The plasma science and technology division of AVS: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing distributed two awards during AVS’s 53rd Annual Symposium and Exhibition last November in San Francisco.

Toshiaki Makabe, professor in the department of electronics and electrical engineering at Keio University in Yokohama, Japan, received the eighth annual Prize in Plasma Science and Technology. Makabe was chosen “for pioneering contributions to plasma modeling and diagnostics as applied to plasma processing science and technology,” according to the award citation.

Lin Xu was selected as winner of the 2006 John Coburn and Harold Winters Student Award in Plasma Science and Technology for the “innovative, sound, and very profound” research he presented in his talk, “Nickel Atom and Ion Density in an Inductively Coupled Plasma with an Internal Coil.” Xu is a graduate student working with Vincent Donnelly in the chemical and bio-molecular engineering department at the University...

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