-7382-0667-9
Nature’s Flyers: Birds, Insects, and the Biomechanics of Flight. D. E. Alexander. Johns Hopkins U. Press, Baltimore, Md., 2002. $49.95 (358 pp.). ISBN 0-8018-6756-8
Newton on the Tee: A Good Walk through the Science of Golf. J. Zumerchik. Simon & Schuster, New York, 2002. $23.00 (239 pp.). ISBN 0-7432-1214-2
Nexus: Small Worlds and the Groundbreaking Science of Networks. M. Buchanan. W. W. Norton, New York, 2002. $25.95 (235 pp.). ISBN 0-393-04153-0
Physics and the Art of Dance: Understanding Movement. K. Laws. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2002. $39.95 (236 pp.). ISBN 0-19-514482-1
Quantum Evolution: How Physics’ Weirdest Theory Explains Life’s Biggest Mystery. J. McFadden. W. W. Norton, New York, 2001 [2000, reissued]. $16.95 paper (338 pp.). ISBN 0-393-32301-2
Science Goes to War: The Search for the Ultimate Weapon, from Greek Fire to Star Wars. E. Volkman. Wiley, New York, 2002. $24.95 (278 pp.). ISBN 0-471-41007-1
Storms from the Sun: The Emerging Science of Space Weather. M. J. Carlowicz, R. E. Lopez. Joseph Henry Press, Washington, DC, 2002. $27.95 (234 pp.). ISBN 0-309-07642-0
The Turtle and the Stars: Observations of an Earthbound Astronomer. A. Upgren. Times Books, New York, 2002. $26.00 (250 pp.). ISBN 0-8050-7094-X
The Universe Next Door: The Making of Tomorrow’s Science. M. Chown. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2002. $26.00 (191 pp.). ISBN 0-19-514382-5
Society and government
Ivory Bridges: Connecting Science and Society. G. Sonnert. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2002. $30.00 (227 pp.). ISBN 0-262-19471-6
Space and planetary science
The Cambridge Encylopedia of Meteorites. O. R. Norton. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2002. $50.00 (354 pp.). ISBN 0-521-62143-7
Neptune: The Planet, Rings and Satellites. E. D. Miner, R. R. Wessen. Springer-Praxis Books in Astronomy and Space Sciences. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $44.95 paper (297 pp.). ISBN 1-85233-216-6
Space Technology and Applications International Forum—STAIF 2002. M. S. El-Genk, ed. AIP Conference Proceedings 608. Proc. conf., Albuquerque, N. Mex., Feb. 2002. AIP, Melville, N.Y., 2002. $295.00 (1227 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0052-0
Theory and mathematical methods
Applied Complex Variables for Scientists and Engineers. Y. K. Kwok. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2002. $90.00, $34.95 paper (392 pp.). ISBN 0-521-80302-0, ISBN 0-521-00462-4 paper
Brownian Motion: Fluctuations, Dynamics, and Applications. R. M. Mazo. International Series of Monographs on Physics 112. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2002. $90.00 (289 pp.). ISBN 0-19-851567-7
Consistent Quantum Theory. R. B. Griffiths. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2002. $95.00 (391 pp.). ISBN 0-521-80349-7
Digital and Image Geometry. G. Bertrand, A. Imiya, R. Klette, eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2243. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001. $49.95 paper (453 pp.). ISBN 3-540-43079-2
The Electromagnetic Origin of Quantum Theory and Light. D. M. Grimes, C. A. Grimes. World Scientific, River Edge, N.J., 2002. $68.00 (447 pp.). ISBN 981-02-4785-0
Floer Homology Groups in Yang–Mills Theory. S. K. Donaldson. Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 147. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2002. $75.00 (236 pp.). ISBN 0-521-80803-0
Fluctuations and Localization in Mesoscopic Electron Systems. M. Janssen. World Scientific, River Edge, N.J., 2001. $48.00 (205 pp.). ISBN 981-02-4209-3
The Formation and Logic of Quantum Mechanics. Vol. 1: The Formation of Atomic Models. M. Taketani, ed. Vol. 2: The Way to Quantum Mechanics. M. Taketani, M. Nagasaki, eds. Vol. 3: The Establishment and Logic of Quantum Mechanics. M. Taketani, M. Nagasaki (translated from Japanese by M. Nagasaki). World Scientific, River Edge, N.J., 2001. $187.00 set (855 pp. set). ISBN 981-02-4601-3 (set)
