Coined in the late 1980s, the term “natural radio” refers to the very-low-frequency radio waves that emanate from lightning storms and disturbances in Earth’s magnetosphere. Because their frequency range overlaps the audible range of the human ear, the waves can be converted to sound and listened to with relatively simple equipment. Stephen P. McGreevy’s Web site The Realm of Natural VLF Radio provides a wealth of information about natural radio and includes audio files of the waves.

In his online essay The Joyce of Science: New Physics inFinnegans Wake, Andrzej Duszenko explores the “multiplicity of similarities between new physics and the universe of Finnegans Wake.” Duszenko, who is an English professor at Northern State University in Aberdeen, South Dakota, argues that James Joyce incorporated elements of relativity and quantum mechanics into his novel because he found them consistent with his own view of the world as mutable and uncertain.

Sponsored by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, Microgravity News and Research seeks to encourage public interest in NASA’s microgravity program. Alongside news of upcoming microgravity missions, the site contains tutorials on areas of microgravity research, such as combustion and protein crystal growth.

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