The pace at the American Physical Society’s annual March meeting should be every bit as stimulating as the host city’s favorite beverage—coffee. Some 5000 papers are crammed into the program and a roughly equal number of physicists will pack the halls of the Washington State Convention Center when the society meets there from 12–16 March. During some hours, the program lists as many as 38 parallel sessions. Attendees will have to choose among sessions on high-temperature superconductors, quantum computing, nanometer structures, nonlinear dynamics, and magnetic materials, to mention only a few. Some divisions of APS have organized sessions to focus attention on particular fields. This year’s topics include wide-bandgap semiconductors, bioinformatics, polymeric nanostructures, optical chaos and laser instabilities, materials theory and computation for industrial problems, spectroscopy in high magnetic fields, and advanced solid-state electronic cooling and power generation.

Of particular interest will be a special session on “Nanotechnology: the National Initiative,” to be held on Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 9:00 pm at the Westin Seattle, the headquarters hotel. Speakers at the symposium will describe the outlook, focus, and future funding for nanoscience and nanotechnology in the three major agencies for federal funding of the initiative: the Department of Energy (DOE), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Department of Defense (DOD). DOE will be represented by Mildred Dresselhaus, the director of its office of science; NSF, by Lance Haworth, executive officer of the division of materials research; and DOD, by James Murday, chemistry division superintendent at the Naval Research Laboratory, who leads DOD’s nanotechnology initiative.

Another session of particularly broad interest will be the Nobel session, featuring at least four of the prize winners in chemistry and physics for the year 2000. The session is scheduled for Tuesday at 2:30 pm in the convention center.

The meeting kicks off at 8 am on Monday, 12 March. At a plenary session at 5:15 that afternoon, APS will bestow prizes and awards on 17 physicists for outstanding research and service. At the same session, the American Institute of Physics will honor Dresselhaus with its Karl T. Compton Award. (See the awards stories on page 73 of this issue). A welcome reception will follow from 6:15 to 7:30 pm in the ballroom of the convention center. On Wednesday, the “Students Lunch with the Experts” program, initiated last year, will be back by popular demand. The lunch, at which students dine free with experts in various fields, will be held from 1:00–2:30 pm.

On the social side, many universities will sponsor alumni reunions at the Westin from 6–8 pm, on Tuesday, March 13. And for recreation, APS has organized its 4th annual 5K Run for Health, to be held this year in Myrtle Edwards Park from 6:30–7:30 am on Monday.

An important adjunct to the full program of talks is the APS Exhibit Show, which offers meeting-goers an opportunity to look over the equipment and services of many vendors. On display will be such products as vacuum systems, test and measurement equipment, optical components, scientific software, detectors, cryogenic equipment, as well as books and periodical publications. The show will be open from 10 am to 5 pm on Monday and Tuesday and from 10 am to 4 pm on Wednesday.

APS will sponsor an employment center, which will be organized by the American Institute of Physics. The center will be located in the exhibit hall and will be open from 10 am to 5 pm on Monday and Tuesday, 12–13 March, and from 10 am to 4 pm on Wednesday.

There will be an opportunity to learn about certain topics in depth at the short courses and tutorials offered before the start of the meeting. On Saturday and Sunday, 10–11 March, from 8 am to 5 pm, the division of polymer physics will offer a short course on recent advances in polymer simulations. On Sunday, APS has planned seven half-day tutorials and one full-day tutorial. The topics for the half-day tutorials are electronic polymers and oligomers, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), sensitive measurements, spintronics, single-molecule imaging in condensed matter and biology, putting nanotubes to work, and applications of physics in optical fiber telecommunications. The full-day tutorial will be devoted to Mathematica programming fundamentals.

The units of APS participating in the meeting are: the divisions of condensed matter physics, materials physics, polymer physics, chemical physics, biological physics, fluid dynamics, laser science, and computational physics; the topical groups on instrument and measurement science, magnetism and its applications, shock compression of condensed matter, and statistical and nonlinear physics; and the forums on industrial and applied physics, physics and society, history of physics, international physics, and education.

Sessions with invited speakers

Monday, 12 March


DCMP: Quantum Dots. Chen, Wang, Gupta, Kaminski, Piermarocchi.

