A terrorist attack using a weapon of mass destruction is likely to occur somewhere in the world before the end of 2013, unless concerted and urgent international actions are taken, a congressionally chartered commission has warned. Although a bioterror attack is more likely than one involving a nuclear explosive, the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism said in its 2 December report that the nuclear threat continues to increase as North Korea and Iran gain nuclear weapons capabilities. In addition to recommending reinvigoration of the nonproliferation agenda, the bipartisan commission, chaired by former senators Bob Graham (D-FL) and Jim Talent (R-MO), called for a “radical revamp” of US policy toward Pakistan, which it described as “the crossroads of proliferation and terrorism.” The US must use diplomatic, military, and economic means to work with Pakistan and other governments in the region to eliminate terrorist safe...

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