Acoustic and Electromagnetic Equations: Integral Representations for Harmonic Problems. J.-C. Nédélec. Applied Mathematical Sciences 144. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001. $64.95 (316 pp.). ISBN 0-387-95155-5
Inverse Problems in Underwater Acoustics. M. I. Taroudakis, G. Makrakis, eds. Proc. wksp., Heraklion, Crete, May 1999. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001. $69.95 (216 pp.). ISBN 0-387-95248-9
Astronomy and astrophysics
12th European Conference on White Dwarf Stars. J. L. Provencal, H. L. Shipman, J. MacDonald, S. Goodchild, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 226. Proc. conf., Newark, Del., June 2000. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2001. $57.00 (430 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-058-7
Blazar Demographics and Physics. P. Padovani, C. M. Urry, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 227. Proc. conf., Baltimore, Md., July 2000. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2001. $57.00 (260 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-059-5
Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun: Eleventh Cambridge Workshop. R. J. G. López, R. Rebolo, M. R. Z. Osorio, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 223. Proc. mtg., Puerta de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, Oct. 1999. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2001. $57.00 (489 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-056-0, CD-ROM
Extreme Stars: At the Edge of Creation. J. B. Kaler. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2001. $34.95 (236 pp.). ISBN 0-521-40262-X
Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy. 2nd edition. A. R. Thompson, J. M. Moran, G. W. Swenson Jr. Wiley, New York, 2001 [1986]. $99.50 (692 pp.). ISBN 0-471-25492-4
Observing Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays from Space and Earth. H. Salazar, L. Villaseñor, A. Zepeda, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 566. Proc. wksp., Metepec, Puebla, Mexico, Aug. 2000. AIP, Melville, N.Y., 2001. $135.00 (424 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0002-4
Particle Physics and the Universe. L. Bergström, P. Carlson, C. Fransson, eds. Physica Scripta T85. Proc. symp., Enköping, Sweden, Aug. 1998. World Scientific, River Edge, N.J., 2001. $82.00 (273 pp.). ISBN 981-02-4459-2
The Physics of Galaxy Formation. M. Umemura, H. Susa, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 222. Proc. mtg., Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, July 2000. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2001. $57.00 (434 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-054-4
Probing the Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei by Multiwavelength Monitoring. B. M. Peterson, R. S. Polidan, R. W. Pogge, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 224. Proc. mtg., Greenbelt, Md., June 2000. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2001. $57.00 (514 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-055-2
Singularity Theory and Gravitational Lensing. A. O. Petters, H. Levine, J. Wambsganss. Progress in Mathematical Physics 21. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2001. $74.95 (603 pp.). ISBN 0-8176-3668-4
Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts: The Greatest Explosions since the Big Bang. M. Livio, N. Panagia, K. Sahu, eds. Space Telescope Science Institute Symposium Series 13. Proc. symp., Baltimore, Md., May 1999. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2001. $80.00 (376 pp.). ISBN 0-521-79141-3
Theoretical Astrophysics. Vol. 2: Stars and Stellar Systems. T. Padmanabhan. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2001. $120.00, $44.95 paper (575 pp.). ISBN 0-521-56241-4, ISBN 0-521-56631-2 paper
Virtual Observatories of the Future. R. J. Brunner, S. G. Djorgovski, A. S. Szalay, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 225. Proc. conf., Pasadena, Calif., June 2000. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2001. $57.00 (374 pp.). ISBN 1-58381-057-9