DCMP: Magnetic Coupling in Multilayers. Chien, Leighton, Fitzsimmons, Bader, Parkin.

DCMP/DMP: Neutrons at NIST. Rowe, Broholm, Mayes, Fischer, Trewhella.

FPS: Physics in Seattle/The Seattle in Physics. White, Malone, Perkowitz, Chayes.

DPOLY: Simulations of the Structure and Dynamics of Polymers. Theodorou, de Pablo, Stevens, Kumar.

GSNP: Recent Developments in Chaotic Dynamics. Egolf, Bollt, Davidchack, Kostelich, Armbruster.

DFD: Quantum Fluids and Solids I: BEC. Glyde.

DMP: Hydrogen in Materials I: Metals. Griessen.

DMP: Surface Nanostructures I: Strained Layer Heteroepitaxy. Spencer, Drucker.

DCP: Dynamics at Surfaces: Activated Adsorption. Hodgson, Luntz, Hammer.

DCP: Earl K. Plyler Prize and Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Imaging: Spectroscopy of Single Biomolecules. Moerner, Yang, Quake.

DCP: Condensed Phase Dynamics: Multidimensional Spectroscopies. Dlott, Garrett.

FIAP: Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes and Nanostructured Carbon Coatings. Catledge, Ruoff.

DMP: Multiferroics I. Wuttig, Salje.

DBP: Correlations and Anti-Correlations in Biology and Medicine. Bunde, Moss.

DMP/GMAG: CMR I: Phase Separation I. Billinge, Cooper.

DMP/DCMP: High-Tc Superconductors I: Pseudogap I. Shibauchi.

DCMP: Quantum Wells: Theory. Chemla.

GSNP: Nonlinear Electronic Transport in Superlattices. Bonilla, Grahn.

DCMP: Metals on the Brink of Magnetism. Trovarelli, Saxena, Ramazashvili, Hayden, Sidis.

DCMP: Metal-Oxides on Metals and Metals on Metal, followed by Molecular Magnetism. Bogicevic, Diebold, Chambers, Landee, Kmety.

DPOLY: Polymer Surfaces and Biocompatibility. Tirrell, O’Brien, Ratner, Moehwald, Mosher.

FIAP: Physics in the National Defense. Alexander, Coffey, Ralston, Dembart, Healy.

DCMP: Defects in Semiconductors: Computation. Ogut, Zhang, Wright, Van de Walle, Estreicher.

DCMP: High-Tc Superconductors: Vortices and Microscopic Theory. Lee, Lee, Franz, Nayak, Varma.

DCMP: Magnetism and Superconductivity in the Borocarbides. Canfield, Lopez, Lynn, Civale, Saha.

DCMP: Methods for Strongly Correlated Systems. Engelbrecht, White.

FED: Physics Education for Non-Physics Majors. Heron, Stewart, Jones, Zollman, Hobson, Wall.

DMP: Surface Nanostructures II: Reactive Epitaxy. Bennett.

DCP: Dynamics at Surfaces: Polyatomics and Catalysis. King, Jonsson, Mullins, Kasemo.

DCP: Irving Langmuir Prize and Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Imaging: Single Quantum Dot Spectroscopy. Brus, Grober, Mason.

DCP: Condensed Phase Dynamics: Clusters and Ionic Solutions. Bondybey, Hynes, Tobias.

FIAP: Lasers/Semiconductor Devices. McCann.

DMP: Nanotubes II: Synthesis and Characterization I. Bronikowski.

DMP: Multiferroics II. Schmid, Khomskii.

DMP/GMAG: Magnetic Nanostructures II: Magnetotransport II. Zhang.

DBP/FPS: Biological Policy Issues. Wolfenbarger, Rossomando, Zimmerman, Eiseman.

DMP/GMAG: CMR II: Magnetic Properties, Lattice/Spin Excitations. Zhang.

DCMP/DMP: Spin-Dependent Phenomena in Semiconductors I: Quantum Computing and Quantum Dots. Loss.

