It’s been a wild ride for federal science budgets this year, though unlike the markets, the trend is sharply upward. As unprecedented levels of funding began pouring into federal science and technology programs from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the major science funding agencies were poised for further budget increases as Congress finally finished the annual appropriations process nearly halfway through the fiscal year. Meanwhile, President Obama unveiled an FY 2010 budget proposal that reaffirms his campaign pledge to double federal funding for basic science over 10 years.
In his 24 February speech to a joint session of Congress, Obama touted the $787 billion ARRA he had signed days before, which included “the largest investment in basic research funding in American history—an investment that will spur not only new discoveries in energy but breakthroughs in medicine, science, and technology.” Of the agencies with science and technology missions, the...