AVS, the Science and Technology Society (formerly the American Vacuum Society), will hold its 48th International Symposium in conjunction with the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique, and Application (IUVSTA) 15th International Vacuum Congress and the 11th International Conference on Solid Surfaces.
More than 3000 participants are expected to attend the joint meetings, which will be held from 28 October through 2 November in San Francisco at the Moscone Convention Center and the San Francisco Marriott Hotel.
The topics for the divisional program sessions will include applied surface analysis, biomaterials, dielectrics, electrochemistry and fluid-solid interfaces, electronics, magnetic interfaces and nanostructures, microelectromechanical systems, manufacturing science and technology, nanometer structures, organic films, processing at the nanoscale, organic films, plasma science, semiconductors, tribology, and vacuum technology.
A plenary session on biomaterials and another session celebrating NIST’s centennial year will be held during the afternoon on Sunday, 28 October. Four topical conferences are also scheduled during the week: advancing toward sustainability, magnetic recording, science and applications of nanotubes, and photonic materials.
The equipment exhibition, featuring more than 200 companies, will take place on Tuesday from 11 AM to 7 PM, on Wednesday from 9 AM to 5 PM, and on Thursday from 9 AM to 3 PM.
The awards ceremony, which includes awards given by AVS and IUVSTA, will be held on Wednesday, 31 October, at 6:15 PM in Salon 8 of the Marriott Hotel, and will be followed by a reception in Salon 9.
The Medard W. Welch Award will go to E. Ward Plummer “for the development of novel instrumentation, its use to illuminate new concepts in the surface physics of metals, and the mentoring of promising young scientists.” Plummer is a distinguished professor of physics at the University of Tennessee and a distinguished scientist in the solid-state division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
The IUVSTA Science Prize, given for outstanding, internationally acclaimed research, will go to Kunio Takayanagi for his “accomplishments in the structural determination and characterization of surfaces and nanowires at the atomic level through the development of unique ultrahigh vacuum transmission electron microscopy and diffraction techniques.” Takayanagi is a professor of physics at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
The IUVSTA Technology Prize, given for outstanding, internationally acclaimed achievements in technology and instrumentation, goes to Wolf-Dieter Münz, a professor of surface engineering at Sheffield Hallam University in Sheffield, UK. Münz is being recognized for “pioneering advances in vacuum-based technology of material coatings which impact a wide range of products used worldwide today.”
Cedric Powell, a NIST Fellow, will receive the Albert Nerken Award “for the development of improved data, particularly electron inelastic mean free paths, for applications in quantitative Auger electron spectroscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.”
Samuel D. Bader will garner the John A. Thornton Memorial Award, “for his seminal contributions to the atomic-level understanding of surface and thin-film magnetism.” Bader is a senior physicist and group leader of the magnetic films group in the materials science division at Argonne National Laboratory.
This year’s Peter Mark Memorial Award goes to Eli Rotenberg, a staff scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He is being honored for “furthering our knowledge of nanophase and reduced dimensionality systems by creative use of angle-resolved photoemission.”
Paul Lulai (photo unavailable) will receive the John L. Vossen Memorial Award for “developing a classroom demonstration experiment to determine work function using an electron tube.” Lulai is a physics and physical science teacher at Saint Anthony Village High School in Minnesota.
The George T. Hanyo Award will go to John Bultman for his “sustained superior technical support in the areas of thin-film deposition, characterization, and performance evaluation.” Bultman is a senior laser technician at the University of Dayton Research Institute in Dayton, Ohio.
The Nellie Yeoh Whetten Award, given to recognize and encourage excellence by women in graduate studies, will go to Tanhong Cai of Iowa State University.
This year’s finalists for the Russell and Sigurd Varian Fellowship are Jianwei Dong of the University of Minnesota, Jason Drotar of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Michael Schwartz of the University of Wisconsin.