Abbreviations preceding each entry denote the sponsoring division (d), committee (c), forum (f), or topical group (t):

COM: Minorities in Physics (c)

CSWP: Status of Women in Physics (c)

DBP: Biological Physics (d)

DCMP: Condensed Matter Physics (d)

DCOMP: Computational Physics (d)

DCP: Chemical Physics (d)

DFD: Fluid Dynamics (d)

DMP: Materials Physics (d)

DPOLY: Polymer Physics (d)

FED: Education (f)

FHP: History of Physics (f)

FIAP: Industrial and Applied Physics (f)

FIP: International Physics (f)

FPS: Physics and Society (f)

GIMS: Instrument and Measurement Science (t)

GMAG: Magnetism and Its Applications (t)

GSNP: Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (t)


DCMP: Bose–Einstein Condensates. Wieman, Dalibard, Heinzen, Kozuma, Clark.

CSWP/FIAP: Roles for Female Scientists at Start-Ups. Foulon, Dhar, Smoliar, Lackritz, Tian.

DCMP: Macroscopic Quantum Coherence in Superconducting Devices. Leggett, Friedman, van der Wal, Nakamura.

DCMP/DMP: Oliver E. Buckley Prize, James C. McGroddy Prize, David Adler Lectureship Award, and Davisson–Germer Prize Session. Emery, Luther, Gossard, Williams, Eigler.

GSNP: Synchronization and Low-Dimensional Chaos. Kurths, Pecora.

DCOMP: New Perspectives and Methods for Complex Simulations and Optimization Problems. Straub, Berne, Hartmann, Boettcher.

DCMP: RVB Physics on the Triangular Lattice, followed by Nature of the Insulating State. Sondhi, Coldea, Singh, Resta, Ortiz.

DMP: Surfaces I: Adsorption and Adsorbates. Stampfl.

DMP: Surface Nanostructures III: Epitaxial Nanowires and Atomic Manipulation. Baski.

DCP: Dynamics at Surfaces: Excited Species. Ceyer, Kummel, Jackson.

DCP: Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Imaging: Near-Field and Wide-Field Microscopy. Vanden Bout, Adams, Dunn, Dickson.

DCP: Condensed Phase Dynamics: Charge Carrier Dynamics. Rossky, Bradforth.

FIAP/DMP: Materials Theory and Computation for Industrial Problems I: Materials. Jou.

DMP: Nanotubes III: Synthesis and Characterization II. Zhou.

DMP/GMAG: Magnetic Nanostructures III: Exchange Bias. Guntherodt.

DBP: Bioinformatics. Yeates, Arkin.

DCMP/DMP: High-Tc Superconductors VI: 2D Defects and Surface Pinning of Vortices. Mannhart.

DCMP: Defects in Silicon. Budde.

Tuesday, 13 March


FPS/FED: Revitalizing Undergraduate Physics Education. Hilborn, Gladding, Lindenfeld, Manogue, McNeil.

DCMP/DBP: Emerging Technologies for Biodetection. Facer, Grossman, Hafner, Craighead, Manalis.

DCMP: High-Tc Superconductors: Photoemission and Transport. Campuzano, Feng, Valla, Cerne, Orenstein.

DPOLY: Polymer Physics Prize Symposium. Doi, Larson, Morse, Watanabe.

GMAG: Recent Applications and Science of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions. Dederichs, Yuasa, Jönsson-Åkerman, Tehrani, Nowak.

FIAP/DMP: Nanoscale Si. Abusch-Magder, Fitzgerald, Kotthaus, Kouwenhoven.

DCMP: Superconducting Vortices. Field, Safar, Pastoriza, Yeshurun, Matsuda.

DMP: Hydrogen in Materials II: Oxides and Semiconductors. González.

DMP: Organic Electronic Materials and Devices I: Charge Injection and Transport. Kahn.

FIAP: Nonlinear Optics/Devices. Hwang.

DMP/FIAP: Fundamentals of Semiconductor/Thin Dielectric Structures I. Wallace, Parsons.

DCP: Dynamics at Surfaces: Vibrations. Sitz, Utz, Rappe, Auerbach.

DCP: Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Imaging: Scanned Probes of Nanoscale Systems. Ho, Krauss, Park.

DCP: Condensed Phase Dynamics: Hydration and Solvation. Xantheas, Ruhman.

DMP/DCMP: Multiscale Dynamics, Relaxation, and Charge Transport in Polymers I. Léger, Russell.

DBP: Designing Proteins. Mayo, Miller, DeGrado.

DBP: Physical Construction and Interfacing of Biological Systems. Renn, Ringeisen.

