Since their invention in the 1930s, transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) have been an invaluable tool, providing highly magnified images of objects that range from biological specimens to electronic materials. Now, researchers are seeking greater performance from those instruments, especially the capability to determine three-dimensional structures with atomic resolution, to chemically identify individual atoms, or to follow the dynamic behavior of atoms within a sample. Of particular interest are materials with low atomic number Z. Some researchers are keen to explore materials such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, and boron nitride for novel electronic applications. Others are interested in determining the structures of biological molecules, especially ones that aren’t amenable to being crystallized and hence aren’t candidates for crystallography.

A worldwide 60-year effort to correct spherical and chromatic aberrations has brought about, in the past decade, TEMs with much better resolution. 1,2 Spherical aberration results when electrons traveling at different...

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