Young Supernova Remnants. S. S. Holt, U. Hwang, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 565. Proc. conf., College Park, Md., Oct. 2000. AIP, Melville, N.Y., 2001. $160.00 (515 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0001-6
Atomic and molecular physics
Many-Particle Spectroscopy of Atoms, Molecules, Clusters, and Surfaces. J. Berakdar, J. Kirschner, eds. Proc. conf., Halle (Salle), Germany, July 2000. Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York, 2001. $120.00 (518 pp.). ISBN 0-306-46588-4
Biophysics and medical physics
Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure. Vol. 30. R. M. Stroud, W. K. Olson, M. P. Sheetz, eds. Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, Calif., 2001. $155.00 (505 pp.). ISBN 0-8243-1830-7
Electricity and Magnetism in Biological Systems. D. T. Edmonds. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2001. $75.00, $40.00 paper (286 pp.). ISBN 0-19-850680-5, ISBN 0-19-850679-1 paper
Fluctuations and Scaling in Biology. T. Vicsek, ed. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2001. $85.00, $42.50 paper (246 pp.). ISBN 0-19-850789-5, ISBN 0-19-850790-9 paper
Chemical physics
Advances in Chemical Physics. I. Prigogine, S. A. Rice, eds. Advances in Chemical Physics 118. Wiley, New York, 2001. $175.00 (297 pp.). ISBN 0-471-43816-2
Advances in Crystal Growth Inhibition Technologies. Z. Amjad, ed. Proc. symp., New Orleans, La., Aug. 1999. Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York, 2000. $135.00 (277 pp.). ISBN 0-306-46499-3
Advances in Photochemistry. Vol. 26. D. C. Neckers, G. von Bünau, W. S. Jenks, eds. Wiley, New York, 2001. $150.00 (232 pp.). ISBN 0-471-39467-X
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. Vol. 52. S. R. Leone, P. Alivisatos, A. E. McDermott, eds. Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, Calif., 2001. $70.00 (941 pp.). ISBN 0-8243-1052-7
Chemical Dynamics in Extreme Environments. R. A. Dressler, ed. Advanced Series in Physical Chemistry 11. World Scientific, River Edge, N.J., 2001. $126.00 (617 pp.). ISBN 981-02-4177-1
Computers and computational physics
Face Image Analysis by Unsupervised Learning. M. S. Bartlett. Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science 612. Kluwer Academic, Norwell, Mass., 2001. $95.00 (173 pp.). ISBN 0-7923-7348-0
Modeling Complex Systems. P. L. Garrido, J. Marro, eds. AIP Conference Proceedings 574. Proc. lectures, Granada, Spain, Sept. 2000. AIP, Melville, N.Y., 2001. $150.00 (294 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0013-X
Quantum Communication, Computing, and Measurement 3. P. Tombesi, O. Hirota, eds. Proc. conf., Capri, Italy, July 2000. Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York, 2001. $135.00 (476 pp.). ISBN 0-306-46609-0
Quantum Computing. M. Hirvensalo. Natural Computing Series. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001. $44.95 (190 pp.). ISBN 3-540-66783-0
Quantum Information: An Introduction to Basic Theoretical Concepts and Experiments. G. Alber, T. Beth, M. Horodecki, P. Horodecki, R. Horodecki, M. Rötteler, H. Weinfurter, R. Werner, A. Zeilinger. Springer Tracts in Modern Physics 173. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001. $99.00 (216 pp.). ISBN 3-540-41666-8
Statistical Mechanics of Learning. A. Engel, C. Van den Broeck. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2001. $110.00, $39.95 paper (329 pp.). ISBN 0-521-77307-5, ISBN 0-521-77479-9 paper
Virtual Music: Computer Synthesis of Musical Style. D. Cope. Proc. colloq., Stanford, Calif., Nov. 1997. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2001. $45.00 (565 pp.). ISBN 0-262-03283-X, CD-ROM
Workload Characterization of Emerging Computer Applications. L. K. John, A. M. G. Maynard, eds. Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science 610. Proc. wksp., Austin, Tex., Sept. 2000. Kluwer Academic, Norwell, Mass., 2001. $140.00 (231 pp.). ISBN 0-7923-7315-4
