San Jose, California, is the site of this year’s annual Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) Conference. This six-day event will be held 4–9 May 2008 at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center.
This year’s conference features some 1800 technical sessions, more than 100 invited speakers, and approximately 6000 attendees. There will be short courses, tutorials, symposia, and an exhibit of the latest in optics and photonics, featuring exhibitors from around the world. CLEO/QELS will again be held in conjunction with the Conference on Photonic Applications, Systems, and Technologies (PhAST), which will run 6–8 May.
Three plenary sessions will take place in the civic auditorium, located directly across the street from the convention center. Two of the speakers are sponsored by CLEO: On Monday, 5 May, David Reitze, professor of physics at the University of Florida, will speak on “The Laser...