To suggest topics or sites for Web Watch, please visit Compiled and edited by Charles Day
The New Journal of Physics was one of the first online-only physics [ournols. Published by the UK’s Institute of Physics, NJP is now in its 10th year. To celebrate that milestone, the journal’s editors and staff have compiled a selection of notable papers, along with nonspecialist summaries and brief interviews with the papers’ authors.
Who’s Hiring Physics Bachelors is what the statistics division of the American Institute of Physics determines when it surveys US employers. The survey’s latest state-by-state breakdown is now available online.
Since 1997 ScienceWatch has provided its subscribers with short, statistics-packed items about trends and performance in the basic sciences. Last month, the bimonthly newsletter, which is published by Thomson Scietific, transformed into a tree, online website that offers a wider range of coverage.