Condensed matter physics
Basic Semiconductor Physics. C. Hamaguchi. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001. $54.95 (434 pp.). ISBN 3-540-41639-0
Condensed Matter Theories. Vol. 15. G S. Anagnostasos, R. F. Bishop, K. A. Gernoth, J. Giapitzakis, P. Ginis, A. Theophilou, eds. Proc. wksp., Ithaca, Greece, June 1999. Nova Science, Huntington, N.Y., 2000. $98.00 (457 pp.). ISBN 1-56072-864-7
Electrons and Phonons: The Theory of Transport Phenomena in Solids. J. M. Ziman. Oxford Classic Texts in the Physical Sciences. Oxford U. Press, New York, 2001 [1960, reissued]. $45.00 paper (554 pp.). ISBN 0-19-850779-8
Lectures on the Physics of Highly Correlated Electron Systems V. F. Mancini, ed. ALP Conference Proceedings 580. Proc. course, Salerno, Italy, Oct.-Nov. 2000. AIP, Melville, N.Y., 2001. $150.00 (229 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0019-9
Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Quantum Computing. D. V. Averin, B. Ruggiero, P. Silvestrini, eds. Proc. lectures, Napoli, Italy, June 2000. Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York, 2001. $95.00 (460 pp.). ISBN 0-306-46565-5
More is Different: Fifty Years of Condensed Matter Physics. N. P. Ong, R. N. Bhatt, eds. Princeton Series in Physics. Proc. wksp., Aspen, Colo., Jan. 2000. Princeton U. Press, Princeton, N.J., 2001. $99.50, $39.50 paper (345 pp.). ISBN 0-691-08865-9, ISBN 0-691-08866-7 paper
Open Problems in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems. J. Bonča, P. Prelovšek, A. Ramšak, S. Sarkar, eds. NATO Science Series, Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 15. Proc. wksp., Bled, Slovenia, Apr. 2000. Kluwer Academic, Norwell, Mass., 2001. $175.00 (459 pp.). ISBN 0-7923-6895-9
Problems of Condensed Matter Physics. S. J. Vlaev, L. M. Gaggero-Sager, eds. Contemporary Fundamental Physics. Nova Science, Huntington, N.Y., 2000. $98.00 (252 pp.). ISBN 1-56072-889-2
Spin Electronics. M. Ziese, M. J. Thornton, eds. Lecture Notes in Physics 569. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001. $89.95 (493 pp.). ISBN 3-540-41804-0
Studies of High Temperature Superconductors: Advances in Research and Applications. Vol. 35: The BSCCO System. A. Narlikar, ed. Nova Science, Huntington, N.Y., 2001. $130.00 (302 pp.). ISBN 1-56072-935-X
Cosmology and relativity
Astrophysical Sources for Ground-Based Gravitational Wave Detectors. J. M. Centrella, ed. ALP Conference Proceedings 575. Proc. wksp., Philadelphia, Oct.-Nov. 2000. AIP, Melville, N.Y., 2001. $130.00 (311 pp.). ISBN 0-7354-0014-8
The Chaotic Universe: From Planck to the Hubble Scale. B. G. Sidharth. Contemporary Fundamental Physics. Nova Science, Huntington, N.Y., 2001. $89.00 (178 pp.). ISBN 1-56072-977-5
Fundamentals of Cosmology. J. Rich. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001. $49.95 (302 pp.). ISBN 3-540-41350-2
Gravitational Waves. I. Ciufolini, V. Gorini, U. Moschella, P. Fré, eds. Series in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation. Proc. sch., Como, Italy, Apr. 1999. IOP, Philadelphia, 2001. $120.00 (412 pp.). ISBN 0-7503-0741-2
The Landscape of Theoretical Physics: A Global View. From Point Particles to the Brave World and Beyond, in Search of a Unifying Principle. M. PavšCič. Fundamental Theories of Physics 119. Kluwer Academic, Norwell, Mass., 2001. $175.00 (367 pp.). ISBN 0-7923-7006-6
Three Roads to Quantum Gravity. L. Smolin. Basic Books, New York, 2001. $24.00 (231 pp.). ISBN 0-465-07835-4
Device physics
Handbook of Silicon Semiconductor Metrology. A. C. Diebold, ed. Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001. $195.00 (874 pp.). ISBN 0-8247-0506-8
Principles of Lithography. H. J. Levinson. SPIE Press, Bellingham, Wash., 2001. $72.00 (373 pp.). ISBN 0-8194-4045-0
Supramolecular Photosensitive and Electroactive Materials. H. S. Nalwa, ed. Academic Press, San Diego, Calif., 2001. $225.00 (970 pp.). ISBN 0-12-513904-7