DMP/GMAG: CMR IV: Pressure/Strain Effects in Transport Properties. Ibarra.

DCMP/DMP: Spin-Dependent Phenomena in Semiconductors III: Spin Transport. Zutic.

DCMP: Nanowires and Carbon Nanotubes. Stafford, Zettl.

DCMP: Quantum Wells: Experiment. Strasser.

GIMS: Spectroscopy at High Magnetic Fields I. Singleton.

Apker Award, Dannie Heineman Prize, Lars Onsager Prize Session. Krich, Lynch, Oliver, Arnold, Halperin.

DCMP: Magnetic Imaging and Microscopy. Stöhr, Unguris, Proksch, Vlasko-Vlasov, Kirschner.

DCMP: Pairing Symmetry in Electron-Doped Cuprates. Tsuei, Anlage, Armitage, Taillefer, Giannetta.

FIAP: Chernobyl. Lash, Los, Boright, Sher.

DCMP: New Aspects of the Physics of Piezoelectricity. Cohen, Noheda, Bellaiche, Gehring.

DCMP: Nanometer Systems. Cleland, Kenny, Erbe, Zhitenev, Gurevich.

DCMP: Granular Materials I: Forces. Seidler.

DMP/FIAP: Fundamentals of Semiconductor/Thin Dielectric Structures II. McKee.

DMP: Surface Nanostructures V: Evolution Modified by Energetic Beams. Arendt, Averback, Kurz.

DCP: Dynamics at Surfaces: Ultrafast. Ertl, Petek, Arnolds.

DCP: Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Imaging: Molecular Semiconductors and Organics. Buratto, Tolbert, Barbara.

DCP: Materials Theory and Simulation I. Sprik, Schlegel, Head-Gordon.

DMP/DCMP: Multiscale Dynamics, Relaxation, and Charge Transport in Polymers II. Pratt.

DMP/DCMP: Nanotubes IV: Electronic Properties I. Buldum.

COM: New Strategies in the Post-Affirmative Action Era. Gobert, Buck, Murray.

DBP/DCMP: Neurons and Cells on Chips and Microsurfaces. Fromherz, Pine, Wheeler, Eisenstadt.

DMP/GMAG: CMR V: Charge/Orbital Ordering I. Hotta.

DMP: Spin-Dependent Phenomena in Semiconductors IV: Spin Injection. Molenkamp.

DMP/DCMP: High-Tc Superconductors X: Noise and the Peak Effect. Koelle, Marchevsky.

DMP/DCMP/FIAP: Nanoscale Silicon Structures and Devices I. Sturm.

GIMS: Spectroscopy at High Magnetic Fields II. Reyes.

DCMP: Solid State Quantum Computers. Hu.


DCOMP: Numerical Algorithms and Recent Results for Spin Glasses and Related Systems. Middleton, Hatano, Marinari, Palassini, Zeng.

FHP/GIMS: NIST at the Millennium: Condensed Matter and Measurement Science. Pierce, Mohr, Han, Rush, Williams.

FIAP/DMP: Alternative Gate Dielectrics. Navrotsky, Robertson, Copel, Chabal, Zollner.

DCMP/DMP: Nobel Prize Winners (2000). Alferov, MacDiarmid, Heeger, Kroemer.

DCMP: Spin Physics of Composite Fermions. Kukushkin, Radzihovsky, Kang, Freytag, Murthy.

DCMP: Superconducting Junctions and Proximity Effect. Aarts, Kociak, Urbina, Mota, Belzig.

FIP: Globalization of Physics: Who Benefits, Who Pays? Glyde, Wolfendale, Chaudhari, Yacaman, Patel.

DMP: Organic Electronic Materials and Devices III: Photovoltaics, Transistors, and Conductors. Silva.

DMP: Nanoparticles and Nanowires I: Metal Cluster and Arrays. Korgel.

DCP: Dynamics at Surfaces: Adsorbate Motion. Hahn, Lopinski, Wahnström.

DCMP: Disordered Systems. Carini, Gunnarsson.

DCP: Materials Theory and Simulation II. Carter, Raghavachari.

DPOLY: John H. Dillon Medal. Schmidt-Rohr, Hsu.

DMP: Nanotubes V: Electronic Properties II. Yang, Yoon.

