To suggest topics or sites for Web Watch, please visit Compiled and edited by Charles Day.

Joe Anderson, Scott Prouty, and Spencer Weart of the American Institute of Physics’ History Center have gone through the holdings of the Emilio Segrè Visual Archives and picked their favorite photographs. They also tallied the photos most often favored by the archive’s online visitors. The resulting 54 selections, which you can view and buy online, depict various scenes, including a double rainbow shining over Isaac Newton’s birthplace, Edward Teller carrying his young son on his shoulders, and Robert Williams Wood gazing at his rotating mercury mirror.

“The Earth’s climate is now clearly out of balance and is warming.” Thus begins “Human Impacts on Climate,” the revised statement on climate change issued earlier this year by the American Geophysical Union. The AGU’s leadership body, the AGU Council, adopted the statement at...

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