Fluid Dynamics: Theory, Computation, and Numerical Simulation. C. Pozrikidis. Kluwer Academic, Norwell, Mass., 2001. $140.00 (675 pp.). ISBN 0-7923-7351-0
Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics. H. Lomax, T. H. Pulliam, D. W. Zingg. Scientific Computation. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001. $49.95 (249 pp.). ISBN 3-540-41607-2
Inviscid Incompressible Flow. J. S. Marshall. Wiley, New York, 2001. $90.00 (378 pp.). ISBN 0-471-37566-7
Physical Hydrodynamics. E. Guyon, J.-P. Hulin, L. Petit, C. D. Mitescu (translated from French by C. D. Mitescu). Oxford U. Press, New York, 2001 [1991, reissued]. $100.00, $50.00 paper (505 pp.). ISBN 0-19-851746-7, ISBN 0-19-851745-9 paper
Rotating Fluids in Engineering and Science. J. P. Vanyo. Dover, Mineola, N.Y., 2001 [1993, reissued]. $21.95 paper (429 pp.). ISBN 0-486-41704-2
Air-Sea Interaction: Laws and Mechanisms. G. T. Csanady. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2001. $95.00, $34.95 paper (239 pp.). ISBN 0-521-79259-2, ISBN 0-521-79680-6 paper
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Vol. 29. R. Jeanloz, A. L. Albee, K. C. Burke, eds. Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, Calif., 2001. $75.00 (616 pp.). ISBN 0-8243-2029-8
Laser Remote Sensing of the Ocean: Methods and Applications. A. Bunkin, K. Voliak. Wiley Series in Lasers and Applications. Wiley, New York, 2001. $99.95 (244 pp.). ISBN 0-471-38927-7
Ocean Circulation and Climate: Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean. G. Siedler, J. Church, J. Gould, eds. International Geophysics Series 77. Academic Press, San Diego, Calif., 2001. $99.95 (715 pp.). ISBN 0-12-641351-7
Seismic Ray Theory. V. Červený. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2001. $130.00 (713 pp.). ISBN 0-521-36671-2
Tsunami: The Underrated Hazard. E. Bryant. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2001. $74.95, $27.95 paper (320 pp.). ISBN 0-521-77244-3, ISBN 0-521-77599-X paper
History and philosophy
Atom and Archetype: The Pauli/Jung Letters, 1932-1958. C. A. Meier, ed. (translated from German by D. Roscoe). Princeton U. Press, Princeton, N.J., 2001 [1992, reissued]. $29.95 (250 pp.). ISBN 0-691-01207-5
Episodes from the Early History of Astronomy. A. Aaboe. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001. $59.95 paper (172 pp.). ISBN 0-387-95136-9
Faraday’s Experimental Researches in Electricity: Guide to a First Reading. H. J. Fisher. Green Lion Press, Santa Fe, N. Mex., 2001. $59.00, $34.95 paper (619 pp.). ISBN 1-888009-13-6, ISBN 1-888009-14-4 paper
George Green: Mathematician and Physicist, 1793-1841: The Background to His Life and Work. 2nd edition. D. M. Cannell. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 2001 [1993]. $70.00 (316 pp.). ISBN 0-89871-463-X
Here Erred Einstein. H. Sallhofer, D. Rad-harose. World Scientific, River Edge, N.J., 2001. $46.00, $22.00 paper (202 pp.). ISBN 981-02-4242-5, ISBN 981-02-4243-3 paper
Hidden Unity in Nature’s Laws. J. C. Taylor. Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2001. $69.95, $24.95 paper (490 pp.). ISBN 0-521-65064-X, ISBN 0-521-65938-8 paper
The Historical Development of Quantum Theory, Vol. 6: The Completion of Quantum Mechanics, 1926-1941. Part 1: The Probability Interpretation and the Statistical Transformation Theory, the Physical Interpretation, and the Empirical and Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, 1926-1932. J. Mehra, H. Rechenberg. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2000. $129.00 (670 pp.). ISBN 0-387-98971-4
The Historical Development of Quantum Theory, Vol. 6: The Completion of Quantum Mechanics, 1926-1941. Part 2: The Conceptual Completion and the Extensions of Quantum Mechanics, 1932-1941. Epilogue: Aspects of the Further Development of Quantum Theory, 1942-1999. J. Mehra, H. Rechenberg. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001. $149.00 (941 pp.). ISBN 0-387-95086-9