DBP: Ion Channels and Pumps: The Role of Noise. Bezrukov, Goychuk, Astumian, Jung.

DMP/GMAG: Magnetic Nanostructures V: Magnetic Imaging and Domain Structure. Nogues, Ono.

DBP: Biopolymer/Lipid Complexes. Wong, Safinya.

DCMP/DMP: Spin-Dependent Phenomena in Semiconductors V: Ferromagnetic Semiconductors. Ohno.

DCMP/DMP: High-Tc Superconductors XI: Neutron Scattering. Endoh.

DCMP/DMP: High-Tc Superconductors XII: Vortex Transport. Obradors.

DMP/DCMP/FIAP: Nanoscale Silicon Structures and Devices II. Takahashi.

Wednesday, 14 March


DCMP: Spin Chains. Zheludev, Nagler, Katsumata, van der Marel, Essler.

DCMP: Symmetry Breaking During Deposition. Ehrlich, Poelsema, Zhong, Valbusa, Einstein.

DCMP/DBP: Molecular Motors. Visscher, Seeman, Yurke, Ott.

FIAP/DPOLY: Organic Optoelectronic Devices. Dalton, Baldo, Berggren, Bradley, Batlogg.

DCMP: Dynamics of Quantum Dipoles: From Fundamental Physics to Quantum Optimization. Rosenberg, Stamp, Cugliandolo, Rosenbaum, Hunklinger.

GSNP: Chaos and Complexity. Carlson, Chaté, Politi, Rezende, Salinas.

DMP: Laser Processing of Novel Nanoscale Materials. Dillon, Brueck, Stietz.

DMP: Hydrogen in Materials III: Nanotubes and Hydrides. Heben.

DMP: Nanoparticles and Nanowires II: Optics and Magneto-optics. Norris.

DCP: Dynamics at Surfaces: Liquids and Ices. Madey, Kimmel, George.

DMP: Multiscale Modeling of Materials I. Kratzer.

DCP: Materials Theory and Simulation III. Roethlisberger, Bowman.

DMP: Fracture and Fatigue I: Instabilities. Fineberg, Falk.

DBP: Sensory Perception, Statistical Mechanics, and Neurobiological Physics. Harrison.

DMP/GMAG: CMR VI: Polarons, Local/Electric Structure. Vasiliu-Doloc.

DCMP/DMP: High-Tc Superconductors XIII: Periodic Pinning. Moshchalkov.

DCMP/DMP: Superconductivity: Tunneling and Andreev Reflection. Yeh.

DPOLY: Polymeric Nanostructures. Kramer, Tuominen, Krausch, Register, Steiner.

DCMP: Spin-Dependent Transport. Butler, Moodera, Nadgorny, Sun, Brataas.

DCMP: Tunneling in Quantum Hall Systems. Chan, Spielman, Stern, Fogler, Kang.

DCMP: Recent Advances in Quantum Monte Carlo Methods. Kalos, Caffarel, Filippi, Mitas, Nekovee.

DCMP: Dephasing and Dynamical Effects at Low Temperatures. Natelson, Pothier, Kroha, Mohanty, Marcus.

GSNP: Optical Chaos and Laser Instabilities. Gavrielides, Kovanis.

DMP: Organic Electronic Materials and Devices IV: Single Crystals and Molecular Films. Kloc.

DMP: Thin Films III: Atomic Processes in Growth. Fichthorn.

DCP: Quantum Dynamics, Control, and Computing: Quantum Dynamics. Prezhdo, Makarov, Coalson.

DMP: Multiscale Modeling of Materials II. Zunger.

DCP: Materials Theory and Simulation IV. Bernholc, Kaxiras.

DMP: Nanotubes VI: Electronic Properties III. Ouyang, Odom.

DBP/DCMP: Molecular Imaging in Deep Tissue. Meade, Chance, Gambhir, Lin.

DCMP/DMP: High-Tc Superconductors XV: Stripes I. Ando.

DMP/DCMP: Wide Bandgap Semiconductors I: Group IV and II–VI. Rodriguez.


DCMP: Complex Phase Transitions at Surfaces. Plummer, Chiang, Asensio, Erwin, Uhrberg.

