To suggest topics or sites for Web Watch, please visit Compiled and edited by Charles Day

AIP UniPHY provides a new way to explore bibliographical data. The software indexes authors, affiliations, and other data from physics papers and then gives users the ability to display and investigate the networks formed by those pieces of information. For example, you can look up your coauthors’ coauthors, identify experts in various fields, and discover the geographical reach of your personal physics network.

The UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council has created Impact! , a collection of 20 case studies that aim to demonstrate to the general public the importance of science and engineering. Topics covered include forensics, weather forecasting, and sustainable development.

Last month the 64-foot cutter Ocean Watch completed the first-ever circumnavigation of North and South America. The boat’s four-man crew undertook the voyage to publicize the plight of...

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