Science in the Age of Computer Simulation , EricWinsbergUniversity of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2010. $24.00 paper (168 pp.). ISBN 978-0-226-90204-3

About 20 years ago, while I was taking a midday stroll with colleagues, my mind wandered to a “large” molecular dynamics simulation I was working on. (That simulation could easily run on my laptop today.) After making some progress on a couple of problems that had been troubling me, I attempted to reenter my companions’ conversation by uttering, “But why should the iteration x (i + 1) = (a*x (i) + b) mod p have anything to do with the physics of aggregate formation?” My evident non sequitur was greeted with strange looks and “Huh? What are you talking about?” The publication of Eric Winsberg’s Science in the Age of Computer Simulation is too late...

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