DCMP: Low Carrier Density Magnetic Materials, followed by Mott Metal–Insulator Transition. König, Teizer, DiTusa, Kotliar, Han.

FHP/DMP: History of Electronic Structure Theory in Atoms. Kohn, Freeman, Kleinman, Delley.

DCMP: Quantum Standards. Hamilton, Cage, Keller, Jefferts.

GMAG: Magnetism in Soft Matter. Tao, Luo, Valles Jr, Chen.

GSNP: Self-Organized Criticality. Wiesenfeld.

DMP: Organic Electronic Materials and Devices V: Photovoltaics and LEDs. Brabec, Adachi.

DMP: Nanoparticles and Nanowires IV: Metal Nanowires. Searson.

DCP: Quantum Dynamics, Control, and Computing: Quantum Computing. Lloyd, Williams, Whaley, Zurek, Cina.

DCP: Materials Theory and Simulation V. Car, Soler.

FIAP/DMP: Materials Theory and Computation for Industrial Problems II: Adhesion and Catalysis. Neurock.

DMP/DBP: Biological/Biometric Materials. Haglund, Aizenberg.

DMP: Nanotubes VII: Spectroscopy and Optical Properties. Rinzler, Sun.

DMP/GMAG: Magnetic Nanostructures VIII: Magnetic Media/Sensors. Fullerton.

DMP/GMAG: CMR VIII: Transport Properties. Franck.

DCMP: High-Tc Superconductors XVI: Vortex Lattices. Yethiraj.

DMP/DCMP: High-Tc Superconductors XVII: High Pressure. Schilling.

DMP/DCMP: Wide Bandgap Semiconductors II: Optical Properties of (Ga, Al, In)N. Walukiewicz.

FPS: Successful Physicist Writers: The Medium and the Message. Cramer, Perkowitz, Riordan.

GIMS: A Salute to NIST and Keithly Award Session. Gebbie, Faller.

Thursday, 15 March


DPOLY: The Glass Transition: Bulk and Thin Film. Jones, McKenna, Ediger, Sanchez, Spiess.

DCMP: Conduction in DNA, followed by Order and Spectroscopy in Quasi 1D Metals. Gruner, Artacho, Bruinsma, Pouget, Gweon.

DCMP: High-Tc Superconductors: Tunneling and Pseudogap. Zasadzinski, Yurgens, Fischer, Basov, Cooper.

FIAP/DBP: George E. Pake Prize: Spectroscopy and Structure of Disease. Kneipp, Gawlinski, Georgakoudi, Edelheit.

GMAG: Anomalous Hall Effect in Half-Metals and Granular Systems. Salamon, Hirsch, Xiao, Zhang, Watts.

GSNP: Applications of Nonlinear and Statistical Physics in Biology. Schiff, Ditto, Gailey, Milton, Ding.

DCMP: Phase Diagram of Highly Interacting 2D Electrons. Kravchenko, Mills, Jiang, Coleridge, Vitkalov.

FIAP: Advanced Solid State Electronic Cooling and Power Generation I. Sales.

DMP: Thin Films V: 2D Cluster Diffusion on Surfaces. Kyuno, Koponen.

DCP: Quantum Dynamics, Control, and Computing: Quantum Trajectory Approaches. Wyatt, Askar, Bittner, Martens.

DMP/GMAG: Magnetic Nanostructures IX: Patterned Magnetic Structures. Bernas.

DBP: Bifurcations in Biological Systems: Neurons, Perception, and Behavior. Huber.

DMP/DCMP: Wide Bandgap Semiconductors III: Point and Extended Defects in GaN. Watkins.

GMAG: Ising and ID Systems: Theory. Seppälä.

DCMP: Metallic Behavior in 2D Systems. Pudalov, Maslov, Papadakis, Das Sarma, Sivan.

DPOLY: Reactive Compatibilization in Blends. Paul, O’Shaughnessy, Lodge, Kim, Oyama.

FIAP: Micro-Optics. de Rooij, Furness, Joannopoulos, Scherer.

DCMP: The Boson Peak in Disordered Systems. Fabian, Hehlen, Börjesson, Doster, Elliott.

GIMS: MEMS Applications and Instrumentation for Physics. McWhorter, Rickel, Roukes, Karapetrov.

FIAP: Advanced Solid State Electronic Cooling and Power Generation II. Morelli.