Fundamentals of Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics. B. N. Roy. Wiley, New York, 2002. $99.00, $45.00 paper (743 pp.). ISBN 0-470-84313-6, ISBN 0-470-84316-0 paper
High-Field Electrodynamics. F. V. Hartemann. CRC Series in Pure and Applied Physics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla., 2000. $129.95 (669 pp.). ISBN 0-8493-2378-9
Measurements and Quantum Probabilities. M. D. Srinivas. Universities Press, Hyderabad, India, 2001. $20.00 paper (272 pp.). ISBN 81-7371-370-7
Modified Maxwell Equations in Quantum Electrodynamics. H. F. Harmuth, T. W. Barrett, B. Meffert. Contemporary Chemical Physics 19. World Scientific, River Edge, N.J., 2001. $60.00 (299 pp.). ISBN 981-02-4770-2
My Double Unveiled: The Dissipative Quantum Model of Brain. G. Vitiello. Advances in Consciousness Research 32. John Benjamins, Philadelphia, 2001. $44.95 paper (161 pp.). ISBN 90-272-51525
A New Kind of Science. S. Wolfram. Wolfram Media, Champaign, Ill., 2002. $44.95 (1197 pp.). ISBN 1-57955-008-8
The Nuclear Many-Body Problem 2001. W. Nazarewicz, D. Vretenar, eds. NATO Science Series, Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 53. Proc. wksp., Brijuni, Pula, Croatia, June 2001. Kluwer Academic, Norwell, Mass., 2002. $138.00 (377 pp.). ISBN 1-4020-0462-1
Optimization Algorithms in Physics. A. K. Hartmann, H. Rieger. Wiley-VCH, Berlin, Germany, 2002. $135.00 (372 pp.). ISBN 3-527-40307-8
Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena. Ya. B. Zel’dovich, Yu. P. Raizer; W. D. Hayes, R. F. Probstein, eds. Dover, Mineola, N.Y., 2002 [1966, 1967, reissued]. $34.95 paper (916 pp.). ISBN 0-486-42002-7
Quantum Field Theory, Conformal Group Theory, Conformal Field Theory: Mathematical and Conceptual Foundations, Physical and Geometrical Applications. R. Mirman. Nova Science, Huntington, N.Y., 2001. $59.00 (290 pp.). ISBN 1-56072-992-9
Resonances in Few-Body Systems. A. T. Kruppa, R. G. Lovas, eds. Supplement 13. Proc. wksp., Sárospatak, Hungary, Sept. 2000. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $95.00 (302 pp.). ISBN 3-211-83766-3
A Unified Grand Tour of Theoretical Physics. 2nd edition. I. D. Lawrie. IOP, Philadelphia, 2002 [1990]. $52.50 paper (564 pp.). ISBN 0-7503-0604-1
Undergraduate texts and education
Astronomy: The Evolving Universe. 9th edition. M. Zeilik. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2002 [1997]. $60.00 paper (552 pp.). ISBN 0-521-80090-0
Electricity, Magnetism, and Light. W. M. Saslow. Academic Press, San Diego, Calif, 2002. $64.95 (735 pp.). ISBN 0-12619455-6
Chaos in the Kitchen = Symmetry at the Table. Beate Block, M. DeWolf, eds. MountainAir Press, Aspen, Colo., 2001. $25.00 paper (250 pp.). ISBN 0-929526-18-X
Creating the International Space Station. D. M. Harland, J. E. Catchpole. Springer-Praxis Books in Astronomy and Space Sciences 4138. Praxis/Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $39.95 paper (395 pp.). ISBN 1-85233-202-6
Handbook of Physics. W. Benenson, J. W. Harris, H. Stocker, H. Lutz, eds. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. $49.95 (1181 pp.). ISBN 0-387-95269-1
I Have Landed: The End of a Beginning in Natural History. S. J. Gould. Harmony Books, New York, 2002. $25.95 (418 pp.). ISBN 0-609-60143-1
Nature’s Building Blocks: An A–Z Guide to the Elements. J. Emsley. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2001. $29.95 (538 pp.). ISBN 0-19-850341-5
The Questions of Tenure. R. P. Chait, ed. Harvard U. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2002. $35.00 (334 pp.). ISBN 0-674-00771-9
The Structure of Evolutionary Theory. S. J. Gould. Belknap Press of Harvard U. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2002. $39.95 (1433 pp.). ISBN 0-674-00613-5