Biomaterials plenary session. de Gennes, Wagner, Schwartz
NBS/NIST centennial. Kendall, Madey
Molecular recognition. Sasaki
Science and technology of microplasmas and MEMS processing. Bogart
Diagnostics I. Sadeghi
Magnetic devices. Tehrani, Tondra
Surface processes in electrocatalysis. Koper
Aerosol and related chemistry. Lu
Metal clusters. Heiz
Thin-film sensors. Hitchman
Band-engineered electronic materials. Tu
Sealed and insulating vacuum systems. Della Porta
Ferroelectric. Ishiwara
Metrology and inspection for manufacturing. Barry, Venkatesan
Nanocomposites, multilayers, and nanostructured materials. Voevodin
Atomic/nanoscale manipulation. Vettiger, Berndt
Quantitative analysis and data interpretation I: SIMS. Gilmore
Role of water in biological systems. Tobias, Jarvis
Plasma-surface interactions I. Kessels
Nanomagnetics. Ralph, Kent
Electrochemical control of surface structure: Growth and dissolution. Magnussen
Innovations in surface science. Marsi
Molecular interactions with oxide surfaces. Noguera
Nanophase and multilayered thin films. Spiller, Kish
GaN surfaces, interfaces, and devices. Myers, Vogl
Dry, cryo, and other forms of pumping. Chew, Missimer
High-k dielectrics. Yu
Manufacturing technologies for the information industry. Shahidi, Bohr, Re, O’Brien, Allara
Surface engineering I: Graded, multicomponent, and complex coatings. Lévy
Nanostructures from 0 to 3 dimensions. Alivisatos, Fan
Bio-MEMS and microdevices. Abbott, Desai
Diagnostics II. Nakano
Emerging applications of plasmas. Cheung, Bouchoule, Squire
Spintronics I: Magnetization dynamics and new materials. Koch, Bailey, Chien
Climate change, sustainable energy, and industry. Hutchinson, Slanina, Baltensperger
Poirier memorial session: Self-assembled monolayers I. Tarlov, Scoles, White
Water at surfaces. Borjesson
Optical thin films. Minami
Semiconductor interfaces and thin films. Pelz
Turbomolecular, molecular drag, and similar pumps. Mathes, Hablanian
High-k dielectrics II. Zollner
Process integration and factory productivity. Podlesnik, Spanos, Butler, Ibbotson
Surface engineering II: Cleaning, modification, and finishing. Münz
Nanotubes: Growth and characterization. Iijima
High spatial resolution and imaging. Kiskinova, Wandelt
Non-fouling surfaces and theoretical concepts. Liedberg, Netz
Dielectric etch I. Tachi
PECVD/IPVD. Granier, Shimogaki
Spintronics II: Spin injection and transport. Tanaka, Fert
Sustainable climate-friendly semiconductor manufacturing. Beppu
Poirier memorial session: Self-assembled monolayers II. Nuzzo, Zhu
Metal oxides: Structure and photocatalysis. Ollis
Growth and properties of thin films. Was
Semiconductor heterojunctions. Shiraki, Sakai, Ploog
In-line and in situ process control. Hopkins
Hard and superhard coatings. Schneider
Novel surface nanoprobes. Takayanagi, Blügel
Depth profiling I. Wee, Simons
Biological interface and surface science. Knoll
Modeling. McKoy
Magnetic recording: Tribology and integration. Granick, Dallas, Tyndall, Hiller
Spintronics III: Ferromagnetic semiconductors. Dietl
Surface diffusion. Frenken
Surface reactions on metals. Wintterlin
Si surface dynamics and reactions. Altman
Gas sorption phenomena I. Fremerey
Atomic layer deposition for silicon devices. Leskela
Fundamentals of tribology and adhesion. Harrison
Nanotubes: Nanoelectronics. de Heer
Biomaterials and polymers. Mathieu, Pireaux
Surface characterization. Somorjai
Nanobiology. Spatz
Plasma-surface interactions II. Shiratani, Maroudas
Magnetic recording: Heads and media. Kryder, Fullerton, Sun
Chemistry of semiconductor etching and cleaning. Hines
New opportunities in surface microscopy. Ho
Adsorption on metal surfaces. King
Electronic structure I. Plummer, Petek
Nucleation and growth. Barna, Liu
Semiconductor growth. von Känel
Gas sorption phenomena II. Dobrozemsky
Low-k dielectrics. Ho
Nanotribology. Maboudian
Molecular electronics and patterning. Pantelides, Williams
Depth profiling II. Harris
Protein-surface interaction. Hartley, Hoffman
Conductor etch and damage. Cunge
Magnetic imaging and spectroscopy. Soulen, Wyder, Schuetz, Bode
Interaction of hydrogen and organics with silicon. Zimmermann, Sugawara
Photonic materials: Studies on the nanoscale. Hwang, Hessman, Wessels
Quasicrystals. Rotenberg, Thiel
Electronic structure II. Hasegawa
Bioactive and organic/inorganic thin films. Chilkoti, Gorman
Quantum electronics. Clark, Linke
Pressure and flow measurement instruments and their calibration. Chung
Characterization of MEMS materials. Sharpe
Tribological surface engineering for lubrication and wear resistance. Seitzman
Nanotubes: Growth, functionalization, and sensors. Zettl
Oxides and oxidation. Ichimura, Watts
Cell-surface interaction. Fromherz
Feature profile evolution. Vahedi
Magnetic thin films and surfaces I. Bader, Zabel
Semiconductor surface structure. Abukawa
Photonic materials: Applications and processing. Mino, Peyghambarian, Kimerling
Catalysis on model systems. Iwasawa
Nucleation and growth. Ernst
Emerging thin-film techniques. Helmersson
In situ semiconductor characterization. Richter
Total and partial pressure gauges and their calibration. Taylor
Fabrication and integration processes for MEMS. Soh
Electronic properties of organic thin films. Kahn
Quantum dots and single electronics. Springholz, Tarucha, Tiwari
Adhesion and corrosion. Nardin, Isaacs
Biosensors. Saavedra
Diagnostics III. Kono
Magnetic thin films and surfaces II. Ijiri, Kirschner
Growth and epitaxy of semiconductors. Ichimiya
Dynamics of metal surfaces. McCarty
Gas-solid dynamics: Theory and experiment. Tully
ULSI metallization and interconnects. Harper
Semiconductor and functional coating systems and processes. Harra, Hughes, Gu
New frontiers in MEMS: NEMS and bio-MEMS. Blick, Roy
Laser processing of surfaces. Stuke
Accelerators technology, fusion machines, and gravitational wave detectors. Ozaki
Nanotubes: Field emission. Bernholc
Catalysis and surface reactivity. Haber