DCMP: Theory: Electronic Structures II. Kronik.

DCP: Quantum Dynamics, Control, and Computing: Coherent Control. Rabitz, Krause, Brumer, Murnane, Kapteyn.

DCMP: Ce- and U-Heavy Fermions. Grioni.

DMP: Nanotubes IV: Thermal Properties. Johnson.

DBP: Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging of Biological Systems. Yodh, Palanker, Backman.

DMP/GMAG: Magnetic Nanostructures X: Magnetic Oxides. Sa de Melo, Goldman.

DBP: Functional Genomics: An Inverse Problem in Biology. Wold, Quakenbush, Alon, Brody.

GMAG: 2D Magnetism: Theory. O’Hern.

DCMP: Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of 2D Electron Systems. Harris.

DCMP: High-Tc Superconductors XXI: Spectroscopy of Surface States. Pugel, Van Harlingen.

DMP/DCMP: Wide Bandgap Semiconductors IV: Nitride-Based Heterostructures and Devices. Ambacher.


FIAP: Applications of MEMS. Tang, Tanielian, Barua, da Silva.

DCMP: Coulomb Glass. Butko, Lee, Wu, Schmalian.

DCMP: Scattering Studies of Manganites followed by Quasi 2D Heavy Fermion Superconductors. Altarelli, Gibbs, Ishihara, Thompson, Onuki.

DCMP: High-Tc Superconductors: Local Disorder. Alloul, Julien, Vojta, Atkinson, Ivar.

DMP/DCMP: Polarization Dynamics in Crystals: Polarization Dynamics in Ferroelectrics II. Gopalan.

FIAP: IR Applications of Semiconductor Quantum Structures I. Choi.

DMP: Surfaces and Interfaces II: Formation, Structure, and Properties. Stoneham.

DBP/DCP: From Protein Machines to Cellular Oscillators. Bustamante, Fisher, Hudspeth, Theriot.

DBP: Biological Applications of Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Goldberger, Stanley.

FIAP/DMP: Materials Theory and Computation for Industrial Problems III: Electronic Structure and Transport. Klimeck.

DCMP/DMP: High-Tc Superconductors XXIII: Stripes II. Carlson.

DMP/DCMP: Wide Bandgap Semiconductors V: GaN and Related Materials. Kent.

Friday, 16 March


DCMP: Heat Flow in the Quantum Limit, followed by New Experiments Probing in High-Tc Order. Schwab, Hone, Tomanek, Li, Klemm.

DCMP: Gallium Nitride. Feenstra, Sakurai, Tong, Munkholm, Bellitto.

DCMP: Crystallization and Self-Assembly in Colloidal Systems. Gasser, Fraden, Lin, Bechinger.

DCMP: Novel Effects in 1D Structures. de Picciotto, Tersoff, Yacoby, Girvin, Mele.

DCMP: Novel Ferromagnetism in Divalent Semimetallic Hexaborides followed by Metallic States, Quantum Phase Transitions, and Dissipation in 2D. Ott, Aronson, Pickett, Mason, Shahar.

FIAP: Semiconductor Optical Quantum Structures. Julien, Paiella, Meyer, Liu.

DMP/DCMP: Fundamental Studies of Ferroelectrics. Scott, Tagantsev.

DMP: Dynamics in Ice I. Wettlaufer.

DCMP: Quasicrystals. Rotenberg, Thiel.

DBP/DCP: Dynamical Structures of Proteins. Dyer, Baker, Brooks, Callender.

DMP/GMAG: CMR XI: Magnetic and Transport Properties/Devices. Gray, Thomas.

DCMP: High-Tc Superconductors XXV: Theory. Panagopoulos, Maier.

GMAG: Frustrated Magnets and Spin Glasses: Theory. Harris.

GIMS: Microcalorimetry and Thermometry. Martinis.

FIAP: IR Applications of Semiconductor Quantum Structures II. Perera.

DMP: Dynamics in Ice II. Ewing.

DCMP: Heavy Fermions and Hexaborides. Graf.

DCMP: Superconductivity: General. Meingast.

DCMP: High-Tc Superconductors XXVI: General. Phillips.

GMAG: Spin Transport, Magnetoresistance, and Hall Effect. Solin.