The Physics of Proteins: An Introduction to Biological Physics and Molecular Biophysics, HansFrauenfelder (edited by Shirley S.Chan and Winnie S.Chan) Springer, New York, 2010. $159.00 (448 pp.). ISBN 978-1-4419-1043-1

Theoretical Molecular BiophysicsPhilipp O. J.Scherer and Sighart F.FischerSpringer, New York, 2010. $99.00 (371 pp.). ISBN 978-3-540-85609-2

Since biophysics is a young science, its major emphasis has been on experiment rather than theory. However, theory is necessary to provide the broad outlook that welds experimental results into a cohesive picture; it may also suggest new experiments. Two new books should help reduce the theory deficit.

The Physics of Proteins: An Introduction to Biological Physics and Molecular Biophysics contains lecture notes by biophysicist Hans Frauenfelder; it is edited by Shirley Chan and Winnie Chan and has contributions from four physicists in the field